Through the Dragon Age
Thedosian Slurs

Disclaimer: All of this is completely canonical knowledge. Nothing headcanoned and all can be found in the games or extended media. Also I do not support the use of slurs, this is simply a lore/educational post for the Dragon Age series. Please click through the Shemlen link, before coming to the conclusion Shemlen does not belong on this list.

While often taking from our own present day (and past) curses, Thedas also has it’s fair share of unique slurs. Everyone from Humans to Mages to Qunari have derogatory terms for everyone else. Some are spoken in a race’s first language, while others are simple King’s Tongue and just as common throughout the world.

Slurs for…


Dathrasi: a pig like animal
This slur can actually be used for anyone of any race, but is most often associated with human nobles. Qunari using it to compare the nobles to wallowing, dirty animals who simply indulge and indulge until them become too fat on their greed.

Dog Lord
This term refers to Fereldans, who are known for their excessive love of mabari. Created by Orlesians, it compares and essentially equates Fereldans to dogs and dog-like behaviors (rolling in dirt, licking their genitals, etc.). It is sometimes used by Fereldans as a true title or compliment than the intended insult.

This term is never used for full humans, but rather is a derogatory term for Elf-Bloodied beings. Humans who have one elf parent will often be called out as being a Half-Elf or Half-Blood, as couplings with elves is considered taboo and disgraceful (see: Rabbit slur). The slur acknowledging only half their blood is good and/or that the person is tainted. This term is used in excess for elf-bloodied humans who choose to stay with their elven families in Alienages.

Quick/Shemlen: meaning “Quick Child”
This is most often used by elves as it is an elven word and is usually shortened to shem. It’s original purpose was simply to identify humans, but continues to see use as an insult now. It is believed to have been chosen due to humans having much shorter life spans than elves and thus seen as dying far too young.


Flat ears/Seth’lin: meaning “Thin Blood”
A term actually used by elves for elves, Dalish elves will sometimes refer to City elves as flat ear or seth’lin. The Dalish believing that city elves have lost their “elfiness” and practically become humans themselves. Both slurs insinuating the loss of elven blood, characteristic, and culture in the city elves.

This slur is predominantly used by humans for Dalish elves, although many humans see it more as a comment or even a compliment than a derogatory term. The term of course referencing the chosen mount of elves, though it also oversimplifies and insults the relationship between the halla and the Dalish.

Blanket term for all elves, used by humans. This is the most common slur used for elves, obviously coming from the shape of an elf’s ears.

Rabbit is considered a more generous slur by the humans who use it, often claiming it is due to the shape of their ears. However, it has also been known to be used by (Orlesian) Andrastians who believe coupling with an elf is no better than sleeping with animal, due to their “bestial” intelligence and nature. Also it may speak to elves having a “plucky” nature.

An Ancient Tevinter term used to refer to elves, most likely meaning Rat. The origin and reference remains unknown.

Wood Elves/Savages
Another Self-Elven Slur, for Dalish elves used by City elves. Used because many City elves believe Dalish to be wild, cruel, and barbaric. It often accompanies stories of cannibalism and predation on fellow elves, mostly built off the idea that City elves that go in search of Dalish lives are never heard from again.


Slur used by Deep Roads dwarves to describe Surfacer Dwarves. The idea that seeing or gazing upon the sun and sky takes away your Stone-sense, the Dwarves connection to their ancestors.

Deep Lord
This term is often used by lower caste Dwarves (Below Noble and down to Casteless). The label is used for Noble Dwarves, specifically Deshyrs of the Dwarven Assembly. The reasoning behind this unknown, other than the literal meaning.

A derogatory term for the Casteless, used by Dwarves of higher castes. The exact origin of the term is unknown, but it most likely has to do with the Casteless living in the dust and dirt of the Deep Roads.

Used to describe women of a lower Dwarven caste (often Casteless), who are looking to raise their caste by bearing a son to a man of higher caste. The term comes from the fact that the women often try for noble, but will settle for someone of a lower (but still higher than them) caste.

Short Mouth
Sometimes used by Qunari to refer to Dwarves, who are much shorter than them and any other race. It is a rather straightforward slur.

Another slur applied to Surface Dwarves, this one deriving from the belief that Surfacers are and/or have lost all their Stone-sense. Much like Cloudgazer and Sun-Touched, though this one is a bit more straightforward than both of those. Insinuates that Surface Dwarves are not real Dwarves.


Obvious slurs for a Qunari and used by almost all races. They are used to dehumanize the Qunari as mere creatures built on instinct and savagery.

This slur is built more on Qunari appearance than attitude. Bringing attention to a Qunari’s horns, muscular stature, and back-breaking strength. In Tevinter, this is often accompanied with a Yoke being used in manual labor or as a symbolic slave collar.


While this has come to be a technical term for a mage possessed, this is often used as a slur towards any mage. This term is only used by mages when a mage has been completed corrupted by a demon and has lost their humanity, rather than being used casually for any mage dealing with a spirit. This term is used to dehumanize mages.

Hedge Mage
This is another slur that is used as an identifier, the Chantry choosing to use this term as a blanket for unsanctioned mages (i.e. Avvar shamans and Chasind/Riviani witches). It is often used in conjunction with “arcane derangement” to describe the unsanctioned magics.

Incaensor: meaning a dangerous substance
A Tevinter term used for slaves who show magical ability and potential, though the word is also used to describe raw lyrium and natron salts. The idea of the slur is to dehumanize the slaves into just another tool, useful is controlled and used correctly.

A relatively straightforward slur, playing off the stereotype that all mages wear robes. It also belittles mages down to the clothing they wear, taking away their personal identity.

Little is known about the specifics of this slur, however, it may come from the idea that dangerous mages can bind others to their will or come from the Mortalitasi title Spellbinder. Spellbinders being a specialized magic among the Mortalitasi, binding spirits to objects like books and seen as extremely dangerous.


The less neutral version of bas, this actually used an insult for those who are not Qunari. Most likely meaning purposeless nothing.

Nug Humper
A commonly used insult by dwarves, implying someone has slept with a nug.

Posted on Monday, October 12th at 03:01PM with 3,288 notes
tagged as: Dragon Age dragonage Slurs DA Slurs Humans Elves Mages Qunari Dwarves Dalish Elves City Elves Lore long post
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