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Questions tagged [material-components-android]

Material Components for Android (MDC-Android) help developers execute Material Design. Developed by a core team of engineers and UX designers at Google, these components enable a reliable development workflow to build beautiful and functional Android apps.

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How do I set the checked icon of a Chip programmatically?

Is there any way to set a drawable xml asset in a chip programmatically? Just playing around with chips, not forced to use them actually. I can easily swap, but i was wondering if that's possible or ...
Hele's user avatar
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3 answers

How to Enforce ColorAccent in Dialog Buttons Across Different App Themes?

I expected the dialog's button text to use colorAccent. However, in some app themes, the dialog's button text uses colorPrimary. Here are my findings: Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar - Dialog's ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
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The default top app bar color changes after updating material version to 1.11.0

I designed my app to look like this: But after updating the material library version from to the top app bar ...
ganjaam's user avatar
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Rule of thumb for smoothing angle between two lines `shapePath.lineTo` in java/kotlin

I want to make smooth the angle between two mirrored lines shapePath.lineTo(x1,y1) and shapePath.lineTo(x2,y2) by adding an arc of given radius R between that two lines. But I don't know how to work ...
C.F.G's user avatar
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Android BottomSheetDialog: Background blinks between bottom sheet and keyboard when keyboard is expanding (XML)

I have simple bottom sheet with one input field. When it opens I also show keyboard. Here is the sample code. MainActivity class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(...
imegorov's user avatar
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Tab ItemIndicator not visible - Android TabLayout

I'm trying to display a white tab indicator that's 1 dp in height and extends the full width of the tab. However, nothing is being displayed except the text layout.xml <
Da Chelimo's user avatar
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Styling Android Material Time Picker

I'm new here and seeking guidance on styling a time picker to match a specific design. I'm working on a Android kotlin project, and I want to achieve a look similar to the following image: However, I'...
Blazerstrom's user avatar
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2 answers

(BottomNavigationView) The style on this component requires your app theme to be Theme.AppCompat (or a descendant)

When using in my app layout, I get the following error: Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #25 in com....
Niilo Poutanen's user avatar
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2 answers

How to change CheckBox icons more effectively in jetpack compose

ok so i have two rows of checkboxes that the user can either press checked or uncheked to each individual column so i came up with this idea of code : fun HowAmIDoingComponent( modifier: Modifier =...
Victor Pierre's user avatar
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How to make a mini player like YouTube Music or YouTube in Android Jetpack Compose while having bottom navigation bar?

Using Material3 design principle, I think (I may be wrong here) BottomSheetScaffold Composable should be used rather than ModalBottomSheet Composable, but the problem is that I didn't find any way of ...
Curious Head's user avatar
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How to Disable or Customize Shadow Effect in Material Design Components for Android Studio

I'm developing an Android app using Android Studio, and I'm using Material Design components, specifically BottomNavigationView. I want to disable or customize the shadow effect on this ...
Jules Gaudet's user avatar
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1 answer

Material Design SearchView has no method "setOnQueryTextListener"

I am struggling to implement material components search in my android app following this tutorial I built a basic app with viewbinding, added implementation '
Kalle's user avatar
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How to change inflated toolbar item icon color in Actionmode from App Theme

This is the main theme we use for all our apps: <resources> <!-- Learn more about theming: --> <...
Chris's user avatar
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AutocompleteActivity with Compose : IllegalArgumentException: The style on this component requires your app theme to be Theme.MaterialComponents

We are in the process of migrating our app from XML to compose and migrated a lot of areas in the app. right now we need to implement Autocomplete from Google Places to one of our Compose screens ...
Sattar's user avatar
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Toolbar small to Medium by Text Lenght

I'm developing a toolbar that adheres to MD3 guidelines, but I'm unsure if this aligns with the intended use. The toolbar will dynamically change its title based on server-received data. This text ...
thproflord's user avatar

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