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Looking for the next RPG to sink your teeth into? The Metaphor: ReFantazio development stream is a must-watch!

Next Monday, eager fans will be able to tune in and get an update on the upcoming ATLAS RPG.

The main character of Metaphor sits in a throne, flanked by a red-headed fairy and some sort of mythical cat.
Image credit: Atlus

If you've got a hunger top find the next big RPG that might blow you away, then you've absolutely got to mark your calendar for the upcoming Metaphor: ReFantasio development livestream. Dedicated to the upcoming ATLAS game, it'll be the first in-depth dive into the title since its reveal.

You can watch it yourself next Monday, on April 22, by tuning in live at 3PM PT / 6PM ET / 11PM GMT / 12AM CET (April 23). It'll be going live on the official ATLUS YouTube channel, though how long this stream will be has not yet been revealed.

Neither have its specific contents, aside from a brief line explaining that it will cover "the latest updates on development". It's worth noting that as of writing, Metaphor: ReFantazio has yet to be given a release date other than a vague 2024 release window. As such, one can hope for a final date to look forward to, or at least a month/season that's being targeted.

If you've not seen Metaphor: ReFantazio before, you should absolutely check it out yourself. It's this slick fantastical RPG from the creators of the Persona games, so it's got that same stylish approach fans have grown to adore, lovingly spread across every tidbit we've seen of it so far. With a blend of real-time action and turn-based combat embedded at the core of this party-focused RPG, its certainly looking to be a must-play for dedicated fans of the genre.

It'll also be interesting to see how ATLAS performs with this new IP. Persona is a known quantity at this point - one that people absolutely love - so seeing the team take a punt on a fresh project is intriguing. Who knows, it could be a great jumping-on point for those who've been tempted to dig in to a proper chunky RPG experience.

Will you be tuning in? Let us know below, as well as what you're hoping to see come next Monday.

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