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Questions tagged [android]

Android is Google's mobile operating system, used for programming or developing digital devices (Smartphones, Tablets, Automobiles, TVs, Wear, Glass, IoT). For topics related to Android, use Android-specific tags such as android-intent, android-activity, android-adapter, etc. For questions other than development or programming but related to the Android framework, use this link:

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Could not resolve org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.9.24. React Native Async Storage

Error when building release or debug FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':@react-native-async-storage'. > Could not resolve all ...
Stewart Cintra's user avatar
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In Flutter Application Open google pay in device application and return the payment status

In My Application i want to show a one Google pay Button when the user click on this button i want to pass the whom to pay upi id redirect on google pay application transction page and after the ...
Nim's user avatar
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Android Dual Screen POS - what’s the practical way

I purchased an Android dual-screen device, with one screen in portrait mode and the other in landscape mode. The desired effect is for customers to use the portrait screen for self-service ordering ...
JiaWei's user avatar
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i want to show a available banking payment related application which is installed in device in Flutter

In My App I have one Payment Which i show available payment related application show how i can show this application in flutter. Future<void> _getPaymentApps() async { try { final List&...
Nim's user avatar
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if I enter mobile number and its give OTP but its not navigate next page . how can i solve it [closed]

[enter image description here] -----img1 ( ------img2 child: Button( height: 6.3.h, width: 55.w, ...
Balu0142's user avatar
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Is retrofit fast than ktor Client

In my Android application, I'm currently using Retrofit to fetch data from an external API. I've noticed that the data retrieval process typically takes between 500 to 600 milliseconds to complete. ...
Pawandeep Singh's user avatar
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Error "Sending non-protected broadcast the app package" on Release [duplicate]

I have a problem, I got an error on release our application. This is the following error: E Sending non-protected broadcast com.adgutech.adomusic.E417F87A02F7EECFE66F7E76FA75383D_1722055777366 from ...
adgutech's user avatar
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How to block a notification entirely?

I'm running a service extending NotificationListenerService: class NotificationBlockerListenerService : NotificationListenerService() { override fun onNotificationPosted(sbn: StatusBarNotification)...
Valentin Vignal's user avatar
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"AppName" Has Stopped . A dialog message popup when I run the my App

When I try to execute my app, the app first gets into the white screen then the message popup that "App" Has Stopped . I tried to solve the problem but the issue remains the same. for this ...
Shahid Faried's user avatar
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Same host for 2 activities but one with pathprefix : deeplinks in android

I have two activities in my Android app that share the same host but have different path configurations for deep links: Activity A: Should handle deep links that contain only the host (e.g., https://...
Charmi's user avatar
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Why is LiveData postValue not updating my data in the background thread?

I'm working on an Android project where I receive data via USB in a background thread and update my LiveData object using postValue. I have a webView in the main thread. However, after calling ...
Kieu Le's user avatar
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Why Does AnnotatedString.fromHtml() Fail to Apply Link Styles Correctly?

val htmlText = "This is an example with inline links and HTML formatting." val annotatedString = AnnotatedString.fromHtml(htmlText) BasicText(text = annotatedString) Here's the result ...
JessicaJ's user avatar
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How can Kotlin prioritize using framework.jar instead of the default Android SDK

( In my Android studio project, I need to use framework.jar, but I found that the Java files in the project uses framework.jar, ...
123's user avatar
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how can to become an android developer [closed]

I have been exploring various codelabs in Google's beginner course for Android. Although I am not a beginner in programming, I am new to Android development. However, I found the course not ...
Abdallah's user avatar
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Kotlin cameraManager.cameraIdList returns only 2 ID'd

I'm setting up a camera in Kotlin using the camera2 API, but I need to use the wide-angle lens of my device. In the code cameraManager.cameraIdList only returns the id [0, 1] referring to the rear and ...
Angelo Pavani Neto's user avatar
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React Native app with version <=0.65 for android is crashing in real device when targetSdkVersion is bumped from 33 to 34

