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Glommer See also: W.O.B.O.T.

Winona Portrait
Nice to have a helpin' hand around here!

Winona, examining a working

Winona Portrait
Take five, little guy!

Winona, examining a waiting

Winona Portrait
Poor little guy, let's get you hooked up to some power.

Winona, examining a discharged

Winona Portrait
Needs some more time to charge.

Winona, examining a charging

Winona Portrait
Charged and ready to go.

Winona, examining a charged is an item/mob exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in the Skill Spotlight Updates. It can only be crafted by Winona with 8 Scrap, 4 Electrical Doodads, and 3 Doohickeys after unlocking the crafting recipe by scanning W.O.B.O.T. with a Calibrated Perceiver (requiring Founder's Keepers I skill).

Icon Tools Usage[] can be carried like an item in the inventory. Only Winona can deploy it on the ground to make it work. Other characters can only drop on the ground, leaving it inactive.

Brain Behavior[]

When deployed, will collect nearby items from the floor and put them in a Chest if any of these already contains one of the specific items. This also works for almost all other containers like Scaled Chests, Ice Boxes, Salt Boxes, Chester, and all kind of Backpacks. However, it cannot put items into the Magician's Chest, Shadow Chester, or any kind of portable inventory containers like the Tackle Box or Polar Bearger Bin. It can only collect one kind of item at once and only up to its stacksize limit, so reaching the limit will force it to store the stack before collecting the next stack or other items.

When is working, its charge will slowly decrease. A charge lasts for 8 minutes of work. When reaches 2% energy, it will return to its deploy point. If this is in the range of Winona's Generator or Winona's G.E.M.erator, it will recharge automatically, otherwise it have to be dropped there manually. When dropped in range, the bulb at the top of will light up and a cable becomes visible on its side leading into the ground. A full recharge takes 4 minutes (or 2 minutes after learning the Quick Charge skill). When fully charged, the light of will turn off. will not reactivate itself automatically until it has recharged at least 50% of its energy. operates in a radius of 15m (3.75 tiles) from the point it was deployed. will switch to sleep mode if there is nothing to pick up to save energy, and reactivate itself when there is.

Other than W.O.B.O.T., does not get affected by Rain or Wetness and can be also taken into Caves.

Prototype Tips[]

  • Other characters should be careful not to pick up a, as they cannot deploy it to make it work again. As long as it stays deployed in the range of a Generator or G.E.M.erator, can work and recharge itself without the help of a Winona.
    • This can be very helpful when changing the character at the Portal Paraphernalia in a solo world or when there is no Winona on the server left.
  • Using W.I.N.bots can be very useful for auto-collecting vegetables/fruits and Crop Seeds from hammered Giant Crops, Logs and Pine Cones from a wood farm, or Meat from a mob farm, before Pigs or Spiders can eat the meat.

Placeholder Trivia[]
