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ASP.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework for building web applications. Use this tag for questions about ASP.NET Core applications. Use a specific version tag when your question is specific to a particular version of ASP.NET Core.

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Automatically logout after refreshing page

I'm trying to develop a basic level authorize system but it's logouts after refreshing the page and I don't know why. I'm kind of a beginner so I'm building a minimal project for my company and here I'...
Ensar Erdeve's user avatar
0 votes
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How to Handle Hangfire with Dynamic Connection Strings Based on URL in ASP.NET Core 7 MVC Multi-Tenant Application?

I'm working on a multi-tenant ASP.NET Core 7 MVC application where each tenant has its own database. The connection string changes based on the URL, with each URL corresponding to a different tenant ...
hossein norouzi's user avatar
0 votes
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Obtain token programatically to go see a page with ASP.NET application

I'm a newbie with authentication and authorization. When I go to a website, it redirects me to a url which requires email and password to login Microsoft Account. If I pass the right credential, it ...
Minh Trí Nguyễn's user avatar
1 vote
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Blazor CSS isolation does not work, but when I save the file, it works

I have this code: razor and razor.css file tree Isolation.razor: @page "/css/isolation" <h3>Isolation</h3> <h1>TEST</h1> Isolation.razor.css: h1 { color: tomato;...
user25573463's user avatar
0 votes
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Reference to IExceptionHandler interface not being resolved from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics

I am adding a global exception handling project to my solution and have installed the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics NuGet package. Although the package is recognized and listed in the project's ...
aim's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How can we update decimal precision for two places in c#? [closed]

I have a model class with a decimal? amount column. This has value from database is 35.00 but when passing from API It has 35.0. I'm trying to update decimal precision by two digit. something like 35....
Er Sachita Nand's user avatar
-3 votes
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Convert a html data or string to XSLT and then to pdf or is there any other way to do in C# [closed]

Can someone help me to figure out how we can convert a html data or string to XSLT and then convert to pdf or is there any other way to do in C#.I need to map the values we have in html to pdf. Please ...
shalu satheesan's user avatar
-2 votes
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How can I hide the password in the payload displayed in the network tab? [closed]

In my Blazor WebAssembly project, after clicking the login button, the entered password is displayed in the payload in the network tab. I want to hide the password in the payload shown in the network ...
Ranjitha T S's user avatar
-4 votes
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how to add authantication in c# mvc? [closed]

how to add authantication in c# mvc? how to add authantication in c# mvc?how to add authantication in c# mvc?how to add authantication in c# mvc?how to add authantication in c# mvc?how to add ...
Praveen Dubey's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core DI framework - how to resolve a class depending on the caller class

We are migrating an old .Net framework application to Net 8. We have our own ILogger interface and our own Logger implementation and we are using the custom ILogger in thousand of classes. Now we want ...
tananas's user avatar
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Mublazor Autocomplete Render Custom HTML

I have to display cities of a country in a Group form, for example my data source is a dictionary like Country1 City1 City2 City3 Country2 City1 City4 City5 City6 If user search for City2, I need to ...
Ali's user avatar
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How do I tune Redis Cache

We are receiving a lot of Redis exceptions, and our application is slowing. The database CPU is maxing out at 100% and bringing our application down. This is a common Exception: Timeout performing ...
Noel's user avatar
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Get tenant list from another tenant

I'm working on ABP framework using .NET Core and I have the following. As far as I know, when we log in as a tenant (not the host), all queries get executed with the tenantId filter if the table has ...
Jesus's user avatar
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i want text of label when it in datalist

in .net , i have a problem . i want the text of label in datalist and i cant use id because its in datalist and its id is not available in c# or js .i don't can use for to find lable in datalist my ...
amir aabas rafighi's user avatar
-1 votes
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In C# which library is faster to use read and write Excel or CSV? [closed]

I'm an intern, and right now I have an Excel sheet assignment. I therefore need the data to be retrieved from an Excel sheet or CSV file. I now use the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel library, however ...
Sri's user avatar
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