I am trying to save the result from find as arrays. Here is my code:


echo "input : "
read input

echo "searching file with this pattern '${input}' under present directory"
array=`find . -name ${input}`

echo "found : ${len}"


while [ $i -lt $len ]
echo ${array[$i]}
let i++

I get 2 .txt files under current directory. So I expect '2' as result of ${len}. However, it prints 1. The reason is that it takes all result of find as one elements. How can I fix this?

I found several solutions on StackOverFlow about a similar problem. However, they are a little bit different so I can't apply in my case. I need to store the results in a variable before the loop. Thanks again.


9 Answers 9


Update 2020 for Linux Users:

If you have an up-to-date version of bash (4.4-alpha or better), as you probably do if you are on Linux, then you should be using Benjamin W.'s answer.

If you are on Mac OS, which —last I checked— still used bash 3.2, or are otherwise using an older bash, then continue on to the next section.

Answer for bash 4.3 or earlier

Here is one solution for getting the output of find into a bash array:

while IFS=  read -r -d $'\0'; do
done < <(find . -name "${input}" -print0)

This is tricky because, in general, file names can have spaces, new lines, and other script-hostile characters. The only way to use find and have the file names safely separated from each other is to use -print0 which prints the file names separated with a null character. This would not be much of an inconvenience if bash's readarray/mapfile functions supported null-separated strings but they don't. Bash's read does and that leads us to the loop above.

[This answer was originally written in 2014. If you have a recent version of bash, please see the update below.]

How it works

  1. The first line creates an empty array: array=()

  2. Every time that the read statement is executed, a null-separated file name is read from standard input. The -r option tells read to leave backslash characters alone. The -d $'\0' tells read that the input will be null-separated. Since we omit the name to read, the shell puts the input into the default name: REPLY.

  3. The array+=("$REPLY") statement appends the new file name to the array array.

  4. The final line combines redirection and command substitution to provide the output of find to the standard input of the while loop.

Why use process substitution?

If we didn't use process substitution, the loop could be written as:

find . -name "${input}" -print0 >tmpfile
while IFS=  read -r -d $'\0'; do
done <tmpfile
rm -f tmpfile

In the above the output of find is stored in a temporary file and that file is used as standard input to the while loop. The idea of process substitution is to make such temporary files unnecessary. So, instead of having the while loop get its stdin from tmpfile, we can have it get its stdin from <(find . -name ${input} -print0).

Process substitution is widely useful. In many places where a command wants to read from a file, you can specify process substitution, <(...), instead of a file name. There is an analogous form, >(...), that can be used in place of a file name where the command wants to write to the file.

Like arrays, process substitution is a feature of bash and other advanced shells. It is not part of the POSIX standard.

Alternative: lastpipe

If desired, lastpipe can be used instead of process substitution (hat tip: Caesar):

set +m
shopt -s lastpipe
find . -name "${input}" -print0 | while IFS=  read -r -d $'\0'; do array+=("$REPLY"); done; declare -p array

shopt -s lastpipe tells bash to run the last command in the pipeline in the current shell (not the background). This way, the array remains in existence after the pipeline completes. Because lastpipe only takes effect if job control is turned off, we run set +m. (In a script, as opposed to the command line, job control is off by default.)

Additional notes

The following command creates a shell variable, not a shell array:

array=`find . -name "${input}"`

If you wanted to create an array, you would need to put parens around the output of find. So, naively, one could:

array=(`find . -name "${input}"`)  # don't do this

The problem is that the shell performs word splitting on the results of find so that the elements of the array are not guaranteed to be what you want.

Update 2019

Starting with version 4.4-alpha, bash now supports a -d option so that the above loop is no longer necessary. Instead, one can use:

mapfile -d $'\0' array < <(find . -name "${input}" -print0)

For more information on this, please see (and upvote) Benjamin W.'s answer.

  • 1
    @JuneyoungOh Glad it helped. I added a section of process substitution.
    – John1024
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 17:52
  • 3
    @Rockallite That is a good observation but incomplete. While it is true that we don't split into multiple words, we still need IFS= to avoid removal of whitespace from the beginnings or ends of the input lines. You can test this easily by comparing the output of read var <<<' abc '; echo ">$var<" with the output of IFS= read var <<<' abc '; echo ">$var<". In the former case, the spaces before and after abc are removed. In the latter, they aren't. File names that begin or end with whitespace may be unusual but, it they exist, we want them processed correctly.
    – John1024
    Commented Feb 24, 2017 at 2:20
  • 1
    Hi, after i execute your code i get message syntax error near unexpected token <' done < <(find aaa/ -not -newermt "$last_build_timestamp_v" -type f -print0)' Commented Jun 5, 2017 at 14:34
  • 1
    A note: the simpler '' can be used instead of $'\0': n=0; while IFS= read -r -d '' line || [ "$line" ]; do echo "$((++n)):$line"; done < <(printf 'first\nstill first\0second\0third') Commented Mar 27, 2019 at 15:41
  • 1
    @theeagle I assume that you intended to write BLAH=$(find . -name '*.php'). As discussed in the answer, that approach will work in limited cases but it won't work in general with all filenames and it doesn't produce, as the OP expected, an array.
    – John1024
    Commented Dec 11, 2019 at 1:38

Bash 4.4 introduced a -d option to readarray/mapfile, so this can now be solved with

readarray -d '' array < <(find . -name "$input" -print0)

for a method that works with arbitrary filenames including blanks, newlines, and globbing characters. This requires that your find supports -print0, as for example GNU find does.

