Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly: daily updates

Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly: daily updates

WHO / Pierre Albouy
H.E. Ahmed Robleh Abdilleh, Minister of Health of Djibouti and President of the 75th World Health Assembly, addresses the Second Plenary meeting on the morning of 23 May 2022.
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Close up of WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during a speech.

Director-General's address at the High-Level Welcome

"This is a unique organization, with a unique constitutional mandate, unique expertise, a unique global footprint, unique global legitimacy, and a unique role at the centre of the global health architecture. I ask you to empower it, enable it and equip it to play that role." "And I ask you to once again embody the same ideal on which WHO was founded 76 years ago: All for Health, and Health for All."

Notes for the media

