Techniques for WCAG 2.0 submission form

This form provides a mechanism for those interested in submitting techniques to submit content for consideration in Techniques for WCAG 2.0. Submissions are publicly archived in the public-wcag2-techs@w3.org Mail Archives. Please note that submissions are subject to WCAG Working Group approval and that there is no guarantee that they will be included in a techniques working draft.

When submitting a technique, please be sure that you check it against the following list:

  1. The writeup follows the instructions and guidelines below for each section.
  2. The writeup does not include the words "required," "must," or "shall."
  3. The technique is written to be descriptive, not imperative. That is, the sentences say "with this technque you xyz" not "do xyz". The only exception to this is the tests section, where the steps in the procedure should be be imperative.
  4. No comment about sufficiency or advisory, etc. should be in the technique document. Again, the information should be at the Understanding WCAG 2.0 level instead. There are several reasons for this. First, it is confusing to say that the technique is sufficient for a success criteria for one technique but the same technique is not sufficient for another (because it might only be sufficient to use a combination of techniques). Also, some techniques may be sufficient in one place and advisory in another. Finally, you can end up with something where the techniques document differs from the understanding document which makes it difficult for people to review and tomake sure they have things correct when the information is in multiple places and is not exactly the same.

Submit a Technique

Last updated: $Date: 2014/01/17 22:16:05 $