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Questions tagged [html]

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the markup language for creating web pages and other information to be displayed in a web browser. Questions regarding HTML should include a minimal reproducible example and some idea of what you're trying to achieve. This tag is rarely used alone and is often paired with CSS and JavaScript.

-1 votes
0 answers

How to test a local nodejs server from another local web project

I had a nodejs server and I used web pages to test the API locally. But I've now separated the nodejs project and the web pages because it was too cumbersome. Typescript was having trouble running in ...
1.21 gigawatts's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How can I flip the even green boxes with the odd orange boxes?

I was building a website layout with a mobile-first approach and then using media query for laptop width: 1024px size. The design has 11 items and follows a flex that wraps. All the items are numbered ...
JavaBongo's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I noticed some irregularities when working with Tailwind's grid layout classes. What am I doing wrong?

While working on a layout system with different column grids I noticed that the gaps between the cols are somehow not exactly in line when working with fractions (fr). I also tried using percentages, ...
rotolog's user avatar
0 votes
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how can i solve this overflow problem on cols?

I gave 70vh height to cols. It brokes on 3. col because of it has inside cols, it cant calculate right way to fit in. Example, I have tag on col:nth-child(3) col:nth-child(1) but it hides. you can ...
Yaren Yıldırım's user avatar
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Identify problem in the post request in html

I am working on a Flask application that manages therapy sessions for children. Each session can have multiple goals, and I recently updated my models and form handling. However, I'm encountering a ...
ayal khier's user avatar
0 votes
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How to make the clickable area of an anchor link image the correct size? [closed]

I have dropdown menu of 3 images. I am working on the media view so the images are very close to each other. What I want is to decrease, or if there is a way to make the clickable area exactly the ...
Alexandros Zlatos's user avatar
0 votes
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Border bleed on a button with slide animation

Problem I am trying to create a button with a sliding animation. The button has a border-radius and uses pseudo-elements to achieve the effect. Here is the markup: <div role="button" ...
Danish Shakeel's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Responsive layout using Tailwind CSS

I have Figma design for mobile application and for desktop application for my web page. I don't know how to apply both mobile and desktop versions on my code so when I open the app in my phone only ...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to activate the printing header and footer using JS or CSS?

I've heard about @page in CSS, that can change margin, orientation, page break, but my question is: Is there a way to activate the "Headers and footers" option, for that when I open the ...
Henrique Dias's user avatar
0 votes
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How do I "break" the Grid layout in a certain section of the page [duplicate]

I wanted to understand how can i "step out" of the grid layout. I want the beige color to take the entire width of the screen I tried to separate the component from the section yet it doesn'...
NewbieAeg's user avatar
  • 617
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_TypeError while mapping data from an API

I am trying to use this API. I am sendig a GET request and data I got looks like this; { "info": { "count": 826, "pages": 42, "next":...
Doğan Erarslan's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to use filter on background like background blur or brightness without effecting the text [duplicate]

I am working on a web project and I would like to apply a filter effect, such as background blur or brightness adjustment, to the background of a specific section. However, I want the text within this ...
SHAURYA SINGH's user avatar
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Mark table with swipe gesture on mobile phone

I have the following code: index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content=&...
r5tr3's user avatar
  • 134
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1 answer

Refresh / Reload page on pause youtube iframe api

I have a problem with my code. I want to refresh the page on pause or exit of full screen. The exit on Full screen works. The pause using the youTube iframe API does not "onstatechange". ...
Tone's user avatar
  • 21
-2 votes
0 answers

How can I make all my images to fit into the browser screen top to bottom (without scrolling)? [closed]

const names = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", ]; ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 91
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How to automatically change the background color on left side of an HTML range slider?

I'm making an HTML music player project and I'm trying to make the left part of the <input type="range" value="0"> slider be black. The slider is to show how much a song has ...
user26529736's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

PHP HTML JS pagination

I have a page which feedbacks which looks like this (I just show 1 comment per page to see if the pagination works fine. Otherwise I'll show more): The feedbacks come from a mysql database and are ...
Andy McRae's user avatar
0 votes
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How to position a graphic behind objects and align with the objects in HTML, and have them resize based on screen size?

