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Questions tagged [ajax]

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique for creating interactive website user interfaces without the traditional web page refresh or reload. It uses asynchronous data exchange between client and server to update displayed information and respond to user interactions seamlessly. Include additional tags for programming languages, libraries, frameworks, web browsers, protocols and other environmental information.

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Cannot display image with JavaScript from Django Base

I am attempting to get a customer logo to load when a user signs into my app. To do that I am using the views function below to generate the logo url: Views: def view_company_logo(request): print(&...
Doing Things Occasionally's user avatar
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when export data to pdf using itextcharp libarary it give me empty file downloaded and can't open

I work on I face issue when export grid view have more than 2000 rows it download empty file pdf without data inside . and when click on file not open and give me file not in correct format ...
ahmed salah abd elaziz elbarba's user avatar
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AJAX Patch Request returns empty in Laravel Controller

I am trying to update a resource in Laravel sending a PATCH request to my controller. This is my AJAX call $.ajax('profile', { // Replace with your actual endpoint URL type: 'PATCH', ...
SBECK1's user avatar
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Can I be sure that the application/json header is only set on ajax requests?

I need to distinguish browser requests from ajax requests and can see that when making a request via a form submission in regular HTML, I get the following value for the accept header: text/html,...
Oscar R's user avatar
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2 answers

Htmx on custom events

I'm trying to use htmx triggers and custom events without success. I'm using custom events because I'm going to trigger multiple refresh in a page. My source is very simple, but I cannot make it work: ...
Dario Basset's user avatar
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Hi i'm making kuro panel of bgmi mod with pre-built src after deploying my site table id=datatable - Ajax error [closed]

plz help i tried to solve this porblem by chatgpt but not works plz if anybody help me im oppening keys page and it was giving me error = DataTables warning: table id=datatable - Ajax error. For more ...
hunter34's user avatar
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ASP.NET MVC (blocked:csp) error when running in local

I am getting the (blocked:csp) error in my Chrome browser when my app. I have the headers set up like this: HttpContext.Current.Response.Headers.Add("X-Content-Security-Policy", "...
Wasyster's user avatar
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Données formData envoyées à d'autres routes laravel vide alors que les données sont present pour un route [closed]

Bonjour, j'utilise laravel 10 pour mon projet et je rencontre un problème que je n'arrive pas à comprendre.. J'utilise FormData pour mes données et les envoyé via ajax avec jquery. Les données du ...
Dhakii's user avatar
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Using ajax and js pop up message is coming undefined [closed]

Pop up message is showing undefined code is correct but I have changed so many times See I want in pop up that message texted successful but when I am refreshing then also it is coming undefined plz ...
darshan jadhav's user avatar
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Handling long-running async AJAX requests in ASP.NET Core MVC with Bootstrap 4.8 and JS

I have an ASP.NET Core MVC project with HTML Bootstrap 4.8 and JS. Some user requests take longer (like 30 seconds or even more) due to the nature of my business. These are async AJAX requests, and ...
rd1218's user avatar
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CodeIgniter 3: Fatal Error. Uncaught error: Class 'CI_Controller' not found

So this is a kinda old project running CI3 and we're facing this issue. It's very sporadic, it seems like it happens when requesting Ajax routes and the temporary fix testers have found is to "...
Santiago Cuartas Arango's user avatar
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JQuery - How to append to element during each iteration of a loop

This is a question that seems to have been asked a number of times here by different people using a number of different coding languages, but no one seems to have come up with a clear definitive ...
Graphic Detail's user avatar
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"AJAX Request Not Working: Listener Indicated Asynchronous Response but Message Channel Closed" Unsure where to go from here [closed]

I'm working on a simple search functionality using jQuery and AJAX. The script is supposed to send a POST request whenever the user types in the search box and display the results in a div below the ...
George N.'s user avatar
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How properly to integrate part of the JS code of the save button for the output script

Good day. I'm trying to transfer the Opencart module, I've done everything, but I can't integrate part of the JS code of the save button for the output script on the main page. All this works through ...
Den4will's user avatar
2 votes
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Clear WooCommerce Custom Fees on shipping method change

