How to Use Kinsta Hosting for Your Woocommerce Store

How to Use Kinsta Hosting for Your WooCommerce Store?

In this detailed guide, we will cover the steps to set up Kinsta hosting for your WooCommerce store. We’ll also provide a detailed walkthrough of the Kinsta hosting platform, its main features, and how it can benefit your eCommerce business.

For every eCommerce store, having a reliable hosting solution is important. Struggling with slow load times, frequent downtime, and security vulnerabilities can significantly impact customer experience and sales for your business.

Kinsta is an excellent choice for a WordPress hosting service, as they offer a suite of tools designed to improve the performance of your website and the reliability of your eCommerce store. They have flexible plans that suit businesses of all sizes.

Let’s have a deep look at the Kinsta WordPress hosting platform, explore its key features and learn how to set up Kinsta hosting for your WooCommerce store. By the end of this article, you’ll learn how to take full advantage of Kinsta to take your eCommerce business to the next level.


Key Takeaways:

  • Kinsta offers managed WordPress hosting optimized for WooCommerce, using Google Cloud Platform’s Premium Tier network to ensure fast, secure, and reliable performance.
  • Key benefits of Kinsta include advanced security features, premium 24/7 support, scalable and flexible hosting plans, and an easy-to-use dashboard for managing web projects.
  • Setting up Kinsta for WooCommerce involves straightforward steps like creating an account, installing WordPress, configuring WooCommerce, and testing the website, making it an ideal choice for businesses seeking efficient and hassle-free hosting solutions.

What Are the Essential Hosting Requirements for WooCommerce?

WooCommerce requires specific hosting requirements to operate. If the hosting service doesn’t meet the minimum requirements, the core WooCommerce plugin won’t function properly. So, let’s look at the essential hosting requirements for WooCommerce.

  • WordPress version: WooCommerce requires WordPress version 6.4 or higher to operate.
  • PHP version: Make sure your server runs PHP version 7.4 or higher.
  • MySQL Version: Requires MySQL version 5.6 or higher or MariaDB 10.4 or higher for efficient database management.
  • HTTPS: Requires an SSL certificate with HTTPS support to provide data encryption and better security.
  • Memory Limit: Provide at least 256 MB or higher memory limit for WordPress.
  • cURL Support: WooCommerce uses cURL (Client URL) for payment gateway integrations and API requests. Ensure that your server has cURL enabled.

Additionally, you can consider implementing firewalls, malware scanning and data backup tools for protecting your store data.

What Is Kinsta?

Kinsta is a managed web hosting provider that offers fast, secure, and reliable hosting services optimized for WordPress and WooCommerce installations. They use Google Cloud Platform’s Premium Tier network for their hosting services. This ensures reliable uptime for your websites.

One key advantage of Kinsta is that they have scalable plans to cater to a wide range of users, from small businesses to large enterprises. This makes Kinsta an ideal choice for small to medium-sized businesses. You can choose a plan that best suits your website requirements.

Why Choose Kinsta?

When finding the right hosting provider for your business, you may need to consider various factors. Simply put, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What type of hosting do you need? – Shared, VPS, dedicated, or managed hosting?
  2. How many site visitors are you expecting?
  3. What security features do you need? – SSL certificates, HTTPS, and automated backups
  4. What is your budget for hosting?
  5. How much bandwidth and storage do you need?
  6. Is uptime important for your website?

Answering these questions will help you choose the right hosting provider for your business.

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Kinsta Hosting for WooCommerce

Now, let’s see why Kinsta can be the right choice for your WordPress web hosting.

1. Managed Hosting for WordPress

Kinsta offers managed hosting for your WordPress website. This means that you don’t have to worry about managing the server or adding security or encryption systems to your website. They’ll manage all server-related issues, including updates, backups, and security, allowing you to focus on your core business.

When compared with other hosting technologies, managed hosting makes the most sense for small to medium-sized businesses. It is efficient and scalable and saves you from the hassles of managing a web server. We don’t want to go further into the technical intricacies of different hosting technologies; we’ll save that for another day.


Quick Stats: The Global Managed Hosting Market was valued at USD 108.56 Billion in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 395.85 Billion by 2030, growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 20.3%.

Source: Verified Market Reports

2. Advanced Security Features

Kinsta hosting

Kinsta offers a comprehensive suite of security features to protect your website from malicious attacks. To start, they provide free SSL certificates with HTTPS encryption for your domain. Additionally, they offer powerful firewalls with DDoS protection, ensuring your domain is protected from unauthorized access and DDoS attacks.

Kinsta uses Google’s Premium Tier Cloud Platform infrastructure to enable secure, low-latency transport of your website data. They offer complete private protection for all websites hosted on their platform using isolated container technology. Each site is housed in its own container, with resources allocated privately and not shared with any other site on the platform. This is a huge differentiator, as most WordPress hosts in the market don’t have this unique container technology. Sites on the same server “fight” for the same resources.

On top of the GCP-powered infrastructure and isolated container technology, an enterprise-level Cloudflare integration is included for clients, free of charge. Taking advantage of the Cloudflare integration, you’ll have access to a global CDN network with 260+ locations, free SSL, Edge Caching, Early Hints, HTTP/3 support, and much more.

Kinsta also offers an important selective push feature for WooCommerce stores. This means customers can deploy anything from entire sites to individual files or database tables from staging to production.

