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Cannot remote connect to gremlin server from express (Node.js)

I have set up a Janusgraph Docker instance (janusgraph/janusgraph:latest - Lucene/BerkeleyDB/Tinkerpop/Gremlin Server) in a Linux VM in my datacentre. On the same VM and on my laptop, I've run the ...
Greg's user avatar
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add edge between vertices in gremlin nodejs

Currently building application with nodejs & gremlin. I got created Vertices thru nodejs. Now I am looking for creating edges between two vertices. I tried many options. No Luck.! const gFromNode =...
DD.'s user avatar
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How to update 10 users as winners in backend?

I have a usecase where I have to generate 10 winners out of 100 participants and update them in janusgraph. I have generated winners using math.ceil(math.random()) method and maintained their Id's in ...
Himabindu's user avatar
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Get data from gremlin database and iterate in nodejs

I am new to gremlin. Using nodejs I connected gremlin and added few vertices. Assume I have 10 different vertices and connected with edges. Is there any way to read and iterate the data in nodejs. Its ...
DD.'s user avatar
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Getting started with JanusGraph Database, NodeJS and GraphQL

I'm searching on the web without any luck on how to fetch data from the JanusGraph database using GraphQL in NodeJS. On, they have only shown how to use it with Javascript. Can ...
Jeet Khinde's user avatar
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How to traverse without indexed value?

I have a scenario that I want to query for getting all the vertices which are not having a specific property key and value.So, what I have tried is g.V().hasLabel('Persona').hasNot('isTempDob').count(...
Himabindu's user avatar
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What is the difference between UUID is passed as string and also as UUID?

For both the cases I am getting the same result.But my property is an UUID not a string. gremlin> :> g.V().hasLabel('Province').has('type','campaignSite').has('provinceId','06948da8-3cd3-...
Himabindu's user avatar
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How to get the response by passing an UUID as parameter in gremlin query?

I have a province id which is an UUID. I am able to get all the campaign sites without passing province id as a parameter. gremlin> :> g.V().hasLabel('Province').has('code','IN').in('partOf'...
Himabindu's user avatar
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I am not able to get the data of an already traversed vertex data. Can anyone help me?

I am having an edge(say edge) between two vertices(say v1 and v2). And edge direction is from v1 to v2. In my current situation, I have to count the no. of edges are incoming to v2 based on some ...
Himabindu's user avatar
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How to get [a b] as my output when I pass a,b using values(a,b) in the same order?

I am using gremlin console to check my query working or not. I am able to get the required data but in the reverse order. In the end of my query, I am using values.('id','name').fold() But the ...
Himabindu's user avatar
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How to know whether there is a vertex called 'A' with data in it?

Actually I want to test my query on console. For that I need static data. Can I know that there is a data present or not in a particular vertex. If not I am able to keep the static data but in my ...
Himabindu's user avatar
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Good and reliable practice to get a Node.js client to connect to a gremlin-server (all running on the same server) for CRUD operations

[On Ubuntu 18.04] I have (and am constrained to use) janusgraph to create a persona repository. I will be using a graphDB, largely because persona relationships are as important as persona attributes ...
Greg's user avatar
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Where to configure GraphSONVersion.V1_0 for JanusGraph Gremlin Server?

I am using JanusGraph 0.3.1 and gremlin javascript driver from Tinkerpop. I am trying to access the graph and when I try to retrieve the valueMap() in my queries, I am getting type information. Which ...
Phani's user avatar
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janusgraph - store a password encrypted using bcrypt

I am using janusgraph with cassandra as storage backend. I am using a node package called as bcrypt to encrypt a password before saving it. The data type for that property in janusgraph is String. ...
Vipul Sharma's user avatar