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Score 9.0 out of 10
GitHub is a platform that hosts public and private code and provides software development and collaboration tools. Features include version control, issue tracking, code review, team management, syntax highlighting, etc. Personal plans ($0-50), Organizational plans ($0-200), and Enterprise plans are available.
per month per user
Score 8.8 out of 10
GitLab DevSecOps platform enables software innovation by aiming to empower development, security, and operations teams to build better software, faster. With GitLab, teams can create, deliver, and manage code quickly and continuously instead of managing disparate tools and scripts. GitLab helps teams across the complete DevSecOps lifecycle, from developing, securing, and deploying software. Differentiators, as described by Gitlab: Simplicity: With GitLab, DevSecOps can…
per month per user
Editions & Modules
per year per user
per year per user
GitLab Essential
per month per user
GitLab Premium
per month per user
GitLab Ultimate
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Entry-level Setup FeeNo setup feeOptional
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Considered Both Products
Chose GitHub
Github has a much larger community of users than Gitlab, and its interface is slightly more 'clean' and easy to navigate. Github's brand name is also more recognizable and its users are generally very helpful and willing to contribute to exciting open source projects.

Gitlab is …
Chose GitHub
GitHub has a bigger amount of users and is the go-to place for Git version control. However, Gitlab is open core and can be installed on your own infrastructure. At the end of the day, GitHub, however, is the more pragmatic choice due to so many tools being built around it.
Chose GitHub
Bitbucket and Gitlab are both really similar to GitHub in terms of a feature set, with the only real difference between these services being the price. In terms of features. The only small subtle differences are in the feature sets of each repository and the integrations that …
Chose GitHub
Gitlab has many more features (and many more for free). However, it is less mature and a little less stable than GitHub.

Bitbucket is very good for enterprises, as that its main focus. It also ties in well with the other Atlassian products (Jira, Bamboo, etc.). However, Bitbucket
Chose GitHub
I don't have a lot of experience with Gitlab, but some of our software developers have used it. GitHub seems to be better than Gitlab with its tools and features, but Gitlab is a better platform for collaborating on open-source projects. Since my organization does not do a lot …
Chose GitHub
Gitlab is the main competitor and they also have CI / CD capabilities, and also issue tracking, wiki. Gitlab supports static website hosting but does not offer dynamic Jekyll RoR server-side processing. The main advantage of Gitlab is that it offers private repositories for …
Chose GitHub
While I think all of the main platforms provide the same core functionality (a cloud-based version control system), Github provides the most commonly used tools across different organizations. I think Bitbucket is very useful to blend with Jira, and Gitlab provides a little …
Chose GitHub
While I don't have very much experience with these 2 solutions, they're two of the most popular alternatives to GitHub. Bitbucket is from Atlassian, which may make sense for a team that is already using other Atlassian tools like Jira, Confluence, and Trello, as their …
Chose GitHub
I use Bitbucket exclusively at work and I prefer the UI and user experience of GitHub more. Bitbucket is a bit more barebones in its features. It doesn't have the nice-to-have bells and whistles that GitHub has. But it was first to market with free private repos so many chose …
Chose GitHub
Gitlab is my personal preference for source control, primarily because of the fact that it is open-source, and that it has great CI tools integrated directly into the service. However, GitHub is probably the leader with respect to enterprise offerings. GitHub has many more …
Chose GitHub
GitHub is way easier to navigate and manage a repo. Bitbucket and Gitlab I only use when I need a private repo since these are free
Chose GitHub
Github is the clear industry leader in collaborative software development -- we use it because it has superior tooling, integrations with third parties, and hosts a lot of the open source code that we use every day. Bitbucket is a better fit for organizations that are deeply …
Chose GitHub
One biggest reason is that GitHub is popular and used by many so it is easy to get contributions this also means that most people are already familiar with using GitHub. GitLab does offer more features and has more rich pipelines with the free repository as well but GitHub is …
Chose GitHub
GitHub compared to GitLab and Bitbucket seems to have an easier and nice to use interface. This is mainly due to the fact that GitHub is the No1 choice for most of the Open Source projects. Developers out there are already famaliar to it's UX/UI and use it every day.

Another …
Chose GitHub
GitHub is the best platform to manage your source code. You can manage your CI/CD with different cloud service provider platforms and different languages. You can also create GHE for a number of organizations and repositories. Learning GitHub is easy and simple and supports …
Chose GitHub
GitHub has similar features but has much less adoption. Most developers we hire have used GitHub at previous roles, so no need to train anyone.
