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Questions tagged [docker]

For questions about building and running Docker containers. DOCKER QUESTIONS MUST BE SPECIFICALLY RELATED TO SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT. Suitable topics include Dockerfiles, Docker Compose, and architecture. As a rule of thumb, if your question is about something happening inside the container, it's probably on-topic here; if it's outside the container, it is probably off-topic.

-2 votes
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New relic for tomcat based application [closed]

I have one application and i want to integrate new relic java agent into that application ,i successfully injected new relic jfr into java based applications but for tomcat based application which ...
jitendra varshney's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Pip cannot find recent versions of package when trying to install in Docker container

I am trying to run a Docker container in a Jupyter Notebook within AWS Sagemaker. The DockerFile is from a template that worked until I added one additional RUN command with some ML packages I wanted ...
Eric Golub's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to add WAR-File from CURL to Wildfly Docker image

My goal was to build the WAR of my Spring Boot Application via CI, push the artifact, and retrieve that artifact in a Dockerfile to deploy it using a Wildfly Application Server docker image. I assume ...
StefanoF02's user avatar
0 votes
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How to properly package a Node.js and React app stripping the container of all unneeded files?

I have a Node.js backend that serves up the React frontend (later I can do CDN probably) and for now, I plan on disallowing CORS so React must talk to my Node.js backend only. The prototype for this ...
Dean Hiller's user avatar
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How to install kerberos client in docker based on Ubuntu Focal image

I tried following docker command in docker file RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y krb5-user libpam-krb5 but it stuck expecting interaction from the use, even when i used -y switch. 12:...
porlock's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Laravel app getting "[1045] Access denied for user 'root'@''" error when connecting to MySQL Docker container

I'm facing an issue connecting my Laravel application to a MySQL Docker container. When I run php artisan migrate, I'm getting the following error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'...
Adrian Gaile Singh's user avatar
0 votes
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Log Rotation of Docker logs not working properly

enter image description hereI applied docker - Log rotation by creating a file in /etc/logrotate.d folder. Content of the file is like this: /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*.log { daily ...
Harshita Jaiswal's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to run the docker and get the error of wsl

I installed the Docker some time ago and with it I installed all the requirements of wsl now I get the error that when I open the Docker app I get the error that Docker desktopwsl update failed which ...
Ayaan Mehdi's user avatar
0 votes
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murmushash package error on building docker container

Hi I am trying to run an API and create a docker image from it. I have this error message with the murmurhash package that does not have the right numpy version (looks like it), but it does not work ...
Sarah LENET's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why does my containerized API fail to find a relative path which I've confirmed is correct?

I'm running a FastAPI app in a Docker container. For the app to work it needs access to its secrets, which are in a folder inside the app (for local development only), however, it can't find the ...
Nikolaisyl's user avatar
0 votes
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Can remoteproc framework be used from inside a docker container?

The remoteproc framework can be used to load firmware to a remote processor or attach to it. As remotepoc resides inside the kernel, would a docker container with correct privileges be able to use ...
Klickmann's user avatar
  • 306
0 votes
1 answer

Pulling hyperledger fabric's latest docker images failed, timeout

I was trying to use ./ d s b to download the newest version of fabric samples. When trying to pull docker images like, i got timeout and didn't ...
a'fan's user avatar
  • 1
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Sonatype Nexus Docker Registry - Disc Consumption

I recently switched to using the Sonatype Nexus Repository for hosting my Docker images. Previously, I used the Docker registry image to store my Docker images. With approximately 30 Docker images, ...
Ganesh Thirumani's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Cannot connect to chrome at, This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 114. Current browser version is 127.0.6533.72

driver code: from import By from import Service from import WebDriverWait from ...
Hikmet23's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

When we setup new docker in windows 10 then showing this error how we can fix this? [closed]

Here I am using first time docker and now I installed in my system where I am using OS windows 10 and also I did configuration like "wsl --shutdown" but issue still occur how I can fix this. ...
Pradhumen singh's user avatar

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