Deliver Us The Moon Review

We are go for launch.
Deliver Us The Moon Header

Deliver Us The Moon does not paint a particularly pretty picture of this planet’s future. Set half-way through the 21st century, this sci-fi thriller starts off on a resource-depleted Earth struggling with constant blackouts and ongoing dust storms. The discovery of an abundant energy source on the Moon had helped humanity stave off the energy crisis with a reliable source of energy, but that supply suddenly stopped quite some time ago, plunging the planet into disaster. It’s up to you to find out what happened.

The story drops you right into the moment, setting the tone and mood for the journey as you are tasked with preparing a rocket for takeoff all by yourself. Deliver Us The Moon’s gameplay is a great mix of exploration, puzzle solving and platforming, all set against a rich narrative.

Exposition is primarily delivered through a number of in-game vignettes featuring a set of consistent characters throughout the game. Each vignette is well-written and delivered with believable performances, and although the storytelling is a little clunky in places, it’s the individual moments that kept me engaged right up until the end.

Deliver Us The Moon really shines during its dramatic set pieces. Having blasted off into space, you mission is quickly beset with further disaster on the fringes of the orbital space station, forcing you to race to the station and the safety of its airlock before time runs out. It’s clear that sci-fi epic Interstellar and a zero-G thriller Gravity both inspired the story here, and I absolutely loved that about it.

The way Deliver Us The Moon swaps between third and and first person also helps add an extra dramatic edge to some of the more explosive moments, placing you in the spacesuit to experience some of these events first-hand. It’s a small touch that really compliments your immersion in this world.

The PS4 Pro release isn’t without its issues, unfortunately. A 4K 30fps mode brings with it a number of framerate issues, with noticeable slowdown during moments that feature particle effects. There’s also the option to play in 1080p at 60fps, but that brings with it a noticeable drop in detail. There are some objects that look very fuzzy and blurry, which really takes you out of the moment.

There is also an issue with the way the game autosaves. At each checkpoint, Deliver Us The Moon freezes for a second (and sometimes longer) as it handles each automatic save. Again, it’s something that took me out of the moment on a number of occasions. Hopefully this can be fixed in the near future as it’s a real blemish on what is a fantastic visual experience.

What makes Deliver Us The Moon visually fantastic is its commitment to minor details. Your suit flashes with lights and numbers to indicate the level of oxygen, flash battery and whether you are sprinting or not. Staircases and scenery light up as you walk towards them, which really does make you feel like you are there, on the moon, exploring the isolated base.

The experience is also a delight on the audio front, with a fantastic array of foley sounds that all breathe life into the dilapidated moon base. A stellar, melancholic soundtrack adds extra depth to many of the game’s narrative peaks, as well as perfectly setting the tone during the more atmospheric moments.

Deliver Us The Moon really surprised me. It's a bit rough around the edges, but it's a fantastic sci-fi thriller that kept me gripped throughout. Deliver Us The Moon is a stellar experience which will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.
  • Gripping narrative
  • Unique visual design
  • Fantastic attention to detail
  • Performance issues across 4k and 1080p on PS4
  • Occasional poor textures
  • Momentary hitches during autosaves

1 Comment

  1. Sounds like a lot of fun. I love moon / space based things. It’s on Gamepass too so if / when I renew I’ll check it out (Gamepass currently on hiatus in our house as my son just goes from game to game without giving any of them a proper chance so I’ve let it lapse so he’s forced to play the other good stuff we already have – too much choice these days; sometimes I genuinely miss the days of the Speccy or ST when one game had to last until Christmas or birthday). While we’re living in a golden age of choice it’s not all rosy in my view. Apologies for going waaaay off topic there!

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