Chose GitHub
GitHub is like an end to end solution compared to Bitbucket from Atlassian. With regards to defect tracking in Git, professionals are comparing it with the likes of Jira. Also the newly added features of social networking make it a unique tool to connect with like minded …
Chose GitHub
The UI/UX on GitHub is by far the best. It's also the most commonly used, so most developers know how to use it without any onboarding or training.
Chose GitHub
Others not listed above, CVS, Microsoft SourceSafe. GitHub offers the most comprehensive offering, including Code Review, Open API, Wiki (just to mention a few) in a single package. GitHub is likely the most used repository in the world. It's fast, even with high user volume. …
Chose GitHub
Both are excellent applications perhaps, I like a bit more interfaces that offer Bitbucket but both have incredible power, both work with the same command base on the console, but in my opinion they have the same functions, which makes it practically the same to work with both, …
Chose GitHub
At the time to evaluation - Bitbucket was very tightly integrated into Atlassian’s suite of tools. For an organization that is starting out and looking to spend limited funds effectively - the cost/benefit of using that suite of tools usually doesn’t make sense. Granted things …
Chose GitHub
The biggest downside for other products is that the open source community just isn't there. The critical mass is in GitHub and this is very important for any public projects or public contributions.
Chose GitHub
Github provides an excellent quality of service. Compared to other services we have used the integration support for github is great, which helps us build our software faster. The ux is simple, fast, and effective. Once you have your org set up it is easy to control access to …
Chose GitLab
All these tools implement the Git and version control tools. But GitHub I personally like it more because the easy options available in GitHub is not present in any other version control tool. Like cherry pick, pull request.
Chose GitLab
GitLab is a self-hosted solution when compared with GitHub, but it has all the feature GitLab have. Overall this use case is the same, but I you do not want to store your code on the GitHub server, it is the best solution. Easily manageable but bound to resource restriction. …
Chose GitLab
Other solutions were studied, however GitHub being a SaaS solution causes security issues whithin many organizations.
Bitbucket on the other hand can be installed and maintained however it must require licensing purchases.
Although GitLab free version doesn't provide a lot of …
Chose GitLab
Although GitLab lacks some indexing service but it is well suited for big enterprises users for version control and ci/ cd pipeline. The user interface of GitHub is much better than GitLab. The search functionality of GitLab is far better than GitHub along multiple projects. …
Chose GitLab
We are coming from Bitbucket, and we switch to Gitlab to improve the source code management and the reading, which is better on Gitlab. The Merge request flow is also better than Bitbucket. This allows us to use Gitlab CI, which is well-integrated. Compared to GitHub, it is …
Chose GitLab
vs. AWS CodeCommit: As an AWS-centered organization, our teams have used AWS CodeCommit, the AWS native services that competes against GitLab. GitLab stacks better than CodeCommit even for development and CI/CD in the AWS ecosystem. It is more user-friendly, better version …
Chose GitLab
Actually there is no big difference between them it was a choice by our architects and i think its more professional tool than GitHub that is community
Chose GitLab
If you want a comprehensive platform with built-in CI/CD and deployment flexibility, GitLab might be your choice. If you prefer a broader ecosystem and a vibrant developer community, GitHub could be a good fit.
Chose GitLab
GitLab is rich in features and access control if compared with GitHub also GitHub stands no where in CI/CD if compared with GitLab.
GitLab CI/CD is mature, robust and far better than GitHub actions in all means.
If I talk about quality of support and reponse time of GitLab it is …
Chose GitLab
For small projects or companies that do work on a few only code repositories selecting one of the git code hosting services like GitLab, GitHub, Bitbicket etc does not make a big difference.

But, if you are on a code development company that handles too many repositories and …
Chose GitLab
GitHub is more open-source first and enterprise-first second in their approach. The reverse is true for GitLab. Both are exceptional products and it highly depends on the specific needs of an org
Chose GitLab
GitLab provides a far superior platform due to it's great integration and CI/CD focus. And while in the beginning the UI might look a bit overwhelming with use you will find it way more useful than it's competitors. The variables and settings also make way more sense and it's …
Chose GitLab
My feedback may not be important here because when I joined the company they already had GitLab and we still use it due to the ability to do CI/CD Integration, deployments, debugging, code owners approval, and Jira integration. So far we have not had any major blocker that has …
Chose GitLab
GitLab has a open-source community and great documentation that provides support resources and community contributions. AWS CodeCommit is used for integration with other AWS services in the AWS ecosystem and also have a low community and support compared to GitLab hence …
Chose GitLab
It was a management decision to use GitLab over other tools. It integrates well with RBAC using Terraform. Runners are easy to setup. Almost all the features the organization used before are available in GitLab.
