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WebStorm jasmin unit tests shows ESLint error that 'describe', 'it' etc' are undefined but then shows the correct documentation

In WebStorm, it shows me an ESLint error for all unit test files, that describe, it, etc are undefined, but then shows the correct documentation under it. There is nothing special in the .eslint file....
Stefan's user avatar
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React ESLint: inconsistent save format on WebStorm

I'm not sure what is happening but using the WebStorm editor saving the file will sometimes correctly execute eslint --fix and sometimes format using its own rules. This is an example of what I'm ...
L_Cleo's user avatar
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Why are ESLint errors not highlighted in the code?

ESLint errors are displayed in the console, but nothing is highlighted in the code itself. I guess the problem may be that I switched to another device and did something wrong in the project. My IDE - ...
val's user avatar
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WebStorm complains "SyntaxError: Failed to load plugin '@typescript-eslint' declared in '.eslintrc.cjs » @vue/eslint-config-typescript': ..."

In WebStorm, every ts file in my project shows the error: SyntaxError: Failed to load plugin '@typescript-eslint' declared in '.eslintrc.cjs » @vue/eslint-config-typescript': Unexpected token '||=' ...
kio v's user avatar
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How to make WebStorm Reformat Code according to ESLint?

I've recently set up a fresh Next.js App Router project with MUI, and I'm using WebStorm 2023.2.4 with the Visual Studio Code keymap for my development workflow. My issue lies in code formatting using ...
nop's user avatar
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Any way to run an ESLint rule on whole project like Run Inspection by Name in WebStorm

"Run Inspection by Name" lets me run any code analysis rule in WebStorm and find all violators throughout the whole monorepo, but there doesn't seem to be any ESLint integration. Currently, ...
Novaterata's user avatar
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Relative imports of files from same folder are edited in WebStorm

Whenever I am working in my project and move around some files the imports are being changes in my html. For example when I have a folder navigation in which I have 2 files, one of the files points to ...
Brum's user avatar
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IntelliJ: Disable "TS80006: This may be converted to an async function."

In WebStorm, How can I disable the warning (aka. "quick-fix"): TS80006: This may be converted to an async function. By 'warning' I mean the function name is underlined, and I see the ...
kca's user avatar
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WebStorm shows warnings for objects, types and directives in Angular, but they work correctly

WebStorm shows warnings for objects, types and directives in Angular Template Html, but they work correctly In Angular within WebStorm, there are warnings being displayed for types and Angular ...
Ahmet Aytangil's user avatar
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WebStorm Breaking Line with no indentation

Ok, so here's the deal: I'm coding with WebStorm, and using ESLint rules to write my code. One of these rules is that there should be no trailing spaces. Which means that if I break a line so two ...
HipsterHiken's user avatar
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WebStorm + ESLint auto-fix false positive errors on recompile

I have a pretty annoying problem with ESLint in WebStorm. If I make changes to a .js file while leaving lint errors that can be automatically fixed by the lint fix, and then press Ctrl + S to save the ...
Levente Gabos's user avatar
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Problem with ESLint and WebStorm import/no-unresolved

I have a problem with import/no-unresolved in React project. Example fragment where I get error/warning: import { ArrowForwardIosRounded as ArrowForwardIcon } from "@mui/icons-material"; ...
p1e0's user avatar
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Prettier bracketSpacing not working at all

WebStorm. prettier.config.js: module.exports = { singleQuote: true, trailingComma: 'all', arrowParens: 'avoid', printWidth: 80, embeddedLanguageFormatting: 'auto', jsxBracketSameLine: true,...
Gelloiss's user avatar
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ESLint and Prettier conflict in WebStorm

In my project we use both ESLint and Prettier for code and seems they conflict with each other. Here is the Prettier configuration in .prettierrc file : { "endOfLine": "auto", &...
Lilit Mazmanyan's user avatar
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ESLint : Timeout on starting language service process in WebStorm

I'm having this error in WebStorm with React and TypeScript: This is how my node environment is setup in WebStorm: This is my ESLint configuration in WebStorm and TSLint is not working properly, it ...
Zero0's user avatar
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