Leia - We're Rooting For You!!!

Who out there has seen the recent Jenny Craig ads? My husband saw one of them this past weekend — I think it was a “targeted” online ad on a health website — and he couldn’t believe it was Carrie Fisher! We didn’t recognize her. Seriously. Then this morning during the Rachel Ray Show I […]
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Who out there has seen the recent Jenny Craig ads?

My husband saw one of them this past weekend -- I think it was a "targeted" online ad on a health website -- and he couldn't believe it was Carrie Fisher! We didn't recognize her. Seriously.

Then this morning during the Rachel Ray Show I saw my first television ad featuring Carrie Fisher. The commercial, which was a simple interview with Carrie was actually kind of dark, but it got me inspired to root for her. She's brutally honest!

I've done the Jenny Craig program myself and it WORKS! Provided you stick to their meal plans and lifestyle changes, which aren't unreasonable. Having kids and the trouble that goes with preparing separate meals is keeping me from continuing the program, but 10 years ago I did go from 160 to 135 lbs. just in time for my 10-year high school reunion and that was great! I remember Kirstie Alley looking great (unfortunately, she didn't keep it off), and Queen Latifah lost 20 lbs. in 2008 on the program too.

Today, I found a great video on YouTube's Jenny Craig channel, and it's definitely worth sharing. She talks about how she was the Geek Pinup girl of the mid-80s, and has declared that she's going to fit back into that gold metal bikini with Jenny's help!

So who's with me? Go Carrie! Go Carrie!
