Updated: September 13, 2023

Capitalized terms used herein without definition are used as defined in Treasure Data’s Terms of Service and Data Processing Addendum (both available here: https://www.treasuredata.com/terms/)

Treasure Data engages the Sub-processors listed below to process Personal Data on behalf of its Customers in accordance with the relevant Customer’s Documented Instructions. Sub-processors are subject to written agreements that contain confidentiality and security commitments, in substance the same as those in the DPA between Treasure Data and Customer with respect to the protection of Personal Data to the extent applicable to the nature of the services provided by the Sub-processor.  Treasure Data remains responsible for the acts and omissions of its Sub-processors pursuant to the DPA.

Customers may provide appropriate email contact details through Treasure Data’s subscription mechanism available on this webpage in order to receive notice of any new Sub-processor.

Duration of the Processing: all Sub-processors Process Personal Data until the earlier of: (i) the completion of the Processing provided by such Sub-processor; or (ii) the duration of the Agreement, subject to the terms of the Agreement.

General Sub-processors

The following entities may be used by Treasure Data for the performance of the Services for all its Customers:

Entity Name Subject matter of the Processing Nature and purpose of the Processing Headquarter location
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL All Personal Data in the Service Hosting services necessary for the delivery of the Service Luxemburg
Amazon Web Services, Inc. US
Treasure Data (Canada) Inc. Personal Data Processed from time to time in connection with the performance of the Services. Customer Support, technical and engineering services. Canada
Treasure Data (France) SAS France
Treasure Data KK Japan
Treasure Data (Korea) Ltd. South Korea
Treasure Data (UK) Ltd. UK
Treasure Data (India) Private Ltd. India
ADA Digital Singapore Pte. Ltd. Personal Data Processed from time to time in connection with the performance of Professional Services and/or account management. Account management and Professional Services for Customer in the Asia-Pacific region (excluding Japan). Singapore

Feature-specific Sub-processor

Depending on the scope of the Service provided to the Customer under the Agreement, the following entity is used by Treasure Data when providing its Service to the Customer:

Entity Name Subject matter of the Processing Nature and purpose of the Processing Headquarter location
Sisense, Inc. Personal Data analyzed by Customer by using the “Treasure Insights” functionality Temporary storage and analysis. Business intelligence tool that may be used by Customer as part of the Service. US

Sub-processors providing Customer-initiated support

The entities listed below provide tooling used for Customer-initiated support. These entities do not Process Personal Data unless the Customer shares it in the course of requesting Customer Support:

Entity Name Subject matter of the Processing Nature and purpose of the Processing Headquarter location
Zendesk, Inc. Personal Data included by Customer in requests for Customer Support Providing customer support tooling (ticket system) US
Google, LLC Personal Data included by Customer in requests for Customer Support Providing email delivery services US

Legacy Sub-processor

Depending on the scope of the Service provided to the Customer under the Agreement, the following entity is used by Treasure Data when providing its Service to certain existing Customers:

Entity Name Subject matter of the Processing Nature and purpose of the Processing Headquarter location
Slemma, Inc. Personal Data analyzed by Customer by using the “Treasure Reporting” functionality Temporary storage and analysis. Business intelligence tool that may be used by Customer as part of the Service. US

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