WHO Evaluation Office

WHO Evaluation Office

WHO / Fabeha Monir
WHO’s Dr Syeda Tasmina Ferdous Jinia speaks to nurses in the dengue ward of Suhrawardy Hospital in Sher-E-Bangla-Nagar, Dhaka, on 3 October 2023.
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The WHO Evaluation Office plays a pivotal role in advancing performance, bolstering accountability, and supporting organizational learning. It serves to foster collaboration with partners to assess outcomes and disseminate crucial insights aimed at improving health outcomes globally. By catalysing a culture of continuous improvement, the office strives to enhance the effectiveness of initiatives, ensuring that WHO is at the forefront of promoting health and well-being for all.

As an independent entity, the Office is dedicated to guaranteeing that evaluation processes are both inclusive and impartial and conducted with scientific rigor. Widely disseminating evaluation findings and recommendations is a key priority, with a strong emphasis on fostering opportunities for collective learning. The focus extends to actively exploring ways to implement recommendations to improve organizational effectiveness and outcomes.

A thorough review of the evaluation function, incorporating insights from diverse entities, has led to the development and ongoing implementation of a robust framework focused on six key action areas:

    1. Establishing an enabling environment and governance
    2. Evaluation capacity resources
    3. Evaluation work plan, scope and modalities
    4. Evaluation recommendations and management response
    5. Organizational learning
    6. Communicating evaluation work

UN Evaluation Group (UNEG) defines evaluation as follows:

"….an assessment, as systematic and impartial as possible of an activity, project, programme, strategy, policy, theme, sector, operational area or institutional performance. It focuses on expected and achieved accomplishments examining the results chain, processes, contextual factors and causality, in order to understand achievements or the lack thereof. It aims at determining the relevance, impact, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the interventions and contributions of the organizations of the UN system."



Evaluation reports

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Publication cover for "Evaluation of WHO 13th General Programme of Work" showing a photograph of a nurse attending to patients in a dengue ward.

In April 2023, as WHO celebrated its 75th anniversary and embarked on the preparations for the 14th General Programme of Work (GPW14), it became imperative...

Publication thumbnail for "Evaluation of WHO normative function at country level: report".

Evaluation of WHO’s normative function at the country levelThe WHO Evaluation Office presents a comprehensive evaluation of the organization’s...

Mid-term evaluation of the Global Strategy to Eliminate Yellow Fever Epidemics (‎EYE)‎ 2017–2026 

In 2016, a widespread yellow fever outbreak in Angola, also affecting the capital city, caused unprecedented spread, affecting neighbouring countries...


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This case study focused on the following four strategic levers of the WHO/UNICEF PHC Operational Framework during the implementation period 2020-2023:...

This case study in Kenya focused on the following four strategic and operational levers of the WHO/United Nations Children’s Fund PHC Operational...

This case study in Chile focused on the following two strategic levers of the WHO/UNICEF PHC Operational Framework during the implementation period 2022–2023:...

The Evaluation of the WHO contribution at the country level in Djibouti was requested by WHO Djibouti Country Office (WCO) and jointly commissioned by...



WHO Evaluation Office is a member of UNEG, ALNAP and the European Evaluation Society.



The WHO Evaluation Office is headed by Dr Masahiro Igarashi, Director of the Department of Evaluation.

Email: evaluation@who.int