I'm implementing some additional fields and fees on the Woocommerce Checkout Page depending on the chosen shipping method. I'm stuck when I try to clear all fees when user changes the chosen shipping ...
user520300's user avatar
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TYPO3 object is undefined in the JavaScript file

I am trying to make an Ajax request to the backend, but I get the error Uncaught ReferenceError: TYPO3 is not defined which is caused by this line : const url = TYPO3.settings.ajaxUrls['...
pixilatedDev's user avatar
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4 answers

Ajax post call to Controller method keeps saying 400 Bad Request

I am trying to make an Ajax post call to a method in my HomeController but I keep getting 400 Bad Request error. This is the ajax call $.ajax({ url: '/home/findareacode', contentType: '...
Afz's user avatar
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DataTable Column Value as Variable to another DataTable

How can i give a column variable out of a datatable to another datatable ? I have a datatable and if i click a column opens a new datatable with data based of the first datatable. var table1 = new $('#...
x.oli's user avatar
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Uncaught ReferenceError: javascriptFunction is not defined at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick exception

I try to implement a simple calendar in ASP.NET MVC 4. Its aim is to view a day and schedule meetings among different units of an organization. I am getting "Uncaught ReferenceError: GetDayViewJS ...
tahasozgen's user avatar
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Issues Implementing AJAX Autocomplete in WordPress Admin with Select2

I'm trying to implement an autocomplete feature in my WordPress admin area using Select2 and AJAX. However, I'm having trouble getting the AJAX requests to work correctly. PHP Code to Handle the AJAX ...
Matteo Didonè's user avatar
-2 votes
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Ajax is not working without refreshing the page [closed]

Ajax is not working without refreshig the page to make it work.I am coding an ecommerce website in django and need to show quantity of products in the cart but it dont show quantity without refresh ...
Mohi's user avatar
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How to Display Item Quantity Based on Product Selection in Laravel 11?

How to display the quantity of items from the 'item_amount' column when a product name is selected from the 'item_name' selector in Laravel 11, based on the data in the database? Database id ...
Yuda AdyaJudha's user avatar
-3 votes
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javascript 403 forbidden wilayah codeigniter 4 [closed]

Mohon bantuannya untuk mengatasi javascript wilayah View: <select name="prov" class="form-control" id="provinsi"> <option value=""><?= $prov ?...
Daarud Dhiyaafah's user avatar
-2 votes
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JavaScript Uncaught ReferenceError: jsPDF is not defined at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (id.php?userPhone=123:93:23)

I am trying to create a user ID card web page that displays user information which was received via the backend. I also have to add a button below the id card which allows users to download the ID ...
Unusual Catcher's user avatar
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Ajax Pagination 404 not found in Wordpress

I create a theme and want to make ajax pagination for my blog page. Actually, from page 1 to 5 its working normally. But why from page 6 to the end of pagination, have 404 not found? If you think, &...
Hendra's user avatar
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Empty cache and weird first page loads on symfony 7.1

In my symfony 7.1 (php 8.3) application, on the registration page, the first attempt to submit the form always results in a console error message "turbo.index-810f44ef1a202a441e4866b7a4c72d11.js:...
RoZx93's user avatar
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WooCommerce wc_fragment_refresh fragment

I’m trying to figure out how to access the html fragment returned by the min-cart template when retrieved by the WooCommerce wc_fragment_refresh event. The filter function in this solution isn't ...
Rip's user avatar
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accessing html fragment returned by WooCommerce wc_fragment_refresh [duplicate]

I’m trying to figure out how to access the html fragment returned by the min-cart template when retrieved by the WooCommerce wc_fragment_refresh event. I’d like to update several custom attributes in ...
Rip's user avatar
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Return view from nested classes in ASP.NET MVC for complex json String

My Model is : (Problematic section is Variant[] Variants, that is not passing to controller) public class SingleProduct { public Product1 product { get; set; } } public class Product1 { [...
Samie Ullah's user avatar
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Menu and submenu with 2 modal in laravel

I have a problem with menu and submenu calling with 2 different modal. I would like when choose in the first menu see the elements of the submenu in another modal. The problem is that I loss the ...
Grazy's user avatar
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