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Questions tagged [json]

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a serializable data interchange format that is a machine and human readable. Do not use this tag for native JavaScript objects or JavaScript object literals. Before you ask a question, validate your JSON using a JSON validator such as JSONLint (

1 vote
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Query to parse JSON using openrowset converting special characters

We are trying to process a JSON document using SQL Server 2019. When using the below query to parse JSON document with openrowset its converting special characters. For instance (Ó or Ñ) are converted ...
paone's user avatar
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Go JSON differentiating zero values vs null vs undefined

I know Go JSON issues are a-dime-a-dozen; the existing stdlib JSON package is clunky. There is ongoing discussion about a v2. Until then, I'm hoping someone can lend some inspiration here on how to ...
crunk1's user avatar
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How do I deserialize JSON in Rust when combining a flattened component with the need to convert keys?

I apologize for somewhat unclear question, but I can't really phrase it well with one sentence. Below is a toy example illustrating the problem: use serde_json; use serde_json::Value; use serde::{...
executor21's user avatar
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How to sort order of stacked bar

I am trying to create a stack bar chart in Vegalite. my requirement is specific i want to stack the bar in the same order as in legend (legend are in order as data ) , i want to stack bar from ...
Mohit's user avatar
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json.dump() adding backslash when double quotes are added in python dictionary

I'm reading data from excel have say proxid as field which contains Multi-values ie. proxid --> ABC-123,PQR-456 (data seperated from comma) My task is to read the data and convert this data in ...
Jinesh's user avatar
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Load JSON Parsing to DataFrame and to the table

I'm encountering a problem while parsing a text file that contains data in JSON format. Text file that we received from a customer {"Item1":"value1", "Item2":"value2&...
Sunny.K's user avatar
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Oralce JSON_TRANSFORM, set/insert/append not working

Why this: with j(jval) AS ( select JSON_SERIALIZE('{"contract" :{"contract-type" : "P", "contract-id" : 123451, "proposal-no" : "123456&...
q4za4's user avatar
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Update data in json kept in excel sheet with python

I have an Excel sheet that has json stored in on of it's cells. Sheet has multiple rows, but every json is in one column. I need a way to replace some of the elements of that json, and save it back as ...
Dominic Order's user avatar
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Why is there no jsonb_each in SQLite?

I have been working with SQLite’s JSON1 extension and have noticed that while there are jsonb_ variants for nearly all json_ functions, the jsonb_each function seems to be missing. Here is the ...
HelloThere's user avatar
-2 votes
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Unresolved reference: card_details

class CustomAdapter( var context: Context, var id: List , var tagId: List , var tagName: List, var logTime: List, var value: List ) : RecyclerView.Adapter<CustomAdapter.MyViewHolder>() { ...
AnushaRam Banisetti's user avatar
0 votes
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Extract a JSON from an API and I need to extract into different dataframes all information

In the JSON, I have information within each main object, which includes sub-objects and lists of objects with more details. "ns0:sfobject": { "@xmlns:ns0": "urn:...
mgo9513's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

How to parse json in flutter Dart

{0: {id: 1, user_id: 1, title: Group A, open: true}, 1: {id: 2, user_id: 1, title: yiuyi, open: false}, pagination: {total: 2, per_page: 10, current_page: 1, last_page: 1, next_page_url: null, ...
Kamlesh Kumar Kushwaha's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to Add a Google Ad Manager (GAM) Unit to Articles Published with Apple News API

We are publishing articles to apple news using Apple News API using json. Now we wanna add a GAM unit to articles. How to do that?
GM_1's user avatar
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Retorno do método save() do JPA Repository retorna as classes de composição como nulas [closed]

Criei a seguinte entidade e DTO: @Entity @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor @Data public class Lancamento { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private long id; @NotBlank @...
brunomouro's user avatar
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Write bytes in JSON file [duplicate]

To write a JSON file for a dataset in the COCO format I have an RLE encoded mask with type(counts) == bytes. To write the dict in a JSON file I use json.dumps(). This works for the strings, integers ...
Leander Heine's user avatar

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