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Questions tagged [css]

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a representation style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of HTML (HyperText Markup Language), XML (Extensible Markup Language) documents and SVG elements including (but not limited to) colors, layout, fonts, and animations. It also describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.

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Is there a way to activate the printing header and footer using JS or CSS?

Show headers and footers option I've heard about @page in CSS, that can change margin, orientation, page break, but my question is: Is there a way to activate the "Headers and footers" ...
Henrique Dias's user avatar
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Responsiveness problem with my div using Vue and Tailwind (Keeping the width when it should shrink)

<div class="flex flex-col bg-sky-600 bg-opacity-35 w-full overflow-y-hidden h-auto max-h-64 px-5 rounded-lg shadow-md pt-5 text-white shrink scroll-smooth"> <h1>TODAY'S ...
Yasin's user avatar
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CSS Text flip animation working on web, android, but not on IOS safari/chrome

I am currently trying to use this text flip animation, but I realised that it doesnt work well on IOS safari/chrome. Doesnt work as in, the text flips, but the red flip text cannot be seen When I ...
user26530885's user avatar
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How do I "break" the Grid layout in a certain section of the page

I wanted to understand how can i "step out" of the grid layout. I want the beige color to take the entire width of the screen I tried to separate the component from the section yet it doesn'...
NewbieAeg's user avatar
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How to use filter on background like background blur or brightness without effecting the text [duplicate]

I am working on a web project and I would like to apply a filter effect, such as background blur or brightness adjustment, to the background of a specific section. However, I want the text within this ...
SHAURYA SINGH's user avatar
-2 votes
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How can I make all my images to fit in the screen? [closed]

const names = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", ]; ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to automatically change the background color on left side of an HTML range slider?

I'm making an HTML music player project and I'm trying to make the left part of the <input type="range" value="0"> slider be black. The slider is to show how much a song has ...
user26529736's user avatar
-3 votes
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I'm unable to see output on screen using Tailwind css

enter image description here after trying multiple things i'm still unable to see tailwind css components on screen.... Someone pls help. I have already done many things. I doubt there's something to ...
Abdul Majeed's user avatar
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Horizontal scroll exceed parent width

I have problem with horizontal scrolling, when slide-wrap width is smaller than parent width, then is inside q-page, but when I set width i.e. to 100% it is wider than parent. How to adjust width of ...
MSZMC's user avatar
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How to Align Checkbox with Paragraph Text in a Flexbox List Item Without Margins Interfering?

<li class="task-list-item"> <div style="display: flex; align-items: flex-start;"> <input type="checkbox"> <div> <p> &...
howranwin's user avatar
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React & Cypress Component Tests: How to pass an object to an imported library in the Cypress setup?

I'm setting up Cypress to run component tests on a React-based app. The app uses multiple libraries, which I cannot change in any way. Although the app runs perfectly well, I'm unable to get any ...
Dorian Fabre's user avatar
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Uneven spacing between flex items when using flexbox

NavBar.js import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'; import './NavBar.css'; function NavBar() { const heading = 'first ...
Derial_31's user avatar
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Creating a title for an HTML page

I've started creating a simple page for an assignment and I'm trying to put a title at the top of the page but whenever I create a paragraph or h1 to do so it's placed next to the divs with the ...
Miqueler's user avatar
-4 votes
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thay đổi màu ký tự bằng css trên blogspot [closed]

I want to change all the colors of the chords with the form [Am]. [Dm] [C] on all my posts from to red by default for easy distinction. Please guide how to change them by Css or ...
Mr Nguyên's user avatar
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sticky worked fine but after adding menu navbar it broke right now not working

I was using the CSS position: sticky on my sidebar so it moved down as the user scrolled. However when I added the mobile menu which transitioned in from the right, the sticky sidebar broke. Could not ...
Sanaullah Mobini's user avatar
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Make font in embedded SVG the same size as in surrounding HTML [duplicate]

Is there a CSS-only way of making the font of <text> elements inside an embedded SVG conform to the font size of the surrounding HTML? <text> elements scale according to the viewBox ...
BadIdeaException's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to add a horizontal scroll onclick with a button or arrow?

I am trying to add a simple button to scroll horizontally, not using any libraries or anything just want to keep it simple. As of now I have the cards flowing horizontally in one row and there is the ...
Orca's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Including navbars using Php [duplicate]

I've been working on my first ever fully fledged web project to try and learn php, and after copying and pasting my top navbar into the 15-ish pages that I have and the styling for it into the 15ish ...
georges kalouch's user avatar
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Data resolution are not changing when try to minimize the resolution

In Firefox browser, when opened in normal form all data moves towards right, while it appears correctly in Chrome and Edge. Also when I tried to minimize the resolution in edge or chrome all data ...
Pam's user avatar
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How can i call the object parametr inside the object

I have some array with objects and i need to define condition of style showing which connected with one of the object attribute const location = useLocation(); const userLinks = [ { title: ...
Nick's user avatar
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Detecting CSS @scope support with JavaScript

Is there a way to detect @scope support via JavaScript? I've tried: CSS.supports('@scope') or CSS.supports(':scope') but both of those are returning false in browsers that do support it. I tried CSS....
DEfusion's user avatar
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Workaround for chaining ::part() selector with other selectors in chromium based browsers?

I was trying to use chain :disabled, :not([disabled]) and/or :not([aria-label='']) with ::part() but I have found that it does not work in chromium based browsers as mentioned in the answer here. It ...
Arkadiusz Górecki's user avatar
-1 votes
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Password visibility is not showing in chrome and firefox

I am currently developing a C# application and aiming to ensure compatibility across all major web browsers. However, I've encountered an issue specifically with the password visibility icon. This ...
Pam's user avatar
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Loading local host slow [closed]

So i am doing a project using Laravel Php, so actually the project has been upload on live server, and the issue i am having is i am task with modifying the webpage a little, but the issue is after ...
Rock Sora's user avatar
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How to use for navbar html javascript css?

I'm making a navbar. On click of items which has subnav pages, the navigation item/expands or collapses. Here's the HTML/JS/CSS snippet. const navHasChilds = document.getElementsByClassName("...
Divya Bharathi's user avatar
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Why is flex item not taking up the whole parent height?

My goal is to make a cart. That displays items with it's attributes, name, picture etc. I got the layout as I desired. However the cart-product-quantity won't take up the whole height. I could set ...
user16731988's user avatar
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How would I simulate an Intransitive zIndex in React Native? (A > B > C > A)

I am trying to create this effect, which can be found in the Spotify UI: It seems that there are the following components: A parent <View> (black) The child <View> (pink) The <Text&...
stasp's user avatar
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How to make curves on the sides at the bottom of a section [duplicate]

On different sections I have curves at the bottom like the ones in the picture. The picture now shows a section of the main banner. border-radius makes the rounding too steep, I need it more smoothly. ...
userName's user avatar
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Styles not being applied in Chromium based browsers

I'm working on a project using Angular as the FE framework. I've a simple project setup as following: In the angular.json file I'm importing these files: "styles": [ "src/import....
Jacopo Sciampi's user avatar
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How can I make part of vuetify dialog transparent?

Here is our question dialog, which was written by Vuetify v-dialog. How can I make the red framed part become all transparent and this part still included in v-dialog, I have seen the documentation ...
leojail's user avatar
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