Andreas Lindberg, Christin Grundström, Henrik Bergdahl, Umeå Biotech Incubator

Umeå Biotech Incubator AB is a specialized life science incubator supporting early-stage startups and a wide range of professional expertise in a field where business mistakes can be very costly. We are part of the Umeå University and Region Västerbottens Innovation Support System.

UBI is owned by Umeå University through its holding company, Umeå Municipality through Umeå kommunföretag and Region Västerbotten.

Ownership is distributed as follows:

  • Umeå University holding AB: 58%
  • Umeå kommunföretag AB: 25%
  • Region Västerbotten: 16%

UBI is a subsidiary of Umeå University Holding AB together with our sister incubators; Uminova Innovation (tech) and Expression Umeå (creative and design businesses).

We strive to create an integrated and overlapping innovation support service that offers each case the best combination of expertise and experience needed to transform their research into future innovations. We work close to the Innovation Office at Umeå University and Innovationsslussen at Region Västerbotten

Umeå Biotech Incubator’s board of directors

• Urban Eriksson (CEO, SLU Holding), Chairperson
• Peter Juneblad (Näringslivschef, Umeå kommun), Board member
• Göran Larsson (Director of Research & Education, Region Västerbotten) Board member
• Anders Sylvan (Acting Health and Medical Care Director, Region Västernorrland) Board member
• Mikael Långström, (Entrepreneur) Board member
• Camilla Viklund (CEO, Umeå University Holding), Board member

UBI’s auditor is EY

Nomination Committee

Consists of one representative from the three owners Umeå University Holding, Umeå kommunföretag and Region Västerbotten

Head of the Nomination Committee: Fredrik Lundberg, Umeå kommunföretag

Partners supporting our innovation cause

We collaborate with research-based institutions in the Umeå area, among others Umeå university, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU), Norrlands Universitetssjukhus (NUS) and Försvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI). Our joint competence within life sciences is a vital part of, and strategic complement to, the academic innovation support system, with the aim to connect and develop academia, industry and the healthcare sector.