Chose GitLab
1. Easier to use and setup then any other product.
2. CI/CD is also easier in GitLab
Chose GitLab
GitLab is easily the preferred tool when it comes to versioning and source control. With other tools the UI often feels outdated and clunky leading to inefficiency and confusion. With some of the sleeker tools such as GitKraken, while the aesthetic is pleasing, the experience …
Chose GitLab
GitLab is easy to access either from Linux or Windows tools. Better control from CMS or Linus shell. Better & Easy understanding of UIs even for freshers. Fast CLI executions & Better support forums in case of issues.
Chose GitLab
GitLab is full DevOps product compare with others as just VCS with other product integration. We will have control and security measures with us.
Chose GitLab
More developer & collaborators friendly ui and features.
Gitlab provides user to have Private repository.
Lots of third party integration which work smooth.
Chose GitLab
These tools do have quite a bit of crossover. However, with GitLab, we can set up our CI/CD pipeline more seamlessly as there are numerous workflows built straight into the tool. The last time I used GitLab this was not something it provided. Granted, it will work with outside …
Chose GitLab
We have chosen GitLab for simplicity, at the initial phases it does provide all the things we need but as the project is getting to the next stage we have trouble with pipelining and DevOps. So we moved to Azure DevOps later but overall GitLab is great for beginners it provides …
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Version Control Software Features
Comparison of Version Control Software Features features of Product A and Product B
1 Ratings
16% below category average
9 Ratings
22% above category average
Branching and Merging8.01 Ratings8.89 Ratings
Version History8.01 Ratings9.09 Ratings
Version Control Collaboration Tools8.01 Ratings8.37 Ratings
Pull Requests7.01 Ratings8.69 Ratings
Code Review Tools6.01 Ratings8.19 Ratings
Project Access Control2.01 Ratings9.09 Ratings
Automated Testing Integration3.01 Ratings7.49 Ratings
Issue Tracking Integration5.01 Ratings7.78 Ratings
Branch Protection5.01 Ratings9.39 Ratings
Best Alternatives
Small Businesses
Score 10.0 out of 10
Score 10.0 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 10.0 out of 10
Score 10.0 out of 10
Perforce Helix Core
Perforce Helix Core
Score 6.2 out of 10
Perforce Helix Core
Perforce Helix Core
Score 6.2 out of 10
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User Ratings
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(122 ratings)
(128 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(1 ratings)
(4 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(5 ratings)
Support Rating
(26 ratings)
(11 ratings)
User Testimonials
Likelihood to Recommend
GitHub is well suited for software development, GitHub is particularly well suited for software development projects, where teams need to collaborate on code, track changes, and review code changes. Also for open-source projects, GitHub is an ideal platform for open-source projects, where teams of developers from all over the world can collaborate on code and contribute to projects. For documentation, GitHub provides a platform for creating and sharing documentation, making it an ideal solution for teams that need to create and maintain documentation. On small and medium-sized teams GitHub is well suited as those teams that need to collaborate on software projects and track changes to their code.
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We started to use GitLab for hosting git source code repositories of our projects only but slowly we started to use it to store container images, packages, dependency proxy as well infrastucture registry and it is now well suited for Continuous Integration in our projects, It wasn't that good in Continuous Deployment before 12.0 version but after 12.0 it is amazingly good for Continuous Deployment as well since it keeps deployment information in a well organized manner which can be configure in ci yaml configuration.
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  • As a repository it's great. It houses almost all the open-source applications/code that anyone can fork and play with. A huge collection of sample codes available with problem statements across different domains make Github a one-stop location.
  • I use GitHub with Windows and the Git Bash is superb. It [is] a powerful alternative to the Command Prompt and Powershell. Allows me to run shell scripts and UNIX commands inside the terminal [on] a Windows PC.