Moreover, Kinsta has a dedicated malware protection team and various active and passive security features to quickly respond to any type of malicious attack. This ensures that any issues are addressed before you know it. Rest assured, you can focus on other important aspects of your business with the peace of mind that comes from using a managed hosting service 😎. You’ll also get notifications of plugin vulnerabilities.


Quick Facts: Kinsta uses the same Cloud Platform infrastructures that secure Google’s premium products, including Gmail and Google Search.

Source: Kinsta Blog

3. Premium Support

When choosing a website hosting service, it’s crucial to consider the quality of their technical support team. Issues like website downtime or third-party attacks can occur at any time. To address these concerns, Kinsta offers premium support 24/7/365 to all their customers. No matter the day or time, a dedicated support team is always available to assist you. No AI or chatbots, the support is provided by humans.

Additionally, Kinsta provides valuable resources such as blog posts, documentation, and help guides. These resources help you follow best practices for your website, stay informed about the latest technological developments, and learn how to maximize the benefits of Kinsta’s hosting service.

Kinsta has an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 in G2 and 4.5 out of 5 in TrustPilot.

4. Flexible and Scalable Plans

Kinsta’s flexible plans make it an ideal choice for SMBs, offering options for businesses of all sizes. No matter how many site visitors you have, how much your budget is, or how much bandwidth or storage you need, there’s always a pricing plan that fits your requirements.

Take a look at their pricing chart, it clearly helps you find the best plan for your business. 

Pricing chart

If none of the existing plans meet your needs, you can contact their sales team to request a custom plan. Even if you exceed your plan’s resource limits, Kinsta will keep your websites running by charging an overage fee.

5. Easy to Use

Launching a new WordPress website using Kinsta is easy. We’ll discuss more about it in the later part of this article. With the MyKinsta dashboard, you can manage all your web projects in one place. It shows detailed reports of your website analytics, such as resource usage details, bandwidth used, number of unique visitors, etc.

MyKinsta dashboard

This will help you track and manage the resource consumption on your web projects.

Now, let’s go through the step-by-step guide to configure Kinsta hosting for WooCommerce.

How to Configure Kinsta Hosting in WooCommerce?

Kinsta allows you to start and host your WooCommerce website right from their dashboard. Follow the below steps to successfully create a WooCommerce website using Kinsta hosting.

Step 1: Set Up Your Kinsta Account

Go to the Kinsta website and sign up for an account.

Choose a plan that fits your WooCommerce store needs. After purchasing the plan, log in to your Kinsta account.

Set up your Kinsta account

Here’s a preview of the MyKinsta dashboard. (Your interface will be different from ours, as we have already created a website.

Step 2: Install WordPress Using Kinsta

  • Click on the Add service button, and choose WordPress site.
Add new WordPress website
  • From the Add site page, choose Install WordPress and click on Continue.
Install WordPress using Kinsta

In the next step, you need to enter some details of your web project.

  • Enter your website name. This is not your domain name; it is only visible in the MyKinsta dashboard to help you manage your web project.
  • Then, select a data center for your website; Kinsta allows you to choose from 37 locations worldwide. Choose a location that is closest to the majority of your site visitors.
Configure WordPress website
  • Keep the other options in the default settings and click on Continue.

Now, you’ll have to enter the WordPress login credentials and configuration information.

  • Enter your WordPress website title.
  • Choose a username and password for your WordPress admin account.
  • Your admin email will be automatically added to the respective field, you can change it if you want.
  • Then, select a preferred language for your website.
  • Now, click on the Install WooCommerce checkbox.
WordPress login
  • Click on Continue to proceed to the next step.
WordPress website created
  • Once your site is created, click on Manage domains. This will take you to the MyKinsta dashboard, where you can manage your web project.
New website added

Step 3: Set Up WooCommerce on Your Website

From your MyKinsta dashboard, click on Open WordPress admin.

Open WordPress admin

This will take you to the WordPress login page.

Login WordPress
  • Enter the login credentials you chose while setting up your WordPress website in Step 2 and log in to your WordPress admin account.
Go to Installed plugins from WordPress dashboard
  • From your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Installed Plugins.
Activate WooCommerce in WordPress

You can see the WooCommerce plugin is already installed on your website. Click on Activate to activate the plugin on your WordPress website.

Now, configure the on screen instructions on setting the WooCommerce plugin. Refer to our guide on how to set up a WooCommerce store, for more information.

And that’s it you have successfully created a fully functional eCommerce website using WooCommerce and Kinsta hosting.

Step 4: Test Your Website

After setting up WooCommerce and adding products and other relevant plugins, test your website and ensure that it is functioning properly. Your website will already be configured with HTTPS encryption and an SSL certificate.

SSL Certificate is valid

To Wrap Up

Kinsta WordPress Hosting is a managed hosting service that caters to businesses of all sizes. They use Google Cloud Platform infrastructure and offer advanced encryption technologies for websites. They have a dedicated technical support team that provides round-the-clock assistance to all customers.

Additionally, they offer flexible plans tailored to accommodate diverse business requirements. These features make Kinsta an ideal web hosting solution for small and medium-sized businesses.

We hope this article has helped you learn about Kinsta hosting and its configuration for a WooCommerce website. If you have any queries, please feel free to ask in the comments section.

Article by

Content Writer @ WebToffee. Specialized in WordPress and eCommerce. When I am not writing, I enjoy my downtime with a good cup of coffee and a movie.

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