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Big Query Project Ideas

Viewed 321 times
8 replies

Hey everyone, I am new to Big Query. I need to know about BigQuery in detail. I checked various videos on YouTube but got nothing useful.

Can anyone suggest me ideas for creating big query projects and how to get and spend money they mention to provide for project of approx. 300$!

8 replies

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"need to know" is a little vague - do you have some specifics you need information about? There's a lot of great content on the BigQuery Website as well as tons of beginners guides and other information available on the internet.

If you can clarify what's being asked, we may be able to provide some more detailed answers.


There are several valuable resources online you can get your hands on, and as previous commentor Jay stated, BigQuery's website can guide you through what you are looking for.

You can also find free online courses on Udemy or Coursera for a beginner's guide to BigQuery. Try W3Schools if you want to learn the basics of SQL.


Thanks for your suggestion, I'll go through your idea.


One cool idea if you wanna get into the GenAI train you can use BQ with public data to create a GenAI application, with Vertex AI Models.

Exporting public data -> Create a GenAI content like evaluating climate change models -> push data to BQ using DataFlow template.

Also there is the option to use BQ ML.

I also suggest you to check the solutions site, with smart analytics:

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I'm surprised by the "I checked various videos on YouTube and got nothing useful". I for one highly recommend the BigQuery Spotlight playlist


Sorry in advance if I understood in the wrong way what you were trying to do.

Google doesn't give you 300$ if you do a project on BigQuery. Rather, you must pay to use BigQuery (or any other service on Google Cloud), and Google is offering to let you use its services for free, for the first 300$ that you would have payed to them otherwise for the use of those services.

If you are looking to earn money without any associated costs by using this free-tier plan, I suggest doing a project that is web-related rather than a project centered on BigQuery.


So wait do you have to pay the 300?


You don't pay the first 300$ worth of service you use, but you do have to provide a credit card, so if you "spend" more than 300$ worth of services (for free), you will pay whatever you incurred beyond that.

Basically, Google's strategy is to offer 300$ worth of service for free so you can test GCP and not really do anything else, because it's very common to go beyond 300$ if you want to do a serious project with GCP.