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Elden Ring fan-made anime - fanime if you will - gets a teaser trailer featuring plenty of bosses we know and love

Big high five if this lot combined have killed you less times than the number of seconds the teaser lasts.

Malenia in the Elden ring fan-made anime.
Image credit: Stein Alter

If you're waiting for news on an Elden Ring adaptation that isn't just George R.R. Martin vaguely trolling us via his blog, you're in luck. A fan-made anime based on FromSoft's creation has just gotten a teaser trailer ahead of its arrival this fall.

Yep, you'll soon (ish, at least) have something ER-related to watch that isn't a very good lore video that may or may not be 100 hours long or a very talented streamer slapping up Messmer one-handed while having a snack.

The teaser, which you can watch below, is for the fan-made Elden Ring anime currently being worked on by a team led by YouTuber Steins Alter, who decided earlier this year that enough was enough, they were going to make the Elden Ring anime a thing.

While this teaser's only about 30 seconds long if you don't count the credits, the team is aiming to make the full version run for five minutes, and currently have it pencilled in for a release in fall 2024.

So, how many bosses did you recognise? Even non-Elden Ringers should know Malenia, who pops up to introduce herself in quite polite fashion. There's also Maliketh cutting about a bit, Radagon just kinda standing there, and Mohg doing a very anime jump next to Miquella's egg, which we get a nice shot of, especially if you love a good outstretched arm.

It ends with a nice tease of Shadow of the Erdtree's Messmer too, so it seems like we'll be getting at least a bit of DLC goodness woven in there to via snake boy.

If you're still battling your own way through Shadow of the Erdtree and need a bit of help to reach the big final baddie, whom (spoilers) a dataminer's recently uncovered some cut dialogue for, make sure to check out our huge array of guides that should be able to aid you regardless of what you need a hand with.

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