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Why is my FOV Perspective Matrix4x4 looking Orthographic (DotNet and SkiaSharp)?

Brief overview, you can image I'm drawing points of a 3D schematic onto a Canvas, think CAD. I have points in 3D XYZ Vector3 coordinates, and I've got a model, view, projection matrix all setup. I've ...
Iain Stanford's user avatar
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Add two matrices

I have a problem "Index was outside the bounds of the array." and can't understand where is a problem static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("If you want add elemenets of ...
Evgen Petrun's user avatar
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How to optimize my code and what's the VB.NET equivalent of C# indexers?

struct Matrix { readonly int Rows, Columns; int[,] _Matrix; public Matrix(int Rows, int Columns) { this.Rows = Rows; this.Columns = Columns; _Matrix = new int[Rows, Columns] } ...
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Finding out Horizontal/Vertically aligned markers in a matrix

How do I go about solving the tic-tac-toe problem in C#. The rule of the game is , in a 3*3 square board players take turns alternatively. A player wins when he has 3 markers aligned horizontally or ...
VA1267's user avatar
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HERE Matrix Routing - Mapping results to original objects, C#

I am using the HERE Matrix Routing API to get distance and duration between locations by supplying desired transport mode. The API takes an array of origins and an array of destinations, perfect for ...
Richard Gustavsson's user avatar
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Accessing rows/columns/diagonals of a 2d matrix C#

I'd like to access the rows, cols and the diagonals of a 2d matrix. How can I do this correctly? I'm planning to use this in a function where I will access a particular row, column or diagonal and ...
Daniel's user avatar
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C# [i, j] add the min "j" values ​of matrix to the new array?

[i, j] add the biggest values ​​of matrix to j the new array its here: But smallest not working.. Min values in "j" (not working) for (int i = 0; i < olay; i++) { for (int j = 0; j ...
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Emgu CV undistort image gives blank result sometimes

Im undistorting an image using intrinsic values of camera martix and distortion coeeficient. It corrects the distortion perfectly. But if I load same image twice, sometimes it gives out a blank gray ...
Roshan's user avatar
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3 answers

how to count nonzero elements in a matrix?

I have a matrix with two values (0,1), I have to count the number of "1" in this matrix, so I tried to check all elements but for [1000,1000] matrix, it takes too long, and another problem is, I ...
D J's user avatar
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How to calculate Matrix exponent in

In Python: Fnk = np.array([[15.11, 16.11, 17.11, 18.11], [15.11, 16.11, 17.11, 18.11], [15.11, 16.11, 17.11, 18.11], [15.11, 16.11, 17.11, 18.11]]) CellPatAm = np.power(10, Fnk / 20) ...
wql's user avatar
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2 answers

Filling an array with true and false booleans randomly in c# (and other questions)

Currently studying on University, learning programming and I got a homework which i can't really solve. My task is to create Conway's Game of Life where you make an array which you have to fill with "...
D.Tomi's user avatar
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2D Array - counting number sequence

I am somehow completely on the hose. It is to be understood by the functional principle and does not sound particularly difficult? But i can not really come up with a possible solution. I have a 2D ...
user2241354's user avatar
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Spiral matrix with entered rows and columns

As an assignment i have to create a spiral matrix where the user inputs the number of rows and number of columns. This is my code for far (first year in college studies, so don't be too hard on me) ...
Novica Josifovski's user avatar
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Storing Multiple .NET Arrays (Matlab)

How can I store .NET arrays in a matrix without converting them to another data type? If I have A = NET.createArray('System.Int16', n); B = NET.createArray('System.Int16', n); How to do I store ...
JCW's user avatar
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Dot product function

I write a dot product function that takes 2 lists: let inline dot a b = a b |> (fun (a, b) -> a * b) |> List.reduce (+) Is there a better way to calculate dot ...
MiP's user avatar
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