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Summer Reading

bingo board graphic

Summer Reading 2024 Bingo Challenge!

Dive into our Summer Reading Bingo Challenge! To participate, complete five squares in a row (vertical, horizontal, or diagonal) and jot down the titles of the books you read in the space below each square. Return your completed bingo card to Wesleyan RJ Julia to receive a raffle ticket.

The entry deadline is Labor Day, Monday, September 2, 2024, and the raffle drawing will take place on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. You could win a Back-to-School Gift Basket filled with school supplies, a journal, books, and more!

Looking for the perfect book? Below, explore our recommendations for each bingo card challenge! Let's read a...


Leo Messi (Little People, BIG DREAMS)

Graphic Novel

Plain Jane and the Mermaid

Historical Novel


Nutmeg Nominee

A Rover's Story

Book About Nature

Hello Bugs: A Little Guide to Nature

Book with a One Word Title


Funny Book

How to Catch a Polar Bear

Book with a Red Cover

Max and the Midknights: Battle of the Bodkins