  • GitHub integration with almost all cloud development/deployment platforms is amazing. Deploying a new application in Azure is really smooth. Just link the GitHub repositories and it's good to go. From automatic build to deployment everything is just amazing.
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  • GitLab excels in managing code versions, allowing easy tracking of changes, branch management, and merging contributions.
  • It helps maintain code stability and reliability, saving time and effort in the development or research workflow.
  • Powerful code review features, enabling collaboration and feedback among team members.
  • Robust project management features, including issue tracking, kanban boards, and milestones.
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  • When browsing history of a file, GitHub could make it easier to see the file after a particular commit instead of just being able to quickly view the commit. I'd like to be able to see the commit or the file itself in one click.
  • I would like to be able to view commits by user.
  • I would love to be able to traverse code on GitHub (go to definition, etc) - the good news here is that they are working on these features!
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  • CI variables management is sometimes hard to use, for example, with File type variables. The scope of each variable is also hard to guess.
  • Access Token: there are too many types (Personal, Project, global..), and it is hard to identify the scope and where it comes from once created.
  • Runners: auto-scaled runners are for the moment hard to put in place, and monitoring is not easy.
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Likelihood to Renew
GitHub's ease of use and continued investment into the Developer Experience have made it the de facto tool for our engineers to manage software changes. With new features that continue to come out, we have been able to consolidate several other SaaS solutions and reduce the number of tools required for each engineer to perform their job responsibilities.
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Gitlab is the best in its segment. They have a free version, they have open-source software, they provide a good service with their SaaS product, they are a fully-remote company since the beginning (which means they are fully distributed and have forward-thinking IMO). I would certainly recommend them to everyone.
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- Easy to use compared to other version control software. UI interface makes it easy to use, as well as protects against making a major mistake by deleting code, etc. - UI looks modern. - Support for multiple platforms, which I assume will only get better with time. - Student benefits are awesome! - The size limitations on their repositories make sense to me. Not too crazy but realistic from a business perspective.
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I find it easy to use, I haven't had to do the integration work, so that's why it is a 9/10, cause I can't speak to how easy that part was or the initial set up, but day to day use is great!
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Support Rating
It's a testament to how easy it is to use GitHub and how many others use it that you can pretty much find the answer to any problem you have by searching online. Consequently, I've never needed to use their support. It's an incredibly easy tool to set up initially, so it won't require much onboarding expertise to get started.
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At this point, I do not have much experience with Gitlab support as I have never had to engage them. They have documentation that is helpful, not quite as extensive as other documentation, but helpful nonetheless. They also seem to be relatively responsive on social media platforms (twitter) and really thrived when GitHub was acquired by Microsoft
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Alternatives Considered
At the time to evaluation - Bitbucket was very tightly integrated into Atlassian’s suite of tools. For an organization that is starting out and looking to spend limited funds effectively - the cost/benefit of using that suite of tools usually doesn’t make sense. Granted things may have changed since then (its been over 5 years) - but at the time GitHub was effective - and all prospective engineers knew about it and already had accounts. This made it very easy to add to the organization and not lose time in training, etc. Developers seem to really love GitHub above most other tools out there - so that plays into the decision making as well.
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GitLab is easily the preferred tool when it comes to versioning and source control. With other tools the UI often feels outdated and clunky leading to inefficiency and confusion. With some of the sleeker tools such as GitKraken, while the aesthetic is pleasing, the experience is plagued by a lack of support, lack of optional plugins, and a plethora of bugs that cause unnecessary legwork to resolve. GitLab is the best of both aesthetic and functionality
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Return on Investment
  • Github has increased our rate of code development, increasing our publishing rate. This helps bring attention to the research we are doing and ultimately brings in more funding for further research.
  • Because GitHub makes my team more efficient, we are able to put more hours into code development / report writing rather than agonizing over different versions of code created without version control software.
  • We use a paid version of GitHub, because we work through private repositories, but the increase in productivity, efficiency, and research progress is definitely worth the price.
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  • We were able to streamline our project's codebase which made us very organised and laid out a proper plan for development.
  • Our deployment and infra pipelines are well structured now making our process 10x faster.
  • We are more focused into project building rather infra, as infra is totally on autopilot mode. Which has enabled us to grow our ROI by records.
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GitLab Screenshots

Screenshot of GitLab, a comprehensive DevSecOps platform.Screenshot of Security DashboardScreenshot of Merge Request