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How to Pitch Stories to WIRED

We want to encourage a broad set of writers to amaze and challenge us. So here's a more transparent look at how we assess and assign stories.

BACK IN 1993, WIRED's founders published a manifesto offering some guidance. "Our first instruction to our writers: Amaze us … tell us something we've never heard before, in a way we've never seen before. If it challenges our assumptions, so much the better."

All these years later, that still sounds pretty good to us, if incomplete. We want to encourage a broad set of writers to amaze and challenge us. So here's a more transparent look at how we assess and assign stories.

What makes a story WIRED?

WIRED is a publication about change—about the ways science and technology are reshaping the world and what it means to be human. While the subjects of WIRED stories run the gamut from deep dives into the biggest tech companies to Hindu extremism to digital blackface to space food to true crime, every story has technology, science, or innovation as one of its key variables.

The science fiction author William Gibson once said that the future is already here, it's just unevenly distributed. WIRED stories are often about those places where the future seems to be welling up in the present. We are always on the hunt for faint signals of change that have the potential to become strong signals later.

What kinds of stories does WIRED assign to freelancers?

Most stories written by contributors from outside our staff are longform features. We also assign a smaller number of freelance stories for our business, science, gear, and service sections.

What are basic guidelines for longform feature pitches?

The vast majority of the features we publish are narratives. For best results, pitch us a tale you’re going to tell, not a topic you want to explore. What central chronology are you going to reconstruct? Who are your main characters? What scenes are we going to be able to see? You don’t have to know the full narrative arc of your story when you pitch, but you should be able to give some indication that it’s going to be a satisfying one. Also, be able to convey your tale’s larger implication or importance.

WIRED does occasionally publish feature-length essays, but there, too, we’re looking for a focused through line, not just an exploration of a topic. What argument are you making, and what evidence will you muster for it? What’s the core example (or two, or three) that will animate the idea you’re hoping to get across?

For any feature pitch, give us a sentence or two about the sort of work you’ve done, and please include links to other stories, especially long-form narrative pieces.

How long should my pitch be?

A pitch needs to have enough detail to intrigue us, but not TMI. For a feature, 500 to 700 words is a good range.

How much do you pay for freelance pieces?

We offer set project fees depending on the factors described above—story length, time involved, and intensity of the reporting and writing involved. These story fees start at about $2,500 and rise from there.

How do I find the right editor to pitch?

Here are the editors along with a few of the stories they’ve worked on.

Caitlin Kelly (
• Stories here, here, here, and here

John Gravois (
• Stories here, here, here, and here.

Anthony Lydgate (
• Stories here, here, here, and here.

Sandra Upson (
• Stories here, here, here, and here.

How long are WIRED features?

They range in length! We run some at 2,000 words, and (a very few) at 10,000. But about 5,000 words is the sweet spot.

How well should I know WIRED before I pitch?

Please take a look at recent issues of the magazine or read WIRED online to gauge whether your story idea seems like a match. And please check to see if we have run similar stories recently. (It’s also a good idea to make sure the story you’re pitching hasn’t been covered elsewhere. If it has been, please tell us how your proposed piece will advance existing coverage.)

Where do I pitch a breaking news story?

Honestly? Don’t. WIRED staff writers cover breaking tech news, culture, science, and business.

OK, what about a news story that isn't narrative longform?

The freelance budget for those stories is very limited. The Science section covers timely stories about current science research and issues; our areas of coverage include health and medicine, biotech, environment and climate, space, energy and robotics. The editors are:

Rob Reddick (

The most successful pitches to the Business section will tell WIRED readers about people and companies they know little or nothing about, and how they are changing the world, for good or ill. We are particularly interested in stories about people, companies and trends outside of North America that have wider implications and importance. The editors are:

Tom Simonite (

The Gear section is accepting pitches for reported, original stories about how the relationships between humans and our gadgets are evolving due to advances in materials, manufacturing, design, and connectivity. A good freelance pitch should examine the industry trends influencing these shifts, and explain to the reader how even small developments can result in widely felt impacts. Reviews is currently not accepting freelance work. The editors are:

Michael Calore (
Jeremy White (