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mvn verify doesnt start docker-compose

I want to start docker-compose upon integration tests e.g mvn verify command. I am using: <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId&...
Darlyn's user avatar
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Frontend does not show working correctly when uploading to a server from visual studio code in Java [closed]

It works locally perfectly, when I upload it to the server it loads fine but it has no functionality, the APIs are in status 200 and I don't get any errors Dockerfile of the frontend FROM maven:3.8.4-...
Juan Muñoz's user avatar
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Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:3.3.1 : Operation not permitted

I working on a quarkus application. I was able to compile it locally and everything is working fine. But when trying to dockerize it it throws me this error : copying /src/src/main/resources/...
Sergio Agüero's user avatar
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How to deal with a common Spring Boot module while Dockerizing micro-services application?

I would like to Dockerize all my Spring Boot micro services in a single docker-compose file. The problem is that all micro services are using a common module where I have written shared code (to avoid ...
lil's user avatar
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How to know what version of Share/Docker to use for my version of Alfresco?

First post on stack overflow, so I may do something wrong here, if so I'm sorry. I'm new to both Alfresco and Docker, and not very experienced with maven either. I am currently setting up a default ...
tdns's user avatar
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Avoid some modules in mvn package

I have monorepo with some apps and pom.xml. I want to be able to build just specified modules in Dockerfile. Project structure is: pom.xml - app-core (this is runnable app) - pom.xml - app-common (...
Ilya Lisov's user avatar
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GoogleJib is stuck at 80 percent while creating docker image

While trying to create a docker image for spring boot app using the mvn compile jib:dockerBuild getting below error enter image description here I am using GoogleJib to create a docker image for my ...
Anshu's user avatar
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Rancher Desktop on windows: When trying to use maven to build and run java service I get localhost:2375 connection refused

I was using docker Desktop but moved to rancher, I dont see an option to expose port 2375 on rancher. Now I am running into the issue where it keeps saying the connection is refused. org.mandas.docker....
ashra's user avatar
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Why i am getting this error' Builder lifecycle 'creator' failed with status code 51' when I run 'mvn spring-boot:build-image'

I'm learning Docker and I'm trying to create an Image of my current Spring project. I'm trying to run mvn spring-boot:build-image to create a docker image for my Spring Boot project, but I got this ...
ahamed's user avatar
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Running a springboot project in docker

I have a server side project written in java including mavenand spring-boot And I'm trying to run it in Docker. I write the whole program in VSCODE and create a special Dockerfile for it. Then I want ...
maia's user avatar
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Build Dockerfile with Java and maven with CodeArtifact dependency

I'm trying to build my project using Docker, it has some Java REST APIs, I'm using Maven and Spring Boot on a multiservice architecture. I have a "slave" module called "common-utilities&...
Alfredo Marin's user avatar
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Unable to start docker process - but docker is installed correctly

I want to build new Spring Boot backend and run it with docker (Dockfile and docker-compose.yml) including a volume-mapping to be able to code live. Here's my Dockerfile (in the project directory) ...
JakobScharf's user avatar
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Exit status 1 while running docker compose of spring boot application with mysql db

I am trying to docrize an application of spring boot which also utilizes a mysql db also Below is the docker file FROM maven:3.8.3-openjdk-17 AS build EXPOSE 8081 ADD /target/oks-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ...
izhar ali's user avatar
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I try to run spring boot in Docker but it not working it not found ./mvnw

FROM eclipse-temurin:17-jdk-alpine LABEL authors="Akkarawit" COPY . ./backEndAPI WORKDIR /backEndAPI RUN chmod +x mvnw RUN ./mvnw clean package ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar",&...
anina's user avatar
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Unable to access a folder in different layers in a docker image

I'm trying to build a Java image and I'm using cache mounts to speed up subsequent dependency installations. Here is my Dockerfile : FROM eclipse-temurin:17-jdk-alpine WORKDIR /app COPY mvnw . COPY ....
überallen's user avatar

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