I am using RN version 0.64.0. When I changed targetSdkVersion from 33 to 34, my react native android is crashing. ENV: RN: 0.64.0 Node: 16.16.0 Gradle version (updated): 7.4.2 Gradle plugin version (...
Btbrad's user avatar
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Bluetooth(BLE) broadcast not coming in some devices with ble version 5.2

I'm working with android ble, I'm facing one issue where I've to reconnect with the server and show status on app when the client device was already paired or server present in bonded list and moved ...
Shubham Kumar Gupta's user avatar
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Android Studio get messages from server when app is closed [closed]

I am facing an issue when getting data from a server when the app is closed. I have an app for simple chatting, which gets and posts messages over http protocol to a server. I am not able to find a ...
floflo's user avatar
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Android App Crawler is not running with API 34

App Crawler is working perfectly with API 28 but not working with API 34 I use the same command: java -jar crawl_launcher.jar --apk-file app-debug.apk --app-package-name com.example.myapplication --...
Ahmed Osama's user avatar
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7inch raspberry pi touch screen with aosp 13 size problem

I’m working on a project using a Raspberry Pi 4 with a custom Android 13 ROM and the official 7" Raspberry Pi touchscreen. The touchscreen display is zoomed in, causing part of the display to be ...
Taabouri Rania's user avatar
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Event from ViewModel to View to cancel and relaunch LaunchedEffect

I am remaking the Simon Says game in Kotin. I try to make a good pattern between my viewModel and my view but here i don't know if there is a better way to execute what i want. So, i need to make my ...
TheIsNoW's user avatar
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Flutter Firebase require resign in to work

I am using Firebase Auth and Firestore, it works fine but when close the app for a while( more than 30 mins approximately) no firebase code work and i get the following error: W/System (12108): ...
Ahmed El Sayed's user avatar
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SQLite file location

I have a problem running my Android app:- Running through the Emulator there are no problems However when I run in USB Debugging mode on a real Android device this is the error message I get:- no such ...
Robert Snedden's user avatar
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How to start MainActivity after SplashScreen?

I want to run my app on devices below android 12. The app will have a splash screen, the app can't use splash screen api becuase it does not work sufficiently in devices below android 12. How to ...
Fatima Jamal's user avatar
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UART sends but does not receive: ODROID C4 using Android-Serialport-API library

I have an ODROID-C4 that I am trying to get to communicate with an external controller using the UART1 port on the 40-pin header. I am programming in Android and using Android-Serialport-API library ...
adgm's user avatar
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Best way to use auth0 for managing permissions in a chat application where we might have roles like group admin or regular group member

So I way developing a chat application and kinda stuck while setting roles, permissions, scopes etc. So I was using auth0 for authorization along with OIDC for authentication. The components of my ...
Joydeep Bhattacharjee's user avatar
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Getting exception while setting up an detox project

Getting exception after executing this command npx detox build -c android FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:...
Krish Srivatsav's user avatar
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How to open Flutter app from foreground mode?

I am making an alarm application with Flutter, I coded a foreground service with PlatformChannel and MethodChannel. When countdown finishes I want to show an Alarm page but I can't deal with it. The ...
Serhan Ergül's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to send/receive text messages in Blazor App

For fun, I wanted to make my own default texting app and make it compatible for both IOS and Android. As far as I can figure, Blazor doesn't support it. I was wondering if there was a good API for ...
CollidaCube's user avatar
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AOSP Development: Kotlin cannot access R class id, but Java can! Why?

I started diving into AOSP development recently and I am following some code labs originally written in Java on how to customize the SystemUI (for Automotive AOSP). I have checked that parts of ...
seriouslysupersonic's user avatar
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Glide GIF performance is worse after Glide.with(this).clear

I am experimenting with animated buttons using GIF files and I encountered a strange error that I can't seem to fix without messing up something else. Let me explain. I have these 4 buttons (2 static ...
Lekstadt's user avatar
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Ola maps integration in Flutter

So I am working on a similar project like ola for the tier 3 cities and i see that ola maps are free but Ola Maps only provide android sdk, and does not support flutter for now, how do I implement the ...
Burhan's user avatar
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Store key-value pairs with Gradle Kotlin DSL