I am trying to put a graphic behind some text boxes and have all the items center aligned. The basic idea is teh graphic shows a specific area of interest, and teh boxes are used to determine ...
Jlv's user avatar
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1 answer

Horizontal scroll exceed parent width

I have problem with horizontal scrolling, when slide-wrap width is smaller than parent width, then is inside q-page, but when I set width i.e. to 100% it is wider than parent. How to adjust width of ...
MSZMC's user avatar
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How to Align Checkbox with Paragraph Text in a Flexbox List Item Without Margins Interfering?

<li class="task-list-item"> <div style="display: flex; align-items: flex-start;"> <input type="checkbox"> <div> <p> &...
howranwin's user avatar
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How to get "supportedAbis" on android browser

How can i get at least one supported ABI of android device through website on android browser? I just want supported ABI name like (arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86-64) of android device through website ...
Sunny's user avatar
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error NG8001: 'mytable' is not a known element

When I try to compile the front-end of my project, the following error occurs in the userList.html file. Actually, the error occurs in any HTML file located in the ./page folder, but I will use ...
Gabriela Zanon dos Santos's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Creating a title for an HTML page

I've started creating a simple page for an assignment and I'm trying to put a title at the top of the page but whenever I create a paragraph or h1 to do so it's placed next to the divs with the ...
Miqueler's user avatar
0 votes
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How to disable drag and drop in Drawflow package in Angular?

I am using the drawflow package to create a workflow. I want to disable drag-and-drop functionality from elements this demo as mentioned in the below image, not in the sidebar. In my demo, I want ...
Jignesh Panchal's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Why does this link list not work in HTML? [closed]

I was making a list of links for a website that I am creating but it stopped working when I ran it. I have tried replacing it but I am at a loss for solutions. Nothing worked. <ul> <li&...
MrMagoo8888's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to add a horizontal scroll onclick with a button or arrow?

I am trying to add a simple button to scroll horizontally, not using any libraries or anything just want to keep it simple. As of now I have the cards flowing horizontally in one row and there is the ...
Orca's user avatar
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Webpack: How do I replace <use> tag with actual svg data?

My index.html uses a svg in this way: <button class="button--settings" id="button_settings"> <svg role="img"> <use href="assets/images/...
Bromanius's user avatar
0 votes
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How to Insert Text with Background Images and a Gallery in GitHub README with a Three-Column Layout?

I'm working on my GitHub README and I want to insert an image gallery alongside text with a background image. My goal is to achieve a three-column layout that includes text with a background image and ...
Farley Runkel's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Including navbars using Php [duplicate]

I've been working on my first ever fully fledged web project to try and learn php, and after copying and pasting my top navbar into the 15-ish pages that I have and the styling for it into the 15ish ...
georges kalouch's user avatar
0 votes
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Data resolution are not changing when try to minimize the resolution

In Firefox browser, when opened in normal form all data moves towards right, while it appears correctly in Chrome and Edge. Also when I tried to minimize the resolution in edge or chrome all data ...
Pam's user avatar
  • 15
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Workaround for chaining ::part() selector with other selectors in chromium based browsers?

I was trying to use chain :disabled, :not([disabled]) and/or :not([aria-label='']) with ::part() but I have found that it does not work in chromium based browsers as mentioned in the answer here. It ...
Arkadiusz Górecki's user avatar
-2 votes
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Create custom img collage from uploaded photos [closed]

I wan to build custom image layout, where you upload image and the end result is collage. I dont really know where to start. My idea is to create pre-defined grid, and to each square you can upload ...
Joshep95's user avatar
  • 143
-5 votes
0 answers

Deploying Ruby on Rails to HTML [closed]

I have thinking about deploying ruby rails to html. Then connect it to apache Cordova then how can I deploy the project to html I tried some deploying ruby gem libs and some of them didn't work for ...
Ermias Endalkachew's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Password visibility is not showing in chrome and firefox

I am currently developing a C# application and aiming to ensure compatibility across all major web browsers. However, I've encountered an issue specifically with the password visibility icon. This ...
Pam's user avatar
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How to use for navbar html javascript css?

