We KNEW You Could, Princess Leia!

Back in February we told you about Carrie Fisher signing on with Jenny Craig to lose weight and be a spokesman. This past week People.com published an article about Ms. Fisher having lost 30 lbs. in 18 weeks! Good job! If you want a smile, read Ms. Fisher’s weight loss blog on Jenny Craig’s website. Her […]
This image may contain Carrie Fisher Clothing Dress Apparel Human Person Female Woman and Sleeve

Back in February we told you about Carrie Fisher signing on with Jenny Craig to lose weight and be a spokesman.

This past week People.com published an article about Ms. Fisher having lost 30 lbs. in 18 weeks! Good job!

If you want a smile, read Ms. Fisher's weight loss blog on Jenny Craig's website. Her fabulous sense of humor really comes through. Written post #5 is my favorite, towards the end she discusses her MBBBS, or "Metal Bikini Body Back by Summer", goal.

According to People, she would like to lose a few more pounds to get closer to a healthy weight, but we GeekMoms think she looks fantastic and applaud her hard work!