From the manual (omitting other options):

mapfile [-d delim] [array]

The first character of delim is used to terminate each input line, rather than newline. If delim is the empty string, mapfile will terminate a line when it reads a NUL character.

And readarray is just a synonym of mapfile.

  • 1
    This is great, I've already given it a +1. There's one caveat though -- if the command inside the process substitution fails, the exit code of the overall command is still 0. Is there a good way to have the exit code propagated to the outer command?
    – dpritch
    Commented Apr 20, 2022 at 18:21
  • 2
    @dpritch Inspired by this answer, you could print the exit status as part of the process substitution: readarray -d '' array < <(find . -name "$input" -print0; printf "$?"), and then examine the last array element: echo "${array[-1]}". Commented Apr 21, 2022 at 3:06
  • ^^ This is brilliant!
    – dpritch
    Commented Apr 27, 2022 at 12:04

The following appears to work for both Bash and Z Shell on macOS.

#! /bin/sh

paths=($(find . -name "foo"))
unset IFS

printf "%s\n" "${paths[@]}"
  • 2
    This works with files having spaces and other special characters, fails with the (admittedly rare) case of files having a linebreak in their name. You can create one for a test with printf "%b" "file name with spaces, a star * ...\012and a second line\0" | xargs -0 touch Commented Nov 14, 2020 at 17:26
  • 5
    maybe I'm missing something here, but this seems like the much clearer, easier solution for 99% of cases Commented Dec 29, 2020 at 21:45
  • Definitely works great for zsh on macOS Big Sur :) thanks! - but I also know my fileset has no names with newlines, because who does that? I have never seen one in the wild and I made the files so I know its not an issue.
    – pathfinder
    Commented Nov 14, 2021 at 18:39
  • 1
    Newlines are an issue in case the script may operate on files that are supplied by a potentially malicious user. For a hypothetical example, if your system ran something like detect-malware "${paths[@]}", a virus could be smuggled past this defense by including a newline in its name.
    Commented Oct 2, 2022 at 14:29
  • See Bash Pitfalls #1 (for f in $(ls *.mp3)).
    – pjh
    Commented Mar 4 at 18:17

If you are using bash 4 or later, you can replace your use of find with

shopt -s globstar nullglob
array=( **/*"$input"* )

The ** pattern enabled by globstar matches 0 or more directories, allowing the pattern to match to an arbitrary depth in the current directory. Without the nullglob option, the pattern (after parameter expansion) is treated literally, so with no matches you would have an array with a single string rather than an empty array.

Add the dotglob option to the first line as well if you want to traverse hidden directories (like .ssh) and match hidden files (like .bashrc) as well.

  • 4
    Maybe nullglob too…
    – kojiro
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 17:59
  • 1
    Yeah, I always forget that.
    – chepner
    Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 18:00
  • 7
    Note that this will not include the hidden files and directories, unless dotglob is set (this may or may not be wanted, but it's worth mentioning too). Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 18:03
  • This looks very useful, unless you actually need find's more interesting file matching features which aren't name glob based (for example, find by type, date, etc).
    – Guss
    Commented Mar 3, 2023 at 8:19
  • Indeed. find still has it uses (unless you are using zsh, in which case I think just about anything find can do you can do with some unreadable set of glob qualifiers :) )
    – chepner
    Commented Mar 3, 2023 at 13:33

you can try something like

array=(`find . -type f | sort -r | head -2`)
, and in order to print the array values , you can try something like echo "${array[*]}"

  • 15
    Breaks if there are filenames with spaces or glob characters. Commented Dec 25, 2017 at 9:13

None of these solutions suited me because I didn't feel like learning readarray and mapfile. Here is what I came up with.


echo "input : "
read input

echo "searching file with this pattern '${input}' under present directory"
# The only change is here. Append to array for each non-empty line.
while read line; do
    [[ ! -z "$line" ]] && array+=("$line")
done; <<< $(find . -name ${input} -print)

echo "found : ${len}"


while [ $i -lt $len ]
echo ${array[$i]}
let i++
  • I like this one. But shellcheck asked me to remove the semicolon in this line done; <<<
    – Pujianto
    Commented Jul 21, 2022 at 21:58

Long way but it works for me...

findCms=$(find -name <name>)
IFS=' ' read -ra arr <<< $findCms
for i in "${arr[@]}"; do
  echo "$i"

another way...

findCmd=$(find -name text-to-find -print)
while IFS= read -r line; do
    echo "Line: $line"
done <<< "$findCmd"

You could do like this:

echo "input : "
read input

echo "searching file with this pattern '${input}' under present directory"
array=(`find . -name '*'${input}'*'`)

for i in "${array[@]}"
do :
    echo $i
  • 2
    Thanks. a lot. But as @anishsane pointed, empty spaces in filename should be considered in my program. Anyway Thanks! Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 8:15

In bash, $(<any_shell_cmd>) helps to run a command and capture the output. Passing this to IFS with \n as delimiter helps to convert that to an array.

IFS='\n' read -r -a txt_files <<< $(find /path/to/dir -name "*.txt")
  • 6
    This will get only the first file of the results of find into the array. Commented Mar 12, 2019 at 21:17

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