Today consumers shop everywhere. At home, at their desks, on the move.

And they shop across channels, from marketplaces, to social media, to brand websites. Despite the lockdowns of the past two years, they still love to shop instore. In fact, our Future Shopper report found that 68% of 25-44 year olds said that they would prefer to shop with a retailer with a physical store.

This represents a challenge for brands who are desperately trying to build a single view of their customers to better serve them with relevant communication and personalize their experiences. Whilst building a picture of how customers behave online is getting easier, transferring that knowledge to the shop floor of their physical stores has been virtually impossible. Until now.

Introducing Oto

Introducing Oto, a solution developed by VML, that puts the power of customer data into the hands of retail’s most important asset, the sales representative.


Oto transforms instore selling. It centralizes online and offline data and builds an instant picture of the customer that is being served, in real time, including all past online interaction and behavioral data. Imagine being ready to tempt a customer with that jacket that they left in their digital cart only two days ago. With Oto you can.

Oto can tell the sales representative everything about a customer’s purchase habits. How much they buy, through which channel and even which products they like the most.

Then, applying artificial intelligence, the sales rep can use Oto’s Chat Commerce feature to recommend relevant products. This is personalized shopping on a new level.

How it works

01 bullet 360

Oto matches and centralizes customer data from all channels, providing a complete 360 customer view.

02 bullet AI

Based on machine learning and AI, Oto makes a daily list of activities so that your team won’t miss an opportunity.

03 bullet messaging

It suggests predictive offers and personalized messaging for every individual customer in just one click.

04 bullet oto

Don’t wait for your customer to visit the store, Oto enables your team to drive instore traffic or sell more to customers online.

Success stories



One of Brazil’s largest retailers increased offline sales by 7.5%.

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With more than 160 physical stores, Lebes achieved 15% increase in conversions.

Play Video


Could you imagine increasing chocolate sales at physical stores during pandemic?

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Who is it for?

Watch a demo here:


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