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What is the future of React Native Android and IOS app development?

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17 replies

I have basic knowledge of AngularJS. I am joining a company as a fresher and they want to train me into React Native Android and IOS app development in the training period of 3 months along with other office training. I have no knowledge about React Native app development.

I am asking:

Will I need/ use the knowledge of Angular in React Native app development?

If I don't need the knowledge of Angular then how is the future of React Native app development looking for next 10 years or so?

What I mean is, will I still get a job as a React Native app developer in future, if I learn it good?

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Maybe, maybe not. We can't possibly know for sure what the future holds for any given framework/platform. That's why it's important to learn how to learn, rather than just learning a single solution really well.


How does one fulfill your sage advice of learning how to learn, rather than just learning a single solution really well?

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The method that worked for me was solving a whole lot of problems, not just my own problems. However there's no real correct answer for everyone, everyone learns/grows differently. I learn by doing, exploring things on my own, getting lost on my own... not by watching youtube videos and/or following tutorials or ready built solutions.


Quite fascinating! What exactly does it look like when an experienced programmer like yourself is "doing, exploring, getting lost on their own?"

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That typically means just opening an editor and writing some code to solve something. As part of that process you'll naturally need to look up docs for methods to learn what they do and how they do it, building your personal knowledge repository both in what you know without needing to go look, and in where to go to get the information you need. I tend to favor knowing where to look these days as opposed to committing everything to memory; that's what documentation exists for.


Wow! It sounds like you're the perfect role model for me and many other programmers too. How have you applied opening an editor and writing some code to solve something that was beneficial for others?


Lol that's humility! I really meant like something out in the general world.. Yes it's an impressive public profile nonetheless!!

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Otherwise, no, nothing I work on is publicly available. At a certain point I decided my work-life balance was better when I didn't treat my job/career as also a hobby.


What did you do in order to guarantee you don't treat your job/career as also a hobby?

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I stopped working on my own blog, i stopped freelancing, and i stopped looking for open source projects to pad my resume. That's not to say these actions are the right choice for everyone, it's just what was right for me.


React Native is in demand and is being continuously updated. It is widely used because it integrates easily with Node.js. Ideally, any company would want to maintain a development stack that includes Node.js, TypeScript, React, AWS, etc. React Native uses the same stack and provides a single codebase for iOS and Android development, making it a popular choice. React Native is a good choice if you are new to cross-platform development. In the long run, after a few years of your career, the language or framework doesn't matter as much. You can apply the knowledge gained from React Native to Flutter and even to native development.


Your question is kind of all over the place so let me respond to its parts individually.

What is the future of React Native, Android, and iOS development?

I believe the immediate future (~5-10 years) is bright for all 3 of these technologies. However, my guess is that only 2 of the 3 will be relevant in the long run. Let me explain.

The goal of iOS, Android, and RN is to deliver mobile experiences (apps) to the front-end users. iOS & Android require app developers to onboard to their respective platforms and build out apps/experiences using platform-specific code, i.e. Kotlin/Java on Android and Obj-C/Swift on iOS. When done right, the developers can extract the most out of both platforms and deliver the best possible experiences to their users. If you’re a company who wants to offer AAA titles on both platforms, you need to invest in resources that can expertly operate in both environments. This can get very expensive because you now need to maintain 2 different platform stacks, each with its own engineering and support resources. There is some room for resource sharing but because each platform offers exclusive features to their users (e.g. wearables, widgets, headless, automotive, etc), if you go fully native, you (the company) have to develop and maintain de facto two separate products. Enter, React Native.

React Native flips the native paradigm on its head. Instead of delivering state-of-the-art experiences that are expensive to develop, it aims at the lowest common denominator of features between iOS and Android. All the while, making them cheaper to develop on the premise that Javascript developers are easier to find than native developers. But by choosing RN, you (the company) also have to lower your bar by opting out of exclusive, platform-specific features that make the native experiences special. Though your spending goes down with it. There’s also the performance cost your users have to incur by having a single-threaded message funnel between the JS and native layers. RN is working on this particular performance problem right now (single-threaded model), but I don’t think any of it is going to relevant in the long run.

What makes native (iOS/Android) development so unattractive to companies is the cost. As mentioned earlier, it’s expensive to feed and nurture a dedicated mobile team. If a company could have a native team that can “write once and deploy everywhere” like RN can, they would do it immediately. It’s not that the company wants to compromise on quality, they’re just trying to optimize for profits. But if that company could have some thing, not some one, write all the code for them and deploy it everywhere, they wouldn’t need a team at all! You can see where I’m going with this, which brings me to your next question.

will I still get a job as a React Native app developer in future, if I learn it good?

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that within the next 5-10 years, most of what we have to do manually today (like writing code), will be done by some deployable instance of a generative AI bot. Tools like CodeWhisperer or Copilot can already write code that’s much better than anything you’ll ever write. Other tools like Devon take that to a whole new level by writing full-blown software with all its bells and whistles. It’s just a matter of time before there’s a tool that writes apps. And a machine doesn’t care if the apps are written in Swift, Kotlin or Javascript - it can do it all.

In that case, when you (the company) have a choice of having a bridged RN app, or having a real native app with all its special sauce, and both solutions cost the same, it would difficult to justify using RN for anything at all.

So if you’re asking whether or not you’ll be able to get a job as an RN app developer, it really depends on when you intend to look for your job and how long you intend to keep it. The long-term prospects of it seem pretty bleak by the way of my reasoning. But if you’re optimizing just for the next decade, go for it.

On the other hand, you will still need native developers to ask your AI bot the right questions, give it the right instructions, and check its work. But you won’t need a whole team of them, just a few. In 10 years, you’ll want to be that one human on an AI mobile team that knows how to talk to bots so they can do what they do best. And if you want to be able to advise and correct AI bots, you better get to know the tools they all use to build their stuff. The easiest way to achieve that gaol is by building lots of stuff yourself. A good job will be a mere byproduct of your efforts.

If I could give you one unsolicited piece of advice, I’d recommend you get well-rounded by doing many different things. Just like an LLM, a seasoned software engineer can jump from technology to technology without much of a problem because we can read the patterns now. And just like an LLM, we got to this point by consuming and processing a ton of data. And by failing, failing a lot.


Thanks for your insight. I appreciate it. And I'll keep your words in my mind.


first of all one thing keep in mind that native development (android kotlin,ios swift) always have scope in market because any new update of os or any new things first stable for native one than after some time other crossplateform like reactNative and flutter can get the things to move on.

but if talk about the job market reactNative has huge impact and then second one is flutter is growing well.Also KMP also make entry in the field let see

but one thing keep in mind master one thing then move to other one

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Hi, so, the more knowledge the better...

React Native is a top Mobile Framework and yes, I see it around for the next 10+
Aside of Meta using it for it for some of their own products, there are other big players using it as well, such as Walmart, Uber and a bunch of others small and medium size companies...


May be React-Native Apps support cross platform and they are cost effective. But big tech companies don't go for React-Native because of performance issues. Big tech companies always prefer native languages like swift/objective-C for iOS for better perfomance.