I created an Env "dev" and connected it to the running WSO2 APIM instance using this command:

apictl env dev --apim https://<ip address>:9443

When I login to the envinronment I'm getting this error:

Error in connecting Reason: Post "https:///client-registration/v0.17/register": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doens't contain any IP SANs

I just add the pem of the WSO2 APIM in the ../.wso2apictl/certs

I'm not sure if that's is the correct way.

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1 Answer 1


Yes, you can add the certificate to the certs directory found in APICTL_CONFIG_DIR/.wso2apictl. (The default location of the certs directory is /home/.wso2apictl/certs)

The certificates added to this directory will be imported whenever an action is performed with apictl. Any DER or PEM encoded certificate with the file extensions of *.pem, *.crt or *.cer can be used with apictl.

Also, if you want to skip SSL validation you can use the -k flag when executing the apictl.

  • Okay thank you it worked, I didn't notice the -k command in the -help. I have successfully migrated an API and APP.
    – naxuss
    Commented Jun 27 at 5:40

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