Technical Advisory Group on COVID-19 Mortality Assessment

In the context of the collaboration between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), the Technical Advisory Group on COVID-19 Mortality Assessment is established in accordance with these Terms of Reference to serve as a broad scientific and strategic platform to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and application of methods on COVID-19 mortality.  

The Technical Advisory Group (the “TAG”) will act as an advisory body to WHO and UN DESA in this area of work. Its primary role will be to advise and support efforts to assist WHO and UN Member States to obtain accurate estimates of numbers of deaths attributable to the direct and indirect impacts of the pandemic.    

Methods for estimating the excess mortality associated with the COVID-19 pandemic

Member biographies


Emily Cercone
Project Officer
CDC Foundation

Arup Kumar Das|PhD
Public Health Specialist
Public Health Foundation of India

Haishan Fu
Development Data Group
World Bank

Luciano Gonçalves
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Amelia Karraker
Health Scientist Administrator
National Institute of Aging

Farnaz Malik
Senior Program Officer
Vital Strategies

Martin Bratschi
Deputy Director Technical Implementation
Vital Strategies

Ernesto Cervantes
Proyecto Li

Anne West
Department of Social Policy
The London School of Economics and Political Science

Akphiri Richard
Malawi Statistical Office

Mercy Kayuna
Commissioner of Statistics
Malawi National Statistical Office

Gregoire Rey
CépiDc-Inserm, French epidemiology centre on medical causes of death

Piedad Urdinola
Associate Professor
Department of Statistics
National University of Columbia

Enrique Acosta
Research Scientist
Laboratory of Population Health
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

John Phillips
Chief of the Population and Social Processes Branch
National Institute of Aging

Sondre Solstad
Data Journalist and Analyst
The Economist

Estifanos Shargie
Focal point for CRVS
MECA Team, The Global Fund

James Tozer
Data Journalist and Analyst
The Economist

David Zezai
Global Health 5050

Eric Feigl-Ding
Chief Health Economist, Microclinic International
Senior Fellow, Federation of American Scientists

Andrew Stokes
Department of Global Health
Boston University School of Public Health USA

Samantha Dolan
Gates Foundation

Xavier Mancero
Statistics DivisionUnited
Nations Economic Commission for Latin America

Alamgir Hossen
Statistician and focal point officer
Sustainable Development Goal Cell
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics

Naama Rotem
Data Analyst
4M Analytics, Israel

Dr. Stefan Ma
Deputy Director 
Statistics and Research
Ministry of Health, Singapore

Mirza Balaj
CHAIN Research Coordinator
Department of Sociology and Politcal Science
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Dr. Afshin Ashofteh
Data Scientist and Statistician, Assistant Professor
NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS) of NOVA University of Lisbon,
and Research Fellow,  Statistics Portugal (INE)

Benoit Kalasa
Director, Technical Division

Guiomar Bay

Witness Chirinda

Helena Cruz-Castanheira
Population Affairs Officer

Tapiwa Jhamba
Technical advisor

Petra Nahmias
Chief of Population and Social Statistics Section

Romesh Silva
Technical specialist

Danzhen You
Lead Statistician

Scott Dowell
Gates Foundation

Andres Gutierrez Rojas
Statistics Division
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

Janet Mucheru
Civil Registration Services , Kenya

Martin Nyahoda
Deputy Registrar-General
National Registration, passport and Citizenship, Zambia

Ilya Kashnitsky
Assistant Professor
Center on Population Dynamics
University of Southern Denmark

Terje Andreas Eikemo
Director and Leader, CHAIN
Department of Sociology and Politcal Science
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Please contact the Secretariat should you wish to apply / express your interest to act as an observer to the TAG :,



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