Dark Souls 2's Toughest Bosses Revealed

Left Fuming.

Dark Souls 2's toughest bosses revealed - Dark Souls II

Dark Souls 2's bosses are even tougher than you think.

Data provided by From Software reveals that the Fume Knight from Crown of the Old Iron King is statistically the most punishing boss in Dark Souls 2, defeating challengers almost 93 percent of the time. The Fume Knight's toughness is consistent with a general increase in boss difficulty after Dark Souls 2's main campaign. Of the five bosses most likely to defeat players on a per-encounter basis, four originate in the Lost Crowns DLC: Elana the Squalid Queen, Sir Alonne, Sinh the Slumbering Dragon, and the dreaded Fume Knight.

The Ruin Sentinel gauntlet wins the prize for the single most-frequented boss encounter among all Dark Souls 2 players. Heroes have pitted themselves against the Sentinels almost 25 million times, with an average success rate of 76 percent across all platforms, meaning the Sentinels win about one out of every four attempts.

The data is accurate up to September 22, 2014, so it doesn't include the Crown of the Ivory King portion of the Dark Souls 2 DLC. Yesterday IGN reported on statistics showing that Dark Souls 2 players cooperate much more than they compete, and we've got a few more interesting Dark Souls 2 statistics in the works. Be sure to check back soon at IGN for more news.

Jared Petty is an Associate Editor for IGN. He once joined the Covenant of Champions without knowing it made the game harder. Follow him on Twitter @pettycommajared if you desire yet more 140 character messages in your life

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Dark Souls II

FromSoftware | March 11, 2014
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