Internet Performance Monitoring Software


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Dynatrace is an APM scaled for enterprises with cloud, on-premise, and hybrid application and SaaS monitoring. Dynatrace uses AI-supported algorithms to provide continual APM self-learning and predictive alerts for proactive issue resolution.

New Relic

New Relic is a SaaS-based web and mobile application performance management provider for the cloud and the datacenter. They provide code-level diagnostics for dedicated infrastructures, the cloud, or hybrid environments and real time monitoring.

Cisco ThousandEyes

Cisco ThousandEyes is a Digital Experience Assurance platform that helps organizations to deliver flawless digital experiences across every network – even the ones they don’t own.

SolarWinds Pingdom

SolarWinds Pingdom is a website uptime monitoring and alert tool, with additional reporting and Real User Monitoring capabilities. Pingdom is part of SolarWinds’s DevOps package, enabling full-stack monitoring as a service.


Catchpoint is an Internet Resilience solution offering services for retailers, Global2000, CDNs, cloud service providers, and xSPs that help increase their resilience by catching any issues in the Intenet Stack before they impact their business. Catchpoint's Internet Performance…


Zabbix is an open-source network performance monitoring software. It includes prebuilt official and community-developed templates for integrating with networks, applications, and endpoints, and can automate some monitoring processes.


Datadog is a monitoring service for IT, Dev and Ops teams who write and run applications at scale, and want to turn the massive amounts of data produced by their apps, tools and services into actionable insight.

Nagios XI

Nagios XI is an Enterprise Server and Network Monitoring Software, built on Nagios Core and designed to comprehensive application, service, and network monitoring in a central solution. Nagios XI is available in two different editions: Standard Edition and an Enterprise Edition. The…


Uptrends is the eponymous product from the company in Massachusetts for monitoring a website's uptime, used as well for monitoring web apps' functioning, server monitoring with alerts and reporting, and general analysis of a website's performance, element-by-element.


AppNeta provides performance monitoring solutions for distributed, cloud-connected, digital enterprises. AppNeta’s SaaS-based solutions give IT teams application and network performance data, allowing them to constantly monitor user experience across any application, network, data…

Learn More About Internet Performance Monitoring Software

What is Internet Performance Monitoring Software?

Internet Performance Monitoring (IPM) Software is utilized by a variety of departments within an organization, each with distinct but complementary goals. Network administrators and IT departments are the primary users, as they aim to ensure the continuous availability and optimal performance of the organization's internet and network services. These teams focus on minimizing downtime, resolving connectivity issues, and monitoring the health of the network to preempt potential problems.

Marketing teams, particularly those involved in digital marketing, also benefit from IPM software as it ensures the accessibility and performance of websites, which can directly impact visitor engagement and conversion rates. Customer support departments use it to identify and resolve internet-related issues that could affect service quality, thereby enhancing the customer experience.

In addition, business leaders and decision-makers use insights from IPM software to gauge the overall performance of their web applications and services, making data-driven decisions that can improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Internet Performance Monitoring Software bears some resemblance to Network Performance Monitoring (NPM) and Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools. While NPM focuses more on the internal network infrastructure and APM on the performance of software applications, IPM zeroes in on monitoring the performance of internet connectivity and external services. The overlap lies in their common goal of ensuring smooth digital experiences.

Key Features of Internet Performance Monitoring Software

  1. Real-Time Monitoring: This feature involves the continuous tracking of internet performance metrics such as load times, latency, throughput, and geolocation verification. Real-time alerts are provided if metrics fall below acceptable thresholds.
  2. Synthetic Monitoring: This involves using scripts to simulate user interactions with a website or application, providing insights into performance from different geographic locations and at different times.
  3. Diagnostic Tools: Advanced diagnostic capabilities help identify the root cause of performance issues, whether it's an ISP problem, server downtime, or DNS configuration issue.
  4. Historical Data Analysis: Storing and analyzing past performance data helps identify trends, recurring issues, and the impact of changes or updates on internet performance.
  5. Reporting and Dashboards: Comprehensive reporting tools and customizable dashboards display key performance indicators in an easily understandable format, valuable for stakeholders at all levels.
  6. Geo-Verification: Monitoring how services perform from various geographical locations to ensure consistent performance globally.

Considerations When Purchasing Internet Performance Monitoring Software

  1. Ease of Use: The software should have an intuitive interface that enables both technical and non-technical users to navigate and leverage its features effectively. Complex setup processes and steep learning curves can be significant barriers to adoption.
  2. Integration Capabilities: Potential buyers should evaluate how well the IPM software integrates with existing systems, such as NPM, APM, and various communication and incident management tools. Seamless integration can significantly enhance operational efficiency.
  3. Scalability: Organizations should consider whether the software can scale along with their growth. Whether it’s the ability to monitor more endpoints, support a growing number of users, or offer advanced features, scalability is crucial to long-term investment value.
  4. Accuracy and Reliability: The software must provide accurate and reliable data. Inaccurate data can lead to misguided decisions, while unreliable monitoring could result in unanticipated downtimes.
  5. Customer Support and Training: Robust customer support and training options are vital to maximizing the utility of the software. Buyers should look into the quality of vendor support, availability of training resources, and community forums.

Pricing Information for Internet Performance Monitoring Software

Pricing for Internet Performance Monitoring Software can vary widely based on features, scale, and vendor offerings. On average, basic plans can start at around $10 to $50 per month for basic monitoring capabilities and a limited number of endpoints. More advanced plans, which include comprehensive diagnostic tools, extensive reporting features, and support for a larger number of endpoints, can cost several hundred dollars per month.

Many vendors offer free trials or a freemium version with limited features, allowing potential buyers to evaluate the software before committing financially. For those seeking custom solutions tailored to specific business needs, vendors often provide custom quotes based on the required features and scale.

The pricing models can also differ, with some vendors offering subscription-based models billed monthly or annually, while others may charge based on usage metrics such as the number of synthetic monitoring checks or the volume of data processed. Additionally, more expensive plans usually include advanced features like detailed analytics, enhanced customer support, and greater customization capabilities.

When considering Internet Performance Monitoring Software, potential buyers should carefully evaluate their needs, the software's features, ease of use, scalability, and integration capabilities while keeping an eye on budget and pricing structure to ensure they choose the best fit for their organization.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does Internet Performance Monitoring Software do?

Internet Performance Monitoring Software continuously tracks the performance of internet services and networks, measuring metrics like uptime, latency, and speed. It helps identify, diagnose, and resolve performance issues, ensuring that internet-dependent business processes run smoothly.

What are the benefits of using Internet Performance Monitoring Software?

The primary benefits of using Internet Performance Monitoring Software include reduced downtime, optimized network performance, and enhanced user experience, all of which contribute to increased productivity and potential cost savings.

What are the best Internet Performance Monitoring Software products?

The following are the most popular products in this category:

- SolarWinds Pingdom

- Dynatrace

- AppNeta

- ThousandEyes

- Catchpoint

- New Relic

- Nagios XI

- Zabbix

- Datadog

- Uptrends

How much does Internet Performance Monitoring Software cost?

The cost of Internet Performance Monitoring Software typically ranges from$10 to $50 per month for basic plans, scaling up to several hundred dollars per month for more advanced features and higher tiers of service. Many vendors offer free trials or freemium versions for potential buyers to evaluate the software before making a purchase. Pricing details are often not publicly disclosed and may require contacting the vendor for a custom quote.