Open-Source Database Software

TrustRadius Top Rated for 2024

Top Rated Products

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Astra DB

Astra DB from DataStax is a vector database for developers that need to get accurate Generative AI applications into production, fast.

All Products

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MySQL is a popular open-source relational and embedded database, now owned by Oracle.

Couchbase Server

Couchbase Server is a cloud-native, distributed database that fuses the strengths of relational databases such as SQL and ACID transactions with JSON flexibility and scale that defines NoSQL. It is available as a service in commercial clouds and supports hybrid and private cloud…


MongoDB is an open source document-oriented database system. It is part of the NoSQL family of database systems. Instead of storing data in tables as is done in a "classical" relational database, MongoDB stores structured data as JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas (MongoDB…


PostgreSQL (alternately Postgres) is a free and open source object-relational database system boasting over 30 years of active development, reliability, feature robustness, and performance. It supports SQL and is designed to support various workloads flexibly.

Apache Hive

Apache Hive is database/data warehouse software that supports data querying and analysis of large datasets stored in the Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) and other compatible systems, and is distributed under an open source license.


Prometheus is a service monitoring and time series database, which is open source.

Astra DB

Astra DB from DataStax is a vector database for developers that need to get accurate Generative AI applications into production, fast.

MariaDB Platform

MariaDB is an open-source relational database made by the original developers of MySQL, supported by the MariaDB Foundation and a community of developers. The community states recent additional capabilities as including clustering with Galera Cluster 4, compatibility with Oracle…

Apache Cassandra

Cassandra is a no-SQL database from Apache.


SQLite is an in-process library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. The code for SQLite is in the public domain and is thus free for use for any purpose, commercial or private. SQLite is one of the most widely deployed…

Apache HBase

The Apache HBase project's goal is the hosting of very large tables -- billions of rows X millions of columns -- atop clusters of commodity hardware. Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational database modeled after Google's Bigtable.

Apache CouchDB

Apache CouchDB is an HTTP + JSON document database with Map Reduce views and bi-directional replication. The Couch Replication Protocol is implemented in a variety of projects and products that span computing environments from globally distributed server-clusters, over mobile phones…


Neo4j is an open source embeddable graph database developed by Neo Technologies based in San Mateo, California with an office in Sweden.


FirebirdSQL is an open-source database which can be embedded.

Percona Server for MySQL

Percona Server for MySQL is a free, compatible, enhanced, open source drop-in replacement for MySQL. Percona states it provides superior performance, scalability, and instrumentation. Boasting over 5,300,000 downloads, Percona Server’s self-tuning algorithms and support for high-…


The InfluxDB is a time series database from InfluxData headquartered in San Francisco. As an observability solution, it is designed to provide real-time visibility into stacks, sensors and systems. It is available open source, via the Cloud as a DBaaS option, or through an Enterprise…

Apache Derby

Apache Derby is an embedded relational database management system, originally developed by IBM and called IBM Cloudscape.

VictoriaMetrics Community

VictoriaMetrics is a high-performance monitoring solution and time series database


ClickHouse is an open-source, column-oriented OLAP database system enabling real-time analytical reports using SQL queries. With linear scalability, it handles trillions of rows and petabytes of data. ClickHouse Cloud offers a scalable serverless solution for real-time analytics.

H2 Database Engine

H2 Database Engine is an open source, embeddable database management system (RDMS) written in Java.

Percona Server for MongoDB

Percona Server for MongoDB is a free and open-source drop-in replacement for MongoDB Community Edition. It combines all the features and benefits of MongoDB Community Edition with enterprise-class features from Percona. Built on the MongoDB Community Edition, Percona Server for MongoDB…

Apache Geode

Apache Geode is a distributed in-memory database designed to support low latency, high concurrency solutions, available free and open source since 2002. With it, users can build high-speed, data-intensive applications that elastically meet performance requirements. Apache Geode…

Apache Druid

Apache Druid is an open source distributed data store. Druid’s core design combines ideas from data warehouses, timeseries databases, and search systems to create a high performance real-time analytics database for a broad range of use cases. Druid merges key characteristics of each…


ArangoDB is a distributed free and open-source database with a flexible data model for graphs, documents, and key-values. Its supporters state that developers can build high performance applications on top of ArangoDB using a convenient SQL-like query language or JavaScript extensions.…

Titan Distributed Graph Database

Titan is an open-source distributed graph database developed by Aurelius. Aurelius is now part of Datastax (since February 2015).

Learn More About Open-Source Database Software

What is Open-Source Database Software?

Traditionally, databases have been proprietary tools provided by Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, and a number of other smaller vendors. Over recent years though, and especially for new projects, open source databases and database management tools have steadily grown in maturity and importance. In many cases, open-source database software includes both database software, and the database management tools needed to support the database.

As open-source databases become adopted by more and more companies for large-scale enterprise projects, there has been a concomitant rise in the availability of skilled DBAs, with extensive knowledge of these platforms to be able to assist with mission-critical deployments.

In addition to the obvious cost savings, open source database software have largely reached feature parity with their proprietary cousins. The open-source model also allows for heavy customization and community development, which makes the software very flexible compared to proprietary database software. Training materials are also often provided for free by user communities.

Open-Source Database Software Features & Capabilities

Some of the most common features provided by open-source database software include:

  • Relational and Nonrelational Databases
  • Support for Multiple Platforms
  • Supports databases and database management
  • Data Security
  • Data Collaboration

Pricing Information

All open-source database software options are available for free to businesses that can support them independently. That said, a number of open-source database options offer paid support, hosting, or monitoring. Pricing depends highly on which features are needed by the organization.

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Frequently Asked Questions

When is an open-source database better than a proprietary database?

Open-source databases are obviously better for businesses that don’t want to spend any money on their database software. Additionally, open-source databases can be useful for businesses that have specific needs that aren’t met by proprietary options, as open-source software options can be much more flexible.

What are the best open-source database software options?

The Top Rated open-source database software options are as follows.

  1. PostgreSQL
  2. MySQL
  3. MongoDB

Are there non-relational open-source databases?

While most open-source databases are relational, there are several non-relational and NoSQL databases. Some of the most popular open-source databases, such as MongoDB are non-relational.