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May 2020

WHO/C. Black
View from the audiovisual control booth at WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland during the Executive Board special session on the COVID-19 response, 5 October 2020.
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Director-General's opening remarks

Addressing a virtual community, Dr Tedros started his speech with a standing tribute to nurses and midwives, and all health workers, who have been on the front-lines saving lives. He ended with a powerful call for solidarity, stating: "Now more than ever, we need a healthier world. Now more than ever, we need a safer world. Now more than ever, we need a fairer world. And now more than ever, we need a stronger WHO. There is no other way forward but together."

Read the full opening remarks

Several heads of state spoke during the opening of the Assembly

Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, during the Seventy-third World Health Assembly opening remarks
WHO / Seventy-third World Health Assembly
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Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China

"China will provide US$ 2 billion over 2 years to help with COVID-19 response, and with economic and social development in affected countries, especially developing countries."

Watch Xi Jinping's speech (in Chinese)


Emmanuel Macron, President of France, during the Seventy-third World Health Assembly opening remarks
WHO / Seventy-third World Health Assembly
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Emmanuel Macron, President of France

"Only if we join forces will we beat this COVID-19 pandemic. We need a strong WHO and WHO is us: Member States."

Watch Emmanuel Macron's speech (in French)


Moon Jae-in, President of South Korea, during the Seventy-third World Health Assembly opening remarks
WHO / Seventy-third World Health Assembly
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Moon Jae-in, President of South Korea

"The world must unite under the banner of mutual trust and inclusiveness in the face of deepening COVID-19 crisis."

Watch Moon Jae-in's speech (in Korean)


Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, during the Seventy-third World Health Assembly opening remarks
WHO / Seventy-third World Health Assembly
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Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany

"It showed that virtually no country has been spared by this pandemic so no country can solve this problem alone. We must work together."

Watch Angela Merkel's speech (in German)


Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, during the Seventy-third World Health Assembly opening remarks
WHO / Seventy-third World health Assembly
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Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados

"Appreciation to Dr Tedros and WHO for the appointment of Andrew Witty & Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala for the access to COVID-19 tools accelerator - to ensure a framework for equitable access to tests, therapeutics and a vaccine if ever there's one."

Watch Mia Mottley's speech (in English)


Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa, during the Seventy-third World Health Assembly opening remarks
WHO / Seventy-third World Health Assembly
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Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa

"Africa affirms its full support for WHO which has been key in guiding the international response to the pandemic. WHO has been instrumental in providing guidance and support to Africa."

Watch Cyril Ramphosa's speech (in English)


WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros during his closing remarks at the Seventy-third World Health Assembly

Director-General's closing remarks

In his closing remarks, Dr Tedros said “COVID-19 has robbed us of people we love. It’s robbed us of lives and livelihoods; it’s shaken the foundations of our world; it threatens to tear at the fabric of international cooperation. But it’s also reminded us that for all our differences, we are one human race, and we are stronger together.”

Read the closing remarks