I'm making a navbar. On click of items which has subnav pages, the navigation item/expands or collapses. Here's the HTML/JS/CSS snippet. const navHasChilds = document.getElementsByClassName("...
Divya Bharathi's user avatar
0 votes
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Request the user's phone number directly through the Telegram WebApp

I want to request the user's phone number directly through the Telegram WebApp. I created this code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-...
KAATIL SUKRAT's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

what is the purpose of this tag <meta name="GENERATOR" content=""/> and how to get this

I am creating my html website. and i need to add this tag. can we add this tag in my html website. can we add this tag in my html website? If yes then what is the complete tag we can add. i made my ...
Umair Ahsan's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Why is flex item not taking up the whole parent height?

My goal is to make a cart. That displays items with it's attributes, name, picture etc. I got the layout as I desired. However the cart-product-quantity won't take up the whole height. I could set ...
user16731988's user avatar
0 votes
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Inserting unique attribute to HML tag element in loop

I have a supersite that uses all kinds of js, including backbone.js and underscore.js. On one of my pages, I have the piece of code below: <#loop:main_tlds_price_add#> <tr> <td ...
adeguk Loggcity's user avatar
0 votes
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How to make curves on the sides at the bottom of a section [duplicate]

On different sections I have curves at the bottom like the ones in the picture. The picture now shows a section of the main banner. border-radius makes the rounding too steep, I need it more smoothly. ...
userName's user avatar
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Replace img tag with in-line SVG with BeautifulSoup

I have an HTML file produced by pandoc, where SVG illustrations have been embedded. The SVG content is encoded in base64 and included in the src attribute of img elements. It looks like this: <...
mrgou's user avatar
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How to combine skip content behavior with displaying accordion collapsed?

I've an accordion by bootstrap in content and an anchor tag in a summary. I want skip content when I click on item of summary, it was the current behavior. But I would also like to set bootstrap ...
Yvialga's user avatar
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ERROR: root: Error fetching patient details: PatientView.html

I'm trying to create a simple webpage using Flask. I have written code to fetch data from a MySQL database, but the code is not working, and I keep getting the error: Error: root: Error fetching ...
Krish Khadka's user avatar
-1 votes
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AMR audio type file is not playing [duplicate]

<audio controls> Your browser does not support the audio element. I have tested it from the local amr audio file with proper src location loaded in browser but when i hit play button ...
mani ravi's user avatar
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Image as background of data labels i.e as background color in chart.js [closed]

Is there any way to add image as background color i.e different image for background of each data label. If there is please let me know. I tried doing it by putting images in an array and equating it ...
dawood zulfiqar's user avatar
0 votes
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Spring-web / Jakarta-servlet: detect input-change in 'when' function

In my .jsp-file, I have a text-field and a button. Both elements are part of a table. The table is filled through a forEach loop, which iterates over a List<WordDto> from the java-controller. ...
Fi0x's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Select Multiple area on image using drag and create hotspot in angular 8/ javascript

Hi all, I want to implement a feature where user can select multiple rectangular area on image and create hotspot. Once user click and drag from one position to second position it will draw like ...
Sumit k's user avatar
  • 73
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Tom-select ordering within optgroup

I am having an issue with tom-select, where the order of elements within an optgroup is not being preserved. Based on this docs, I thought that all I had to do was: new TomSelect("#sampleSelect&...
DJDuque's user avatar
  • 412
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Button adding event has no effect

I am studying html, css, and js. Add click events to the arrow buttons of flickity, I used addEventListener. However, I got the following error. TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '...
ybybyb's user avatar
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Children in flexbox not responding to order and align-self

I am trying to create a responsive island scenescape by overlaying three elements: I would like to place the palm tree on the sand island to the left, and position the text to float in the space to ...
Jett 's user avatar

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