Techdirt Podcast Episode 397: The People Who Turn Lies Into Reality

from the checking-in dept

It was over six years ago when we last had Renée DiResta on the podcast for a detailed discussion about misinformation and disinformation on social media. Since then, she’s not only led extensive research on the subject, she’s also become a central figure in the fever-dream conspiracy theories of online disinformation peddlers. Her new book Invisible Rulers: The People Who Turn Lies Into Reality dives deep into the modern ecosystem of online disinformation, and she joins us again on this week’s episode to discuss the many things that have changed in the past six years.

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Comments on “Techdirt Podcast Episode 397: The People Who Turn Lies Into Reality”

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Valis (profile) says:

Capitalism is the root of the problem

When social media sites are solely driven by profit then of course you’re going to get them platforming disinformation. The USA needs to pivot to a democratic system, ie communism. The other factor is that white westerners are inherently racist and narcissistic. Here in Africa we have Ubuntu, “humanness”. Nobody is above anyone else. Westerners need to learn that, or our civilisation is doomed.

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