Is there we can ensure uniqueness in a non-key attribute for a given partition key in DynamoDB.

For eg: We have person_id as the partition key and category#UUID as the sort key and we another attribute called category#effectiveDate. Now effectiveDate is mutable that is why we have not used this as sort key. But we also want to maintain ensure for a given person_id, category#effectiveDate remains unqiue. How can we do it?

1 Answer 1


There is only one way to achieve this and it's by using a second table and Transactions, where the category#UUID is a partition key on the second table.

Fully explained in this blog post.

  • Why can't query LSI on category#effectiveDate work in same transaction?
    – itisha
    Commented Jul 6 at 5:59
  • LSI does not maintain uniqueness. Commented Jul 6 at 13:36
  • No but I can query LSI made against category#effectiveDate before inserting in DB as I know partition key. Won't this work?
    – itisha
    Commented Jul 7 at 15:14
  • If you're building a single threaded application, then it might be ok. Commented Jul 7 at 19:08

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