Zander Cannon's KAIJUMAX — Are there any beloved and unquestionably "good"...

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timetraveller4242-blog asked:

Are there any beloved and unquestionably "good" Kaiju in the Kaijumax universe? Y'know, like "Rebirth" series Mothra (or really Mothra in general) or "Friend To All Children" Gamera?

There will be major references to Mothra and to Gamera in upcoming seasons (seasons 3 and 4, respectively), but the “goodness” of these characters will be highly questionable. 

One of the things that I like about taking the prison drama template is that the goodness and badness of a character are all situational, and that we are forced to find little snippets of things we like and don’t like about every character as we go. So I’m afraid we won’t find much in the way of “good” characters, but I hope we find some flawed but likable ones along the way.