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Code Change Best Practices: Smaller Pull Requests for Smoother Merging

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5 min read
Part of AWS Collective

In today's fast-paced software development world, collaboration and efficiency are paramount. One of the key challenges new developers face is managing code changes effectively, particularly when it comes to integrating them into a shared codebase. Large and complex pull requests can slow down the development process, lead to conflicts, and make code reviews a daunting task. However, there are best practices that can help streamline this process and make it more efficient. In this article, will explore the art of creating smaller code changes, crafting effective pull requests, and the significant advantages of splitting large changes into smaller, more manageable pull requests.

1. The Art of Small Code Changes:

Small code changes are the building blocks of maintainable and scalable software projects. They offer several advantages:

  • Enhanced Readability: Smaller changes are easier to read, understand, and review, leading to improved collaboration among team members.

  • Reduced Risk: Smaller changes reduce the likelihood of introducing bugs, making it easier to identify and fix issues promptly.

  • Easier Debugging: When something goes wrong, it's simpler to trace the problem back to a specific small change rather than a large, complex one.

In practice, creating small code changes involves breaking down your work into logical, self-contained units. This could mean focusing on specific features, fixing single bugs, or isolating changes to individual files or modules. By doing so, you not only improve code quality but also make it easier for your team to work together seamlessly.

2. Crafting Effective Pull Requests:

A pull request (PR) is your gateway to collaboration. It's where you showcase your code changes, explain their purpose, and invite your peers to review and discuss. Crafting an effective pull request is an essential part of the development process. Here are some key steps to follow:

  • Descriptive Title: Choose a title that clearly and concisely describes the purpose of your changes. It should give reviewers a quick understanding of what your PR aims to achieve.

  • Comprehensive Description: Write a detailed description of your changes. Explain the problem you're solving or the feature you're implementing. Provide context, reasoning, and any relevant documentation.

  • Context and Documentation: Include any necessary context for understanding your changes. If your changes affect configuration, APIs, or user interfaces, ensure that this information is well-documented and accessible.

  • Tagging Reviewers and Stakeholders: Identify the individuals or teams responsible for reviewing your code. By tagging them in your PR, you ensure that the right people are alerted and can provide timely feedback.

An effectively crafted PR not only saves time for reviewers but also ensures that your contributions align with project goals and maintain code quality.

3. Splitting Large Changes into Manageable PRs:

Large code changes can become unwieldy and overwhelming. They lead to longer code review cycles and increase the chances of conflicts. To overcome these challenges, consider the practice of breaking down large changes into smaller, more manageable pull requests.
Here's how to approach it:

  • Feature or Bug-Focused PRs: If your change involves multiple features or fixes, create separate pull requests for each. This way, reviewers can focus on one specific aspect at a time.

  • Isolation by File or Module: If your changes span multiple files or modules, consider isolating each change into its PR. This isolates the scope of review and simplifies the merging process.

  • Logical Units: Split your changes into logical, cohesive units. Each PR should have a clear purpose and address a specific issue or feature. This approach makes it easier to track progress and understand the impact of each change.

Developing a new feature or making substantial changes to your codebase can be a complex task. Attempting to submit all these changes as a single large pull request can pose several challenges. This is where the art of splitting large changes into smaller, more manageable pull requests becomes invaluable.

Here is how to effectively break down feature development into smaller units of code changes:

1. Define the Scope:

Before embarking on the process of splitting a large feature development into smaller units, it's crucial to start with a clear and well-defined scope. Defining the scope involves a comprehensive understanding of what the feature aims to achieve and what its boundaries are. Here's how to do it effectively:

  • Feature Objectives: Begin by outlining the specific objectives and goals of the feature. What is the primary purpose of this new functionality or change? What problem does it solve, and what value does it add to the users or the project?

  • User Stories or Requirements: Refer to any user stories, product requirements, or design documents related to the feature. These documents should provide detailed descriptions of the desired functionality, user interactions, and expected outcomes.

