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Questions tagged [javascript]

For questions about programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its different dialects/implementations (except for ActionScript). Note that JavaScript is NOT Java. Include all tags that are relevant to your question: e.g., [node.js], [jQuery], [JSON], [ReactJS], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

2 votes
2 answers

TinyMCE Plugin building

I am working on modifying an existing spell check plugin for TinyMCE. This is what is supposed to happen: 1. User hits "space" and the spell check runs. 2. If the word is spelled wrong the word ...
Kudos2u2's user avatar
  • 151
1 vote
1 answer

Javascript menu remembering position

I am currently working on a JS menu for a web app. It consists of two bars, the fixed main one and the submenu which is activated (display:block from display:none) by Javascript function. The selected ...
mike nvck's user avatar
  • 454
42 votes
12 answers

Best way to find "next" form input element in jQuery?

Using jQuery, what's the best way to find the next form element on the page, starting from an arbitrary element? When I say form element I mean <input>, <select>, <button> or <...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

jQuery UI - when should I use destroy method on the widgets

When I attach functionality to an element do I need to call .widgetName('destroy') before removing it from the DOM or does jQuery handle this?
brad's user avatar
  • 75.1k
1 vote
4 answers

Editing all external links with javascript

How can I go through all external links in a div with javascript, adding (or appending) a class and alt-text? I guess I need to fetch all objects inside the div element, then check if each object is ...
user avatar
166 votes
12 answers

How to order events bound with jQuery

Lets say I have a web app which has a page that may contain 4 script blocks - the script I write may be found in one of those blocks, but I do not know which one, that is handled by the controller. ...
mkoryak's user avatar
  • 57.6k
0 votes
6 answers

In AJAX how to retrive variable from inside of onreadystatechange = function () [duplicate]

Is it possible to retrieve variable set in onreadystatechange function from outside the function? --edit-- Regarding execution of functions: If its possible i would like to execute ajaxFunction() ...
Chris's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Browser dependency problem in image display

In my page, I am displaying a report after the user selects some information. On a button onclick event, I am displaying an image which rotates itself to indicate to the user that the request is being ...
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26 votes
15 answers

ASP.NET Ajax Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException

My website has been giving me intermittent errors when trying to perform any Ajax activities. The message I get is Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the ...
Phil Bennett's user avatar
  • 4,829
9 votes
3 answers

How to find checked RadioButton inside Repeater Item?

I have a Repeater control on ASPX-page defined like this: <asp:Repeater ID="answerVariantRepeater" runat="server" onitemdatabound="answerVariantRepeater_ItemDataBound"> <ItemTemplate&...
Alexander Prokofyev's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

textbox autocomplete

how do i make an autocomplete textbox in asp? but i need to get the autocomplete data by querying the database. I dont really know how to explain this, sory if theres not enough detail. i cant use ...
Adyt's user avatar
  • 1,472
148 votes
17 answers

How to turn off caching on Firefox?

During development I have to "clear cache" in Firefox all the time in order to make it use the latest version of JavaScript files. Is there some kind of setting (about:config) to turn off caching ...
Thilo's user avatar
  • 261k
9 votes
9 answers

Ajax "Is there new content? If so, update page" - How to do this without breaking the server?

It's a simple case of a javascript that continuously asks "are there yet?" Like a four year old on a car drive.. But, much like parents, if you do this too often or, with too many kids at once, the ...
Alexander Morland's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Javascript regex to match a person's height

I need a javascript regex pattern to match a person's height to check if the input is valid. Here are some sample input: 5' 9" 6' 5'8" Any ideas?
user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Is there a Request.IsMvcAjaxRequest() equivalent for jQuery?

I prefer to use jQuery with my ASP.NET MVC apps than the Microsoft Ajax library. I have been adding a parameter called "mode" to my actions, which I set in my ajax calls. If it is provided, I return a ...
Andrew Van Slaars's user avatar

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