Equation Editors

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Equatio is an equation editor used to create digital, accessible maths with the goal of making maths and science more accessible and engaging for every student.

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MathType is an equation editor used to write math notation as easily as writing text. MathType's toolbar offers over 500 symbols, including support for matrix, multiline equations, and elementary mathematical symbols. In addition to its mathematical capabilities, MathType simplifies…

Microsoft Equation Editor

Microsoft Equation Editor 3.0 (MEE) was a third-party component that was included in many versions of Office to help users add math equations to documents. MEE was pulled from the product, retroactively back to Office 2007, due to security concerns. The modern, built-in, Office equation…

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MathCast is a free and open source equation editor, an application that allows users to input mathematical equations. These equations can be used in documents, emails, and webpages. The equations can be rendered graphically to the screen, to picture files, or to MathML.

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MathMagic is a WYSIWYG math editor with Graphic user interface, with support for MathML, LaTeX, and MS Equation Editor.

Learn More About Equation Editors

What are Equation Editors?

Equation editors are specialized software tools designed to create and manipulate mathematical equations, formulas, and symbols in digital formats. Typically used by professionals and students in the fields of science, math, engineering, finance, and other technical disciplines, equation editors provide a convenient way to input complex mathematical expressions into documents.

Equation editors are frequently utilized by individuals or departments within organizations that require precise calculations and data representation. This includes research and development teams working on scientific projects or engineers designing new products. In educational institutions such as schools or universities, equation editors find great utility among teachers in math or science departments who need to create assessment materials with accurate representations of equations. Students also benefit from equation editors by allowing for a smooth process when turning in math assignments.

The primary goal of using an equation editor is to enhance the clarity of written material containing mathematical content. And provide users with an interface specifically tailored for creating complex equations with ease (including options like subscript/superscript formatting).

Equation editing software is often closely related to office productivity suites due to its integration capabilities with applications like word processors (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google Docs) or presentation tools (e.g., Microsoft PowerPoint). Although many text editing programs have built-in equation typing functionality; dedicated equation editors generally offer more advanced features suitable for professional use cases involving extensive calculations.

Equation Editors Software Features

While different equation editing software may offer varied feature sets depending on their target users' requirements, some key features can be found across most solutions:

  • Symbol Libraries: Essential mathematical symbols such as operators (+,-,/,*), fractions (√,), square root (√x), summations/iterations (∑i=0^n ), integrals (∫a b f(x)), etc., are prebuilt-in symbol libraries available in equation editors.
  • Formula Templates: Equation editors often offer a variety of pre-defined templates to accelerate the creation of frequently used formulas or equations, saving time and effort for users who need to generate similar content repeatedly.
  • Interactive Editing: Many equation editors allow real-time interactive editing, allowing users to see the result instantaneously as they modify equations or adjust parameters.
  • Export/Import Support: Ability to export mathematical expressions and equations created using equation editing software into various formats such as LaTeX, MathML (Mathematical Markup Language), HTML, image files like PNG or SVGs, or even directly exporting into document preparation software like Microsoft Word adds flexibility for sharing documents across different platforms and tools.
  • Equation Numbering & Referencing: Advanced features may include automatic numbering of equations within a document, along with built-in referencing capabilities that enable cross-referencing between different parts of the text.

Equation Editors Comparison

When purchasing an equation editor software product, potential buyers should consider several factors:

  • Usability & Learning Curve: Evaluate how user-friendly an equation editor's interface is by exploring available demos or trial versions. Look for toolbars and menus that are logically organized and easy to navigate. Assess if there are sufficient learning resources (e.g., tutorials) provided by the vendor to help new users get up to speed quickly.
  • Integration Capabilities: Check compatibility with existing applications commonly used in your organization's workflow (e.g., Google Suite, Microsoft Office). Ensure seamless integration without major disruptions during installations/upgrades.
  • Advanced Functionality Needs: Determine whether a solution's built-in math functions/calculators meet both immediate requirements as well as any possible future needs. Products can differ in their use case differentiating between educational and industrial use and affect features available. Consider if specialized features such as graph plotting capability would be beneficial for your use case.
  • Collaboration & Sharing Features: Gauge the ability of an equation editor to collaborate with multiple users simultaneously, enabling real-time co-authoring/editing or grading. Verify if sharing options (such as cloud-based storage or collaboration platforms) are available.

Pricing Information

Pricing for equation editors can vary depending on several factors such as the software brand, feature set, and number of users. Due to this variability in pricing structures across equation editing solutions; vendors often provide custom quotes to potential buyers based on their specific requirements.

Vendors typically offer free versions or trials of their equation editors with limited functionality or timeframes; others may have tiers ranging from basic offerings to free up to professional-grade plans with advanced features like symbolic processing capabilities.

Different products may provide pricing options tailored for individuals, students, or student groups. Individual pricing ranges from $59-$160 annually. Educational pricing can be as affordable as $1.95 annually per student. School district usage starts at $500/year and University/Campus usage starts at $1000/year. Government and non-profit usage starts at $600/year.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do equation editors do?

Equation editors are specialized software tools that allow users to create and manipulate mathematical equations, formulas, and symbols in digital formats. They provide a convenient way for professionals, students, and educators in technical fields to input complex mathematical expressions into documents with accuracy.

What are the benefits of using equation editors?

The benefits of using equation editors include saving time by providing an intuitive user interface for easily creating equations. They also improve productivity by offering pre-built symbol libraries, formula templates, real-time editing capabilities, and the ability to export or import equations into various formats. Additionally, integration with office productivity suites enhances collaboration and sharing options.

How much do equation editors cost?

Pricing typically ranges from $59-$160 per year, while educational pricing can be as low as $1.95 per student annually. Custom quotes are common and typically start at $600/year for government or non-profit usage and $1000/year for university/campus usage. Some vendors offer free versions or trials with limited functionality or timeframes.