  • Acceptance Criteria: Develop a set of clear and concise acceptance criteria that define when the feature will be considered complete and ready for release. These criteria should be specific, measurable, and aligned with the project's goals.

  • Boundaries and Exclusions: Equally important is to establish what the feature will not include. Clearly communicate any boundaries or exclusions to prevent scope creep and ensure a focused development effort.

  • Team Alignment: Collaborate closely with product owners, designers, and other stakeholders to ensure that everyone shares a common understanding of the feature's scope. Misalignment or ambiguity in the scope can lead to confusion and inefficiencies during development.

2. Identify Logical Units:

Once you've defined the scope of the feature, the next step is to identify logical units within that scope. Logical units are self-contained, cohesive portions of the feature that can be developed and tested independently. Here's how to go about it:

  • Functional Components: Break down the feature into its functional components or parts. Consider what aspects of the feature can be isolated as individual units. For example, in an e-commerce website, a product listing feature might have logical units for product search, product filtering, and product display.

  • User Flows: Analyze the user flows associated with the feature. Identify distinct user interactions or paths that can be separated into logical units. Each user flow could potentially become a separate unit of development.

  • Data and Backend Considerations: If the feature involves changes to data models or backend services, think about how these changes can be compartmentalized. Can you develop and test these changes independently before integrating them into the main codebase?

  • UI/UX Components: In features with a user interface component, consider breaking down the frontend work into smaller units. This might involve isolating specific UI elements, widgets, or screens.

  • Business Logic: For features with complex business logic, examine whether you can segment the logic into smaller, coherent units. Each unit should have a clear purpose and set of responsibilities.

  • Testing Scenarios: Think about how you can create distinct testing scenarios for each logical unit. Independent testing is essential to confirm that each unit works as intended.

  • Dependencies: Be mindful of dependencies between units. If one unit relies on the functionality of another, ensure that you sequence their development and testing accordingly.

By identifying these logical units, you're essentially dividing the feature into smaller, digestible pieces that can be tackled systematically. Each unit should ideally represent a valuable and functional part of the overall feature, and together, they will collectively contribute to achieving the feature's objectives.

Defining the scope and identifying logical units are foundational steps that set the stage for a more organized and manageable feature development process. This approach enables teams to work in parallel, streamline code reviews, and ensure a smoother integration of changes, ultimately leading to more efficient and effective software development.

4. Benefits of Smaller Pull Requests:

The benefits of smaller pull requests are substantial and can transform the development process. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Faster Code Reviews: Smaller PRs are quicker to review, allowing your team to provide feedback promptly and reducing the time to merge.

  • Improved Collaboration and Communication: Smaller PRs facilitate clearer communication among team members. Developers can focus on specific issues, leading to more meaningful discussions and fewer misunderstandings.

  • Reduced Conflicts and Easier Merging: Smaller changes are less likely to conflict with other ongoing work. This leads to smoother merges and a more stable codebase.

In practice, teams that embrace smaller pull requests often experience improved productivity, code quality, and overall project efficiency.

5. Conclusion:

In conclusion, adopting best practices for code changes and pull requests is essential for modern software development teams. The art of creating smaller code changes, crafting effective pull requests, and splitting large changes into manageable PRs can lead to a more efficient and collaborative development process.

By following these practices, you not only streamline code reviews and reduce conflicts but also create a more organized and maintainable codebase. Remember, the key to success lies in clear communication, collaboration, and a commitment to delivering high-quality code.

Additional Tips:

  • To further enhance the readability of your code, consider adopting a consistent coding style guide.

  • Encourage your team to communicate openly during code reviews and pull request discussions to share knowledge and insights.

  • Continuously refine your development processes based on feedback and evolving project requirements.

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    Way to go! I've been looking for something like this for a very long time.
    – Triode
    Commented Oct 3, 2023 at 3:42