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Disable ViewCell long press loading animation on Android .Net Maui

I want to disable the loading animation shown on an Android native ViewCell when the user long presses it. I was able to disable the highlighting of the ViewCell on click by implementing the following ...
testsonic testsonic's user avatar
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Dirty item view being used twice in my custom implementation of BaseAdapter

In my custom implementation of BaseAdapter I have views being hidden and overwritten on the basis of their position. One such condition is based on the last element(The ID will always be -1): if(...
Prajjwal Srivastav's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

updating listview when data is removed from the arrayadapter

Im creating a listView and setting a custom arrayAdapter to it in my main activity. Using an onClickListener within the getView method of the adapter to try and remove the item clicked. Its being ...
user avatar
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ListView Items Not Displaying but Responding to Clicks in Fragment

I am using Android Studio with Java to develop an application that includes an activity containing a fragment (let's call it PromotionsFragment). In this fragment, I have implemented a sticky headers ...
Nixkr's user avatar
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How to properly implement a ListView inside a RecyclerView?

In each RecyclerView element, only the first ListView element is displayed. I'm making an application for passing tests. There may be a different number of answers to each question. There will be an ...
CyllXap4ok's user avatar
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3 answers

java android listview setOnLongClickListener

To function long click, the override function is changed and there are only out of date references. I am also use click listner. but the onLongClick override funcion don't have position variable. Can ...
gety's user avatar
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Saving contents of a listview as files

I want to make a notepad type application. I'm using a ListView linked to an ArrayAdapter to display a String array where you can add or delete notes and it does just that. To save the contents of the ...
Andruid929's user avatar
-1 votes
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listview not showing in dialog (JAVA, Android)

I'm trying to show a dialog to the user with a list in it. It won't show up on the dialog no matter what I try. CODE: this is in TaskInputActivity where I create the dialog and the adapter for the ...
DoubleYouSlash's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Listview - Getting error while linking the items correctly in Android Java

I have linked properly the List-Adapter and the other list-item components. It didn't getting the android:id of activity_main_cake_items.xml and giving this error. Cannot resolve symbol 'listviewCakes'...
Mou Biswas's user avatar
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Android Material 3 Light theme LIstView items text hidden

I am learning Android here. My aim is to display the Cursor I get from calling SQLiteDatabase.query() in a ListView. Using a ContentProvider. I cannot see the text of the list items although I am ...
Antony Mukuha's user avatar
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AppWidget Listview Items with weird height after setting layout_width and height as "match_parent" or "wrap_content"

Currently, I'm trying to create a collection widget using listview with every item equal to the width and height of the 3x2 widget displayed on the screen. The items looked fine when I inputted the ...
Baron Hsieh's user avatar
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Android unable to get the position of filtered listview

i am having an error getting the exact position of my listview after i filter my adapter. my activity oncreate is. @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super....
Cripple Sd's user avatar
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Android Studio - Java - Difficulty Highlighting ListView Item Background Color

Introduction: I am encountering an issue with highlighting the background color of ListView items in my Android application. Despite my attempts to modify the background color programmatically, the ...
kiteandwindsurfer's user avatar
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Android component to impelent a listview with tabbed headers

Is there any standard Android material view that is the best fit for the implementation of such a layout? In this layout, I mean to have a tab group on top when one of them is touched/clicked then ...
VSB's user avatar
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Retrofit API call returning NULL data

I am calling an API using retrofit and the it is returning null. Model class data class Employee( val id: Int, val employee_name: String, val employee_salary: Int, val employee_age: ...
Shubhankar Pande's user avatar

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