(a) Publisher must not obscure or reduce the visibility of (including by applying similar colors to font and background) any Ad.

(b) Publisher shall not: (i) sell, rent, lease, sublicense, transfer or otherwise provide access to the Yieldmo Service, Ads or any portion(s) thereof or provide any copies thereof to any third party; (ii) alter, modify, copy, translate, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Yieldmo Service, Ads or any portion(s) thereof, or create derivative works therefrom; (iii) breach, disable, modify, tamper with, develop or use any workaround to interfere with the proper working of the Yieldmo Service or any security measure used by the Yieldmo Service, or attempt to do any of the foregoing; or (iv) use a third party ad server to serve any Ads.

(c) Publisher represents and warrants that it shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and that no Ads will be placed on pages which contain content that violates any law or regulation, infringes or dilutes any third party rights, is libelous or defamatory, promotes hate, violence, discrimination or racism (except in the case of legitimate news reporting) or any illegal activities, products, services or subject matter, is obscene, or contains any viruses, Trojan horses, spyware, malware or other harmful or malicious components (collectively, “Prohibited Content”). Without limiting its other rights and remedies, Yieldmo reserves the right to reject pages or Sites containing Prohibited Content at any time.

(d) Without Yieldmo’s written consent, Publisher agrees not to place Ad Code on Publisher Pages that are galleries or are meant for End Users to flip through pages quickly (for example, photo galleries).

(e) In the event that either party identifies Publisher Pages consisting of substantial traffic outside of the territories intended by the parties to be marketed to, it will notify the other party and the parties will use good faith efforts to remedy the placement in the interests of conversions for advertisers participating in the Yieldmo Service.

(f) Publisher must not copy, cache, store or otherwise keep in its possession or under its control the Ad Code, Ads and/or any other key or index describing the relation between the URL of a Publisher Page and the Ads, as clicks on ads served from cache will not be filtered or credited to Publisher.

(g) Publisher must make reasonable commercial efforts to stop fraudulent clicks and illegitimate impressions generation on the Publisher Pages, and must not act, either directly or indirectly, to encourage or require End Users, either willingly or unwillingly, to click on Ads and/or to generate impressions or click-throughs through any means that could be reasonably interpreted as coercive, incentivized, misleading, malicious, or otherwise fraudulent.

(h) Publisher must not fraudulently or purposely manipulate the content of the Publisher Pages, including without limitation, “ghosting”, “cloaking” or providing misleading metatags in order to “fool” the Yieldmo Service so that it provides less relevant results.

(i) Publisher must not ask any participating advertiser for its password to the Yieldmo Service.

(j) Publisher will work with Yieldmo to perform an analysis of Publisher pages, channels and/or page types to create an overall page taxonomy from which Yieldmo will offer those page types for sale to potential advertisers.

Last updated: November 11, 2020