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Google Cloud mySQL from Apps Script wildly varying performance

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Hi all,

I have a fairly simply Google Apps Script web app, that uses the JDBCGoogleCloud connection to connect to a Google cloud mySQL database. It's a system that allows users at a conference to do things like vote, mark their attendance, and indicate they want to speak. It runs as an embedded web applet on a Google Site.

There are only a dozen or so tables, and the largest table is around 200 rows with around 6 columns. Data is mostly varchar's, a timestamp, and some tinyint's.

This is working fine, but performance varies wildly. I can run the same "SELECT * FROM TABLENAME" query 10 times in a row, and it will vary from around 1 second, to as much as 70 seconds, to return the data each time.

Any thoughts on why this is? it makes the system hard to rely on.

Sample bit of code:

var myDBInfo = getDBSettings()
var conn = Jdbc.getCloudSqlConnection(myDBInfo.ConnString,myDBInfo.DBUser, myDBInfo.DBPassword)
  var stmt = conn.createStatement()
  var query = "SELECT * from Attendance" 
  rs = stmt.executeQuery(query)
  //Get columns
  var meta=rs.getMetaData();
  var cols=meta.getColumnCount();
  var info=[];
  for( var i =1;  i <= cols; i ++ ) 
    info[i] = { label:meta.getColumnLabel(i), type:meta.getColumnTypeName(i) }
  //get data
  var ret = [];
    var row = {};
    for( var i=1;  i <= cols; i ++ ) 
      row[info[i].label] = rs.getString(i)
    ret.push( row );
