Mobile clinics

Mobile clinics

A mobile clinic provided to the Aleppo Directorate of Health provides care to children, women and men displaced from Afrin in March 2018.
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WHO and its many partners regularly deploy mobile clinics and medical teams to reach people cut off from access to health services. For many people, these mobile clinics and teams may be their only source of health care.

Mobile clinics offer flexible and viable options for treating isolated and vulnerable groups as well as to newly displaced populations. When coordinating crisis response, WHO arranges for mobile health care teams to go by foot, bike, moto, boat or vehicle.

The demand for mobile units keeps rising. WHO may buy mobile clinics or supply them, or pay for partners to buy or supply them.


Support and funding for mobile clinics

WHO works with many different partners to support mobile clinics. WHO will keep working with its partners to scale up mobile clinic outreach in different emergency settings to reach help more people who may have no other access to health care.


Local clinics boost health literacy in Myanmar

Community health clinics trigger far-reaching improvements in serving vulnerable, hard-to-reach populations in Myanmar