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stateFlow value changes, but subscribers are not notified

I use koin and jetpack compose. and when I update the stateFlow value, subscribers are not informed and there is no recomposition in the composable functions. part of code in view model: private val ...
nezzuko's user avatar
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Android Kotlin/Compose ViewModel - two SateFlows for two separate fucntions to one StateFlow for UI ViewModel?

Firstly, I'm not a developer or anything, but I wanted an app that doesn't exist for my phone and I understand a minimal amount of coding, went through the Android Kotlin/Jetpack Compose basics course,...
sardonicus87's user avatar
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Firebase realtime database always return null list while using viewmodel

Firebase realtime database always return null list while using viewmodel/livedata. But if I use the same code in Fragment itself it works. this is my viewmodel package com.example.taxinfo.viewmodel ...
Ujjwal Malhotra's user avatar
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java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

I am trying to use MVVM with Room DB in my android app but getting this exception on the splashActivity. It was working fine until i added viewmodel and observers class SplashActivity : ...
Sahar Batool's user avatar
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2 answers

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Reading a state that was created after the snapshot was taken or in a snapshot that has not yet been applied

I am working on a very basic snake game using kotlin and jetpack compose. To make it more efficient, I thought of using coroutines, but I keep getting the above mentioned error. Full project is shared ...
user24809029's user avatar
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Switching from .first() to .collect{} on a Flow stopped data appearing on screen

I did a viewmodel with Flow and Room that connected my variables on the UiState with Room using .first() as the codelabs showed me. I noticed that using .first() is not a good idea because when I ...
NullPointerException's user avatar
-1 votes
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Android Application crashes due to late init variable Fregment Context not been initialized

I am working with the android application which sometimes gives the late init fragment context not initialized issue when user opens the dialog in application. Following is the sample code segment how ...
Vikum Dheemantha's user avatar
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Room.kt - Database_Impl does not exist

I am trying to implement Database in a fresh app, but for some reason it's crashing and after a lot of searches I am posting this issue, I did not find anything relevant: FATAL EXCEPTION: main (Ask ...
user2024's user avatar
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How can I add multiple dots using decorator in my calendar?

I am using the prolificinteractive material-calendarview, and I also have schedules in the calendar. I already have 1 dot to represent that the day has a schedule on it.This is what my calendar looks ...
ack's user avatar
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Fragment is not loading

Im trying to implement Room but when the app is opened a progress bar is coming and the fragment is not starting . class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: ...
Lakshay Kadam's user avatar
1 vote
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LiveData with data class doesn't update in ViewModel

I want to use my data class AuthData in my MainViewModel. package de.hsfl.appamigos.capturetheflag import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData data class AuthData(var game: MutableLiveData<String&...
Max Gordon Günsel's user avatar
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How to pass JSON data into mvvm model with multipart in Android kotlin?

My JSON data I will pass into an API: { "restaurantId" : "073d9089-e318-4133-9364-671b4c47a874", "name" : "Sayaji", "address" : "...
krunal almighty's user avatar
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How to properly check if location service was turned on, after back from the settings to app

I have an app, which should check on start, whether the location service is on, or off. I've tried to play around with AlerDialog, and sending user to the settings via Intent, but it doesn't work as I'...
SmierdzoncaRobotaEhhh's user avatar
2 votes
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Viewmodels in android using mvvm and jetpackcompose

I'm new to MVVM and trying to create an application. The app has 4 different parts: Profile (login - edit Profile and etc) Categories (shows cats and subcats) Items (show all items, single item page, ...
amir's user avatar
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How to finish the kotlin flow from inside the method called in this flow?

sorry for any mistakes and my english, it is my first question here (feedback welcome :) ) I have got a method that returns a flow. This flow at first emits Resource.Loading, then emits the expected ...
K0cur's user avatar
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