I am trying to organize my code and get rid of some unnecessary repetitions. Current code: android { defaultConfig { buildConfigField("String", "VAR_1", "\"1\&...
dzboot02's user avatar
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How to configure buildSrc in Android project to generate libs from toml file

Im investigating using buildSrc in my current android project i have created a buildSrc folder and specified Config constants that work fine in my apps gradle kts files. object Config { object ...
Hector's user avatar
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Trouble streaming non-local Google Photos video without downloading

I'm making an app where the user can select a video from the gallery and launch it later using their default viewer. My initial attempt looked like this Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setType(&...
vincatzero's user avatar
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Admob open ads misplaced video on Android

I am developing Android apps and add Admob ads into my app. When the open ads is showing video, the video is misplaced, it goes to upper side. How to resolve this. It happened on android device. This ...
llch's user avatar
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Flutter : Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.9.0, expected version is 1.7.1

I got some erros in my flutter app Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. e: C:/Users/nilsm/AndroidStudioProcjects/Prosjekt/...
nilshv's user avatar
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Android - BillingLogger: Skipped logging since initialization failed

Testing out in app purchases with the following: purchasesUpdatedListener = new PurchasesUpdatedListener() { @Override public void onPurchasesUpdated(BillingResult billingResult, List<...
Carlos Cmd's user avatar
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"Sending message to a Handler on a dead thread" warnings in a foreground service that gets location every second

I’m having an issue with a foreground service in my Android app. I’m encountering the following warning in the log: Handler ( {c19f288} sending message to a ...
ronenfe's user avatar
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Audio Recording with Android OS 14 Not working Properly

I am using Audio Recorder for Record Audio up to Android OS 13 it was working fine but with Android OS 14, it is not working properly. Basically inside the application User records audio for 15 ...
iOS Developer's user avatar
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SharedPref not keeping value for 1 array but working for another

SharedPref not keeping value for 1 array but working for another. I am saving strings from Activty1 to a JsonArray for jsonArray_Score_Correct_book and jsonArray_Score_Correct_type When getting these ...
TwoStarII's user avatar
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How to get "supportedAbis" on android browser

How can i get at least one supported ABI of android device through website on android browser? I just want supported ABI name like (arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86-64) of android device through website ...
Sunny's user avatar
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i have RecyclerView in kotlin project this recycler shows list of mp3 files and i want to when mp3 finish jump automatically to next itemView

i can't jump from current itemView to Next ItemView in recyclerView but this within recyclerView i have RecyclerView in kotlin project this recycler shows list of mp3 files and i want to when mp3 ...
learn map's user avatar
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Error Implementing Amazon Appstore IAP - Fatal Error: Resource already registered: I5.f@4e905fb

I have an application published in Amazon appstore and also created in-app-purchase items for it in appstore of amazon. I have followed all the required steps to implement Amazon IAP in my app to ...
ManavPatni's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to display image from USB camera on old android?

Short question: I'm making an app for android 4.2.2, to display image from USB camera on tablet. The picture is not displayed. Can you please explain why? Thanks! (below is a link to the source code) ...
ghtx280's user avatar
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Custom Icon in MarkerComposable don't get updated after update text inside it

I have a map with markers and the marker I add a custom icon to it with a text indicating the sequence of that marker. and what's happening is when I update these marker sequences it's not get updated ...
Sattar's user avatar
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Correct Location of Android & Ios Manifest

What is the correct location for Android manisfest and Ios in Flutter Here is my code I need the correct location details, so that this can work successfully Future<void> _updateAndroidManifest(...
Clubz Friendship's user avatar
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How to create a temperature knob in Android Studio?

I'm still learning with android development with android studio as IDE and I'm trying to learn the Thermostat knob ux design in documentation that the anrdoid studio have (like the image below) but I ...
Greg's user avatar
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My Android and iOS app (react native based) uses BLE to connect to a custom esp32-based peripheral. It's been working fine for years, but starting with Android 14 some features are not working. In ...
Mike M's user avatar
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Time variable's state not changing after setting its state

here's a flutter package called circular_countdown_timer , I want to change its timer state by giving a costum variable, to make it clear I've created a simple page which containg just the very widget ...
Antony Artoonian's user avatar

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