The Startup Onion

The Startup Onion podcast, hosted by Steven Drost, CSO of CodeBase, delves into the world of startup founders and peels back the layers of the whats, hows and whys of their startup journey.

The Host

The Startup Onion will usually be hosted by Steven Drost: two time entrepreneur, once successful, once failed. He has extensive experience of hiring, building revenues, selling companies, fund raising, and more. He has the scars and war stories to prove it.

He is currently the Chief Strategy Officer at CodeBase, and sees many startups per year. He loves to help business grow and network founders with peers, customers and investors.

It won’t always be Steven hosting, however. Keep an eye out for other hosts from the CodeBase community.

The Format

The Startup Onion delves into the various layers of a startup founder's experience, starting from their personal motivations and identity, and progressing outward to their startup and its connection to the broader market and society, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of each guest's unique journey and perspectives.

Listeners can gain valuable insights, inspiration, and a deeper appreciation for the multifaceted aspects of the startup world.

The Guests

The Startup Onion guests are primarily founders and entrepreneurs from a wide range of industries and stages of startup development.

The podcast aims to feature a diverse lineup of guests, representing different industries, backgrounds, and perspectives. It offers broad, compelling and unique stories and experiences, providing a well-rounded view of the startup world.

Want to get involved? Let us know if you would like to